Conrad Adlmaier Blick in Die Zukunft_Voraussagungen Des Alois Irlmaier 1. Auflage Von 1950

The Prophecies Of Alois Irlmaier (1894-1959) (Unapproved) On this page statements of Alois Irlmaier are listed, which refer to a big war in the future. Conrad Adlmaier got these statements when discussing with Alois Irlmaier and published them later. In addition also statements are listed, which Conrad Adlmaier did not publish in his books, but. berndt-stephan-alois-irlmaier-ein-mann-sagt-was-er-sieht-der-seher Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t87h8fp2p Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 (Extended OCR) Pages 333 Ppi 300 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.3. plus-circle Add Review. comment. Reviews There are no reviews yet.

Alois Irlmaier Mystery Bücher Kopp Verlag

Frieden wird dann sein und eine gute Zeit. Nach der Katastrophe wird eine lange, glückliche Zeit kommen. Wer's erlebt, dem geht's gut, der kann sich glücklich preisen. Die landlosen Leute ziehen jetzt dahin, wo die Wüste entstanden ist. Jeder kann siedeln, wo er mag, und Land haben, soviel er bebauen kann. The cattle will fall, the grass is withered and yellow, the dead people are all yellow and black. The wind drives the clouds of death off to the east. Peace then, resettlement in empty areas. Then there will be peace and a good time. After the disaster a long, happy time will come. A third world war will begin in the Balkans from a simple spark when a migrant is stabbed. This is his prophecy of German Psychic Alois Irlmaier who died in 1959 under "strange" conditions. Before the events of the First World War, Alois Irlmeier was a simple well-builder and did not attract any attention to himself. Alois Irlmaier The best clairvoyant of modern times Alois Irlmaier was a seer of the highest quality that is born in 100 million people every century. He predicted the Kosovo war in a frighteningly dramatic way. Or the air raid on his hometown in April 1945 and the Russian invasion. This book is the result of months of research and

Alois Irlmaier Allitera Verlag

The events mentioned in the following article are not in the correct chronological order, but luckily for us somebody made the effort to translate what Irlmaier said. (1894-1959) - The Prophecies Of Alois Irlmaier. On this page statements of Alois Irlmaier are listed, which refer to a big war in the future. Alois Irlmaier (1894 - 1959) was a simple roman-catholic craftsman in the province Bavaria (Bayern) in the catholic south of Germany, near to the Austrian border. One day when he waited in a client's house for his client, Irlmaier watched a drawn picture of Our Lady in the room and suddenly he saw Our Lady leaning out of the picture. Alois Irlmaier was a normal man, living a normal life when he had a vision of Our Lady. She gave him no message per se. But thereafter he began having visions of the future, including being able to see which soldiers in WWII were alive in the field by looking at a photograph of the solder. He lived an unassuming life, generally speaking. Vielleicht bezieht sich diese Aussage auf die zurückliegende Finanzkrise oder aber einen bevorstehenden Finanzcrash. Andere Prophezeiungen von Alois Irlmaier beschäftigen sich mit einer Klimakrise: Er kündigte an, dass durch milde Winter die Ernten früher ausfallen würden. Dabei könnte Irlmaier auf die Folgen einer Klimakrise hingewiesen.

Notice bibliographique De Nostradamus à Alois Irlmaier conversations sur les prophéties

He lived during the second world war and even proved his gifts before court! Irlmaier vigorously warned of a third world war for over 10 years until his death in 1959. He claims this will mainly affect Europe but will also have an impact on Alaska, Canada an the USA. Tayala Léha fears: "the information threads" from her own visions and from. The future appeared to Irlmaier as in a movie, with only numbers appearing veiled, coded, or incomplete. He predicted his own death in July 1959. His last words were: "I am glad that I can go now, because I won't have to experience what I see.". As for his prophecy about World War III, he said the war will begin in the Middle East. Alois Irlmaier, der "Hellseher von Freilassing", * 8. Juni 1894 Scharam bei Siegsdorf, + 26. Juli 1959 Freilassing. Wünschelrutengänger, Brunnenbauer. 1914-1918 Teilnahme 1. Weltkrieg, verschüttet, Nervenschock. 1920 Heirat 4 Kinder, 1 Ziehsohn, ab 1928 selbständiger Installateur. Soll während Zweiten Weltkriegs Orte von. Sources :returntotradition.orgContact Me:Email: [email protected] My Work:Patreon

Alois Irlmaier Die Biografie des bayerischen Nostradamus FTW

Alois Irlmaier was born in Scharam near Siegsdorf in Upper Bavarian on June 8, 1894. The son of a farmer, he was a soldier in WWI (1914-1916). In 1920 he married Maria Schieslinger and raised four children with her, one of whom was a foster son. In that same year he took over the father's farm. Doku ↗ Doku über Alois Irlmaier; 3. Weltkrieg Amerika Bayern Berlin Beteigeuze Dreitägige Finsternis England Flüchtlinge Frankreich Glaube Inflation Italien Klima Monarchie Nachkriegszeit Natur Prag Revolution Russland Sichere Gebiete Vorzeichen Österreich. Die Vorzeichen des 3. Weltkriegs. @irlmaier.