French Slang. Need to watch a few of these though. Ran into a really

French translation of 'though' Word Frequency though conjunction or adverb bien que Though it's raining. Bien qu'il pleuve. bien que has to be followed by a verb in the subjunctive. He's a nice person, though he's not very clever. Il est sympa, mais pas très malin. Collins Beginner's French-English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers. though - English-French Dictionary Voir également : Recherches récentes : Voir tout though Listen: UK:* /ˈðəʊ/ US: /ðoʊ/ , (ᵺō) définition | Synonymes anglais | collocations anglaises | Conjugaison [FR] | Conjugator [EN] | en contexte | images WordReference Collins WR Reverse (22) WordReference English-French Dictionary © 2024:

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though - French translation - Linguee Dictionary English-French though adverb cependant adv The restaurant was not expensive. The dinner, though, was delicious. Le restaurant n'était pas cher. Le dîner, cependant, était délicieux. pourtant adv I ate a lot; I was not very hungry, though. J'ai beaucoup mangé ; je n'avais pourtant pas très faim. adverb / ðoʊ/ used to add sth that makes a main statement seem less true or strong pourtant , cependant Everyone loved the show. I didn't like it, though. Tout le monde a adoré le spectacle. Pourtant, moi, je n'ai pas aimé. (Translation of though from the GLOBAL English-French Dictionary © 2016 K Dictionaries Ltd) What's the French word for though? Here's a list of translations. French Translation bien que More French words for though bien que conjunction although, while, albeit, despite the fact that, whereas cependant adverb nevertheless, nonetheless quoique conjunction albeit pourtant adverb nevertheless, nonetheless, even so, all the same, however good conj (=in spite of the fact that) bien que + subj , quoique + subj → Though he hadn't stopped working all day, he wasn't tired. → Gaelic has been a dying language for many years, though children are nowadays taught it in school. Though it's raining. Bien qu'il pleuve., Quoiqu'il pleuve. even though bien que + subj

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Translation for 'though' in the free English-French dictionary and many other French translations. though in French - English-French Dictionary | Glosbe English French Translation of "though" into French bien que, cependant, malgré are the top translations of "though" into French. Sample translated sentence: They sleep in separate bedrooms even though they're married. ↔ Ils dorment dans des chambres séparées, bien que mariés. though - Translation into French - examples English | Reverso Context Suggestions: even though as though though Translation of "though" in French Adverb / Other bien que mais même si cependant quoique toutefois malgré pourtant par contre alors que Show more He likes travelling, though with moderation and in comfort. Even though his oven is broken this chef still manages to make delicious meals. même si loc conj locution conjonction: groupe de mots qui servent de conjonction. Ex : "parce que", "depuis que" (en dépit du fait que) even though conj conjunction: Connects words, clauses, and sentences--for example, "and," "but," "because," "in order that."

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shows that it still offers good ser vice in French, even though a nu mber of shortcomings require correction. [.] doivent être corrigées. E ven though the ticket was wri tten in French, the officer was not able to provide services in this language. 1. Formal Ways to Say "Though" in French When speaking formally, you'll often need to express "though" in a more polished manner. Here are some formal equivalents commonly used in French: I. Cependant Cependant is an elegant way to express "though" in formal French. It denotes a contrast or reservation to a previous statement or idea. To express although/though in French, you use: bien que + Mode subjonctif ATTENTION: Do not confuse bien que (although) with expressions using bien followed by que (that): J'aimerais bien que tu fasses le petit-déjeuner. I would like you to make breakfast. -> Here it's the expression aimer bien (to like) followed by que. a feeling of caring about others pensée [ feminine ] The driver sped away with no thought for anyone in his way. Le conducteur est parti en trombe sans une pensée pour qui que ce soit sur son passage. thought [ past, past participle ] / θɔt/ See think (Translation of thought from the GLOBAL English-French Dictionary © 2016 K Dictionaries Ltd)

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Hier je croyais que c'était une fille. Sorry. I though you were still asleep. Excuse-moi, je croyais que tu dormais. I though I'm going to loose everything. J'ai pensé que j'allais tout perdre. I though you could use this. J'ai pensé que ça pourrait t'être utile. I though it was going really well. Synonymes : though, even though, despite, despite the fact that, in spite of the fact that, Suite. Discussions du forum dont le titre comprend le (s) mot (s) "although" : although although although - grammaire Although although / albeit / notwithstanding that although / despite although + subjunctive although a Canadian anglophone