A French Magazine for Early Childhood Toupie + Chansons — Intentional Mama

English translation of 'toupie' Word Frequency toupie [tupi ] feminine noun spinning top Collins French-English Dictionary © by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved. Video: pronunciation of toupie Examples of 'toupie' in a sentence toupie Example sentences from the Collins Corpus noun top[noun] a kind of toy that spins. (Translation of toupie from the PASSWORD French-English Dictionary © 2014 K Dictionaries Ltd) Browse touffu touiller toujours toupet

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n. spinning top Collaborative Dictionary French-English *** "toupie": examples and translations in context See how "toupie " is translated from French to English with more examples in context toupie translation in French - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'toupet, troupe, tourisme, touriste', examples, definition, conjugation toupie nf (jouet en forme de poire) top, spinning-top n : Faites tourner une toupie et les petits enfants s'émerveillent. Spin a top and small children will marvel. toupie nf (outil) (carpenter) spindle moulding-machine n (plumber) turn-pin n : Le menuisier exécute des moulures à l'aide d'une toupie. Wikipedia External sources (not reviewed) Many translated example sentences containing "toupie" - English-French dictionary and search engine for English translations. "toupie" in English volume_up toupie {f} EN volume_up spinning top whirligig whipping top spindle molder spindle moulder whipping-top volume_up toupie sifflante {f} EN volume_up humming top volume_up vieille toupie {f} EN volume_up old frump volume_up ronfler comme une toupie {vb} EN volume_up snore like a pig

A French Magazine for Early Childhood Toupie + Chansons — Intentional Mama

TOUPIE - Translation in English - bab.la Translation for 'toupie' in the free French-English dictionary and many other English translations. bab.laarrow_drop_down bab.la - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammarToggle navigationshare Translator Dictionary Conjugation Examples Phrasebook Word Finder in the PONS Dictionary Monolingual examples (not verified by PONS Editors) toupie in the Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary Translations for toupie in the French » English Dictionary (Go to English » French) Show summary of all matches toupie [tupi] N f 1. toupie (jouet): toupie top faire tourner une toupie to spin a top 2. toupie (en menuiserie): n. Ces jolies toupies en bois sont. These pretty wooden spinning tops are. L'artiste définit ses quatre sculptures de cônes et non de toupies. The artist calls her four sculptures cones rather than spinning tops. Le fait d'utiliser deux toupies (défonceuses) est également plus rapide. The fact of using two routers is also quicker. Inherited from Middle French toupie ("spinning top"), from Old French topoie ("spinning top"), probably from Frankish *topp ("spinning top"), uncertain whether from *tuppaz ("top, summit, peak"), if so then so called because the toy spins on its tip, which is the top. Cognate with Middle Dutch top, topp ("spinning top.

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Learn the translation for 'toupie' in LEO's ­English ⇔ French­ dictionary. With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio pronunciation and relevant forum discussions free vocabulary trainer . Translation of "toupie" into English. top, spinning top, whirligig are the top translations of "toupie" into English. Sample translated sentence: La toupie tournait dangereusement près du bord de la table. ↔ The top spun perilously close to the edge of the table. toupie noun feminine grammar. Translation of "toupie" in English Noun top spinning top router spinner dreidel spin button shaper spinning-top whirligig cement mixer Show more Intéressant pour sa finesse et notamment sa rare forme en toupie. Interesting for its finesse and particularly its rare shape in top. French English; toupie nom {f}: spinning top (a toy) noun [UK: ˈspɪn.ɪŋ tɒp] [US: ˈspɪn.ɪŋ ˈtɑːp] [Quebec] toupie à main nom {f} fidget spinner (stress-relieving toy) noun

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English French online dictionary Tureng, translate words and terms with different pronunciation options. spinner toupie concrete mixer truck camion toupie agitating truck. Meanings of "toupie" in English French Dictionary : 21 result(s) Category French English; Mathematics: 1: Mathematics: toupie [f] spinner: Construction: 2: Construction. Il a semblé tourner comme une toupie. It seemed to spin like a top. L'invention concerne une toupie multifonction. Disclosed herein is a multifunctional top. L'invention porte sur une toupie à commande magnétique. A magnetic control top is provided. Votre métabolisme est comme une toupie. Your metabolism is like a top.