How to Grow Cape PrimroseStreptocarpus Garden Chronicle

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How to Grow Cape PrimroseStreptocarpus Garden Chronicle

November 20, 2023 by Kristine Lofgren Streptocarpus spp. Let's be honest, there aren't that many flowering houseplants. I love a pretty orchid or a peace lily as much as the next gardener, but even though they have long-lasting blooms, they don't compare to the floral show of a Cape primrose. Description Cape Primrose is a genus with over 150 species. The one most commonly known is the African Violet . If you know how to grow an African Violet successfully, you should have success with other species in the genera. The genus name, Streptocarpus, comes from the Greek. Strepto means 'twisted' and carpus means 'seed'. Available in a wide range of pretty colors, Streptocarpus (Cape Primroses) can be annuals, perennials or subshrubs, with lance-shaped to rounded leaves and showy clusters of trumpet-shaped flowers. Blooming heavily almost year-round, they can be quite spectacular. Native originally to Africa and Madagascar, Cape Primroses are closely related to the African violet and grow under similar conditions. The Streptocarpus, also known as the Cape Primrose plant, is a delicate evergreen hybrid featuring velvet flowers and striking, deep-veined leaves. As a relative of the African violet, the Cape Primrose keeps in bloom for several months of the year when treated properly and exposed to ample indirect lighting.

Streptocarpus 'Polka Dot Purple', Cape Primrose 'Polka Dot Purple' in

The Cape primrose ( Streptocarpus ), also known as African violet because of its origin, is a genus of plants in the gesneriad family ( Gesneriaceae) comprising about 135 different species. Many hybrid varieties are used as houseplants but are not entirely uncomplicated in terms of care. Origin and Distribution Streptocarpus (Image credit: MargarytaVakhterova ) By Anne Baley last updated March 27, 2023 If you love the look of African violets but find them a bit too difficult to grow, try a pot or two of their hardier cousins, the Streptocarpus or cape primrose. Cape Primroses, also known as Streptocarpus or Streps, have filled a niche as flowering houseplants for the home for many decades. Their velvety, long green leaves and floral sprays that rise above the foliage create a stunning plant for a windowsill garden. Light Level Streps are known for their ability to bloom in low light. Native to South Africa, Streptocarpus - or Cape primrose - are lovely house plants that are grown for their fresh green leaves and pretty, primrose-like flowers in the UK. The flowers come in a wide range of colours, from white to pink, blues and purples, lemon yellow and red, and they are often bi-coloured.

Streptocarpus 'Harlequin Blue' Cape Primrose (4.5" Pot) Little

Popular as a houseplant, Streptocarpus 'Harlequin Lace' (Cape Primrose) is a compact, evergreen perennial with small, velvety, wrinkled, strappy leaves and large magnificent flowers produced over several months. Cultivation notes. Streptocarpus (Cape primrose) are easy to cultivate in a well-lit spot in the house. African violets, formerly in their own botanical genus Saintpaulia are now included within Streptocarpus.However, their care is a little different from Cape primroses so see our page on African violets if you are growing these.. Spring/Summer. Keep in good light but do not expose to hot sun. Cape Primrose. Botanical Name: Streptocarpus x hibridus Cape Primrose is a showy relative of the African violet. You can expect months of blooms if you keep the soil lightly moist and give it bright, indirect light year-round. Hundreds of hybrids have been developed to offer some exciting new varieties with bigger flowers, longer blooming time, and more compact foliage. Streptocarpus, also known as Cape primrose, is a stunning flowering plant that can thrive indoors. With their elegant foliage and a wide array of colorful blooms, streptocarpus plants are sure to add a touch of beauty to any space.

Cape Primrose White Flower Farm

Streptocarpus includes upwards of 150 species that are native (only) to the African continent from Guinea and Sierra Leone on the west coast across to Sudan down to South Africa, plus Madagascar. 1 Streptocarpus (African Violet, Cape Primrose). (n.d.). North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox. I have seen it referred to as nodding violet, false violet, Cape violet and even, oddly enough, "Cape primrose." It's worth noting — especially for those with an interest in plant classifications — that in recent years taxonomists have re-classified the Streptocarpus genus and placed African violets in the Streptocarpella subgenus.