Endangered bats protected in Hohenfels Article The United States Army

German translation of 'bat' Word Frequency bat [bæt] noun (Zool) Fledermaus f to have bats in the belfry (inf) eine Meise or einen Sparren haben (inf) he ran/drove like a bat out of hell er lief/fuhr, wie wenn der Teufel hinter ihm her wäre (as) blind as a bat stockblind (inf) silly old bat (pej inf) alte Schrulle (pej inf) How to say bat in German What's the German word for bat? Here's a list of translations. German Translation Fledermaus More German words for bat der Schläger noun racket, club, racquet, beater, thug die Fledermaus noun bat schlagen verb beat, hit, strike, knock, defeat die Keule noun club, leg, mace, cudgel, haunch klappern verb

Endangered bats protected in Hohenfels Article The United States Army

Translation of bat - English-German dictionary bat noun /bӕt/ a shaped piece of wood etc for striking the ball in cricket, baseball, table-tennis etc der Schläger bat batted schlagen He bats with his left hand. to strike (the ball) with a bat schlagen She batted the ball. See also batsman BAT - Translation in German - bab.la Translation for 'bat' in the free English-German dictionary and many other German translations. bab.la - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar share person outlined_flagarrow_drop_down Website Language deDeutsch enEnglish [bæt] s Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) Schlagholz, Schläger, Schlagkeule Schläger Schlagen, Recht zum Schlagen Schläger Knüttel, Keule, Spazierstock, Stock Stockhieb, scharfer Schlag Schlegel, Stück, Klumpen, Kohlen-, Brandschiefer, Brocken minderwertige Baumwollwatte SchrittTempo Sauf-, Kneipentour What is the German word for "Bat"? American English bat German die Fledermaus More Wild Animals Vocabulary in German American English German ant die Ameise bear der Bär bee die Biene butterfly der Schmetterling camel das Dromedar cockroach die Kakerlake elephant der Elefant frog der Frosch monkey der Affe rat die Ratte shark der Hai snail

Animals Native to Germany

See how "bat " is translated from English to German with more examples in context bat translation in English - German Reverso dictionary, see also 'bat, cricket bat, fruit bat, bath', examples, definition, conjugation noun BAT ˈfile ex·ten·sion noun bat 1 [bæt] N 1. bat (animal): bat Fledermaus f 10 examples from the Internet 2. bat pej: an old bat eine alte Schrulle inf pej Phrases: Translation of "bat" into German Fledermaus, Schläger, Keule are the top translations of "bat" into German. Sample translated sentence: I bet, tomorrow you'll find a bad bat in your bed. ↔ Ich wette, dass du morgen eine schlimme Fledermaus in deinem Bett findest. bat verb noun grammar (obsolete) packsaddle [..] + Add translation battalion. battalion chief. battalion commander. battalion commanders. battalion consist. battalion headquarters. battalion of soldiers. Even more translations in the Japanese-English dictionary by bab.la. Translation for 'bats' in the free English-German dictionary and many other German translations.

common pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pipistrellus), holding on a finger, smallest german bat

English-German translation for: bat. English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you! Learn the translation for 'bat' in LEO's ­English ⇔ German­ dictionary. With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio pronunciation and relevant forum discussions free vocabulary trainer . noun BAT noun bit·ten I. transitive verb II. intransitive verb Bit·ten noun bat [ba:t] VB bat imp von bitten See also bitten BAT <-> [be:ʔa:ˈte:] N m kein pl BAT abbreviation of Bundesangestelltentarif BAT statutory salary scale See also Bundesangestelltentarif BAT N m Specialized Vocabulary Learn the translation for 'bats' in LEO's ­English ⇔ German­ dictionary. With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio pronunciation and relevant forum discussions free vocabulary trainer

Greater Mouseeared Bat (Myotis myotis), Germany Stock Photo Alamy

English Translation of "BAT" | The official Collins German-English Dictionary online. Over 100,000 English translations of German words and phrases. German: Sample sentences: The mobster shot his friend without batting an eye. Der Gangster erschoss seinen Freund ohne mit der Wimper zu zucken. He battered the lampshade with the baseball bat. Er schlug mit dem Baseballschläger auf den Lampenschirm ein. bat: Schläger; schlagen; Fledermaus: baseball bat: Baseball-Schläger: bat: Schläger.