World Record Bluegill What’s The Biggest Ever Caught? Irvine Lake

The world record bluegill - a fish weighing 4 pounds and 12 ounces - was caught in 1950 in Ketona Lake, Alabama with a cane pole and common worms. Bluegill, a panfish native to most bodies of freshwater, typically grow to 4.5″-7″ in length and usually weigh less than a pound. The World Record Bluegill Has Stood for 70+ Years and Counting Fishing North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Fishing Why The World Record Bluegill May Never Be Topped By Travis Smola | November 16, 2022 There's something special about truly large panfish.

Meet the Alabama Angler on a Mission to Grow the WorldRecord Bluegill

Meet the Alabama Angler on a Mission to Grow the World-Record Bluegill | Outdoor Life Fishing Freshwater Panfish Fishing Bluegill Fishing Meet the Alabama Angler on a Mission to Grow (and Catch) the Next World-Record Bluegill They're growing 'em big down in 'Bama these days By: Dac Collins Posted on March 19, 2022 5 minute read Vote count: 155 Bluegill are the one of the most accessible, popular, and best tasting freshwater fish in the USA. Here is the record bluegill for every state in Amer The world record bluegill, referred to reverently as "Hudson's Hawg," came from an abandoned quarry system in Alabama known as the Ketona Lakes. A leak had caused the old dolomite mines to fill rapidly with spring water in the 1940's, and the lakes were born. One such noteworthy catch is the world-record bluegill, a freshwater fish species known for its distinctive appearance and feisty fighting spirit. Holding a long-standing record, the largest bluegill ever caught has been a topic of conversation and admiration among the fishing community for decades.

Current World Record Bluegill The Biggest Ever Caught

What is the World Record Bluegill? The International Game Fish Association (IGFA) inducted a bluegill, weighing an impressive 4 pounds 12 ounces, into their world records in 1950. Caught by T.S Hudson at Ketona Lake, Alabama, it measured 15 inches long with an astonishing girth of 18-¼ inches. The Fascinating Story of Two World-Record Bluegills These small panfish can be big fighters, making them one of the most sought-after fish species in America November 10, 2017 By Keith 'Catfish' Sutton Parvin holds up a homegrown coppernose bluegill. Sarah Parvin. And there's no doubt that the fish do well down here in the Heart of Dixie. The world-record bluegill is also the state record, and it came from a small lake near Birmingham, which is roughly 100 miles south of Huntsville. That fish, caught in 1950, weighed 4 pounds, 12 ounces. The Story of Record (and Near-Record) Bluegills After a huge 'gill caught by a kid in Okla. goes viral, we take a look at the biggest of the diminutive species. A near-record bluegill (2 pounds, 5 ounces) was caught recently by 13-year-old Joshua Thomas from a private pond near Tahlequah, Okla. The current record is 2 pounds, 6.4 ounces.

Current World Record Bluegill The Biggest Ever Caught

Bluegill World Record Caught: 1950 on Ketona Lakes in Alabama; Bluegill World Record Bait: Red worms, unweighted, cane pole; Other World Record Panfish. There are multiple types of bluegill and there are many other panfish that get confused with bluegill and are often misidentified sunfish. And because of this, some folks think the big red ears. Bluegills are found throughout much of North America and have even been introduced into Europe and South Africa. The second part of their Latin name, "macrochirus," is Greek and means "large hand." Pound-for-pound, they're known as tenacious scrappers. A hand-sized bluegill on ultralight tackle will give even the most seasoned anglers a thrill. The world record bluegill recorded by IGFA or the International Gamefish Association was caught in 1950 at Ketona Lake, Alabama. World Record Bluegill from Ketona Lake AL Read more about bluegills and the IGFA record with this link - It has been almost 69 years since a world record has been caught. In the past we've told you where we think the next world record largemouth bass and smallmouth bass will be caught. Here are our five best guesses for the all-tackle bluegill record to be broken. 1. Richmond Hill Lake, North Carolina Watch on

World Record Bluegill The Biggest Ever Caught!

According to the International Game Fish Association (IGFA), the world record blue gill must weigh at least 4 pounds, 12 ounces. The fish must be caught using ethical angling practices and must be weighed on a certified scale. Current World Record Holder. The current world record blue gill was caught by angler Taro Murata in 1950. The Pursuit of World Record Bluegill July 18, 2022 By Greg McCain The rocket scientists in Huntsville, AL, helped guide the country to the moon and back in the 1960s. Sarah Parvin's work in the north Alabama town may not be equal in scope, but her mission is still ambitious relative to the fishing world.