21 Food That Are Rich in Vitamin K

Zumpano shares these 21 foods that are rich in vitamin K and are all-around good additions as part of your healthy eating plan: Food. Vitamin K content (in micrograms) Serving size. Nattō. Vitamin K is a group of compounds divided into two groups — K1 (phylloquinone) and K2 (menaquinone). Vitamin K1, the most common form, is mainly found in plant foods, especially dark leafy greens.

Vitamin K Foods, Supplements, Deficiency, Benefits, Side Effects

Foods high in vitamin K-1. 100 g of the following foods contain high levels of Vitamin K-1. cooked spinach - 540.7 mcg. cooked kale - 418.5 mcg. cooked mustard greens - 592.7 mcg. cooked. pickles. pumpkin. pine nuts. blueberries. 1. Kale. 565 mcg per 1/2 cup, cooked. Vitamin K helps in blood clotting by enabling your body to make proteins involved in the blood clotting process. These eight foods contain especially high levels of vitamin K: Natto. Popular in Japan, this fermented soybean is one of the richest sources of vitamin K available. Just 3 ounces of natto contain. More research is needed, but we do know vitamin K plays an important role in both blood clotting and bone strengthening. 1. Assists with blood clotting. One of vitamin K's most important jobs is.

21 Food That Are Rich in Vitamin K

Sources of Vitamin K Food. Food sources of phylloquinone include vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables, vegetable oils, and some fruits. Meat, dairy foods, and eggs contain low levels of phylloquinone but modest amounts of menaquinones [].Natto (a traditional Japanese food made from fermented soybeans) has high amounts of menaquinones [1,13]. 2. Eel. Though most vitamin K2 sources are animal-based, eel offers a seafood alternative. There are 63 micrograms in a 100-gram serving of eel, meeting your recommended level for the day. 3. Vitamin K is essential for blood clotting and healthy bones. It can be found in leafy greens, vegetable oils, and broccoli. Vitamin K is an essential nutrient that plays a critical role in blood. 90 micrograms/day. Women, pregnant or breastfeeding (under 19) 75 micrograms/day. Boys 14-18. 75 micrograms/day. Men 19 and up. 120 micrograms/day. There have been no adverse effects of vitamin K.

The main function of all types of vitamin K is to activate proteins

Vitamin K. Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin that comes in two forms. The main type is called phylloquinone, found in green leafy vegetables like collard greens, kale, and spinach. The other type, menaquinones, are found in some animal foods and fermented foods. Menaquinones can also be produced by bacteria in the human body. You can get recommended amounts of vitamin K by eating a variety of foods, including the following: Green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, kale, broccoli, and lettuce. Vegetable oils. Some fruits, such as blueberries and figs. Meat, cheese, eggs, and soybeans. Vitamin K is an essential vitamin. It is found in leafy green vegetables, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts. It's recommended that males over 19 years old consume 120 mcg daily, and females over 19. Vitamin K helps activate a protein called osteocalcin, which binds to calcium to build bones. That makes vitamin K an essential component of bone health. Some early studies are showing that.

Vitamin K Foods, Supplements, Deficiency, Benefits, Side Effects

Here are sample some food sources of vitamin K: 10 sprigs of parsley contains 90 micrograms (mcg) a 3-ounce serving of natto contains 850 mcg. a half-cup serving of frozen and boiled collard. Vitamin K. Menadione; Menaphthone; Menaquinone; Phylloquinone. Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin, so your body stores it in fat tissue and the liver. It is best known for its role in helping blood clot, or coagulate, properly. The "K" comes from its German name, Koagulationsvitamin. Vitamin K also plays an important role in bone health.