American Akita Welpen Züchter

Standing 24 to 28 inches at the shoulder, Akitas have a dense coat that comes in several colors, including white. The head is broad and massive, and is balanced in the rear by a full, curled-over. The breed will groom itself like a cat, but daily brushing is still necessary, as is daily exercise. Akitas like to be "pack leader," so obedience training is also necessary for a harmonious household. The Akita was first registered with the AKC in 1972. The Akita Club of America is a member of the American Kennel Club and, as such, is the only.

American Akita Welpen (Akita Club e.V. Verein für Akita & American Akita)

The American Akita has a broad head and small, deep-set eyes, rather resembling a bear. Conversely, the Akita Inu, has a fox-like face and almond shaped eyes. Body shape also differs with the two breeds. The American Akita has a stocky, muscular body with big bones and the Akita Inu appears to have a slimmer build. A happy American Akita is one that has plenty of exercise, good nutrition, regular health check-ups, and above all, a loving and understanding family. When these elements align, you have a content, healthy Akita, a loyal companion who will stand by your side, come what may. Owning an American Akita is a responsibility that comes with countless. ACA Rescue - We Have The Best Support Around. The Akita Club of America Rescue has existed as a fund-raising committee of the Akita Club of America for many years. In 2017, it reorganized as a separate not-for-profit organization, now known as ACAR. The IRS approved and designated ACAR as a 501 (c)3 in September, 2017 and the organization began. Members of the American Kennel Club, American Akitas can grow to a size range between 24 and 28 inches and can weigh between 70 and 130 pounds. This article will take a look at the pros and cons of the American Akita, while we'll hear from The Spalding Pack (@thespaldingpack) to provide their insight into the breed based upon their experience.

American Akita, Akita Puppies, Dogs, for Sale, Price

Breed Pics & Characteristics. Shop our solutions →. The American Akita is a unique dog breed that resembles a bear. They have an aloof and willful personality that makes for an excellent watchdog and powerful guard dog. Akitas have been guarding since the 1600s, but American Akitas, in particular, have become the largest of these brave spirits. In addition to possessing a magnificent gait, the American Akita is an excellent companion dog, a superb show dog and a perfect guardian of property and family. This amazing Japanese dog therefore greatly benefits from being known. Height 61 to 71 cm. Weight 28 to 60 kg. Life expectancy 10 to 11 years. Akita Club of America Rescue (ACAR) is a 501 (c)3 nonprofit. ACAR existed as a fund-raising committee of the Akita Club of America for many years. With a goal to make a greater impact on rescue efforts, ACAR was reorganized in 2017 and became a separate not-for-profit organization. The ACA appointed a board to oversee the operations and. Fully-grown Akitas usually stand 24-28 inches tall and weigh 70-130 pounds. On average, females stand 24-26 inches tall and weigh 70-100 pounds while males stand 26-28 inches tall and weigh 100-130 pounds. Akitas generally live for 10-14 years on average. In Japan, a statue of an Akita is associated with health, happiness, and a long life.

American Akita Charakter, Haltung & Pflege Hund Rassebeschreibung

Breeder By Location List Julie Dunford, ACA Breeder Referral Program Chairperson E-mail: [email protected] Reminder: The ACA Breeder Listing Service is provided as a courtesy to its members and potential buyers. The ACA or its Officers do not recommend, guarantee, endorse, nor rate breeders, their kennels, or their stock. We also do Manuel Kuntz Göriker Weg 1 16866 Gumtow (OT Granzow) Tel.: 033977-80125 Mobil: 0173-8815955. Mail: [email protected] Web: Homepage Wir haben süße und gesunde American Akita Welpen in gute Hände abzugeben. Sie sind am 10.11.2023 geboren. Die Welpen werden entwurmt, geimpft, gechipt und Bekommen einen EU-Pass. Aufgezogen werden Sie bei uns im Haus und im Garten bei vollem Familienansch. 1.000 € VB. Weitere Hunde. Kleinanzeigen: American Akita, Hunde und Welpen kaufen oder verkaufen - Jetzt finden oder inserieren! eBay Kleinanzeigen ist jetzt Kleinanzeigen.

Akita Welpen (Akita Club e.V. Verein für Akita & American Akita)

Amerikanischer Akita. Seine Vorfahren stammen aus Japan und er hat sich in seinem Erscheinungsbild seit den 50er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts kaum verändert: Der Amerikanische Akita ist ein großer, wachsamer Hund, der im Kreise seiner Familie überaus anhänglich und angenehm ist. Mit anderen Hunden versteht sich der American-Akita eigentlich gut oder ignoriert diese, bei den Rüden kann es jedoch zu Dominanzverhalten gegenüber anderen Rüden kommen, wenn diese nicht ausreichend sozialisiert werden. American Akita kaufen und verkaufen Tierheimhunde, Rassehunde, Mischlinge und Welpen Jetzt Traumhund finden auf!