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" An Anna Blume " ("To Anna Flower" also translated as "To Eve Blossom") is a poem written by the German artist Kurt Schwitters in 1919. It has been described as a parody of a love poem, an emblem of the chaos and madness of the era, and as a harbinger of a new poetic language. [1] The poem 1. Backwards and forwards. 2. einen Vogel haben. 3. Have a bird. 4. Have a screw loose. Translation of 'An Anna Blume' by Kurt Schwitters (Kurt Schwitters) from German to English.


An Anna Blume ist ein Merz -Gedicht, das 1919 von Kurt Schwitters (1887-1948) verfasst und sehr aktiv verbreitet wurde. Schwitters schrieb mehrere Versionen. Eine davon verbreitete er 1920 als Werbung für seinen neuen Gedichtband an den Litfaßsäulen in Hannover, wo er lebte. Das Gedicht stammt aus der künstlerischen und literarischen. An Anna Blume (1932 recording) 10,034 views Jan 20, 2015 112 Dislike Share Save Kurt Schwitters - Topic 96 subscribers Provided to YouTube by The Orchard Enterprises An Anna Blume · Kurt. A fantastic poem from the era of Dadaism by Kurt Schwitters. I took the liberty of improvising music with my trombone and shooting a video in an incredible l. Kurt Schwitters 1887-1948 Title 'An Anna Blume' by Kurt Schwitters Date [c.1919] Description The poem was written by Schwitters in 1919. Format Document - writings Collection Tate Archive Acquisition Presented by Klaus Hinrichsen's family in 2005. Reference TGA 20052/2/26/1

An Anna Blume Von Kurt Schwitters from Stefan Wolpe buy now in the Stretta sheet music shop

An Anna BlumeKurt Schwitters KABARETT / German Cabaret Recordings / 1909 - 1931Buylinks Anna Blume is a visual poetry about the lust of a man chasing a woman. The story takes on surreal journey dictated by the mind of the poet. Lust and ingestion, disguised in love, drive the two characters to an end where love turns to be a very lonesome and strange place. "An Anna Blume" is a poem written by the German artist Kurt Schwitters in 1919. It has been described as a parody of a love poem, an emblem of the chaos and madness of the era, and as a harbinger of a new poetic language.[1] 1. Anna Blume has a bird. 2. Anna Blume is red. 3. What color is the bird? Blue is the color of your yellow hair. Red is the cooing of your green bird. You plain girl in an everyday dress, you dear. green animal, I love ya! - You thine thou yours, I you, you me - Us? That (incidentally) belongs in the ember box. Anna Blume! Anna, a-n-n-a, I.

„An Anna Blume“ von Kurt Schwitters Literaturmagazin

Anna Blume serves as an antidote to these perceptions of Schwitters; she is composed entirely of contradictions: at once, the object of his amorous and carnal desires, the 'uncounted' [ungezählt] woman who so singularly occupies his obsession and the ob- sessions of many critics, doctors, and protestors, and both a real and fictitious per. 1. Anna Blume hat ein Vogel, 2. Anna Blume ist rot. 3. Welche Farbe hat der Vogel? Blau ist die Farbe Deines gelben Haares, Rot ist die Farbe Deines grünen Vogels. Du schlichtes Mädchen im Alltagskleid, Du liebes grünes Tier, ich liebe Dir! Du Deiner Dich Dir, ich Dir, Du mir, ---- wir! Das gehört beiläufig in die ---- Glutenkiste. 3. What color is the screw? Blue is the colour of your yellow hair. Red is the thread of your green screw. You simple girl in simple dress, you dear green animal. I love your! you your thee thine, I your, you mine. -- we? This belongs (by the way) in the ashcan. Anna Blume! Anna, a-n-n-a, I trickle your name. Your name drips like soft tallow. " An Anna Blume " ("To Anna Flower" also translated as "To Eve Blossom") is a poem written by the German artist Kurt Schwitters in 1919. It has been described as a parody of a love poem, an emblem of the chaos and madness of the era, and as a harbinger of a new poetic language. [1] Contents The poem Publication of the artist's book Die Kathedrale

An Anna Blume (1932 recording) YouTube

"An Anna Blume" ("To Anna Flower" also translated as "To Eve Blossom") is a poem written in 1919 by German artist Kurt Schwitters. This poem is said to be a parody of love poems, which are symbols of chaos. And as a harbinger of the madness of the times and a new poetic language. Scholarly Articles The poem An Anna Blume von Kurt SchwittersEin Video von Markus Schwarz und Daniela Kohlmaiererstellt mit found footage