Cassian Jeron Andor, born Kassa, is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise, primarily portrayed by actor Diego Luna. Introduced in the feature film Rogue One (2016) as a co-lead, he is the protagonist of the ongoing prequel television series Andor (2022-present). He begins his life as an orphan on the abandoned mining planet Kenari. Cassian Jeron Andor was a human male operative of the Alliance to Restore the Republic who was remembered as a hero after his sacrifice to secure the Galactic Empire's Death Star plans at the Battle of Scarif. An accomplished spy and assassin, Andor was well-respected within the Rebellion and was trusted with leading Alliance Intelligence missions by Alliance High Command. Originally a Kenari.
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Andor: Created by Tony Gilroy. With Diego Luna, Kyle Soller, Stellan Skarsgård, Genevieve O'Reilly. Prequel series to Star Wars' 'Rogue One'. In an era filled with danger, deception and intrigue, Cassian will embark on the path that is destined to turn him into a Rebel hero. Captain Andor: Hero of the Rebellion second and final season of Andor Rebel Alliance Jyn Erso Felicity Jones Luke Skywalker A New Hope Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Andor Andor: Brasso is. Cassian Andor in "Rogue One". "Rogue One," released in 2016, is a prequel to 1977's "A New Hope," the very first Star Wars movie. In "Rogue One," Cassian is an intelligence officer who's worked. Scarif An accomplished Alliance Intelligence officer with combat field experience, Captain Cassian Andor commands respect from his Rebel troops with his ability to keep a cool head under fire and complete his missions with minimal resources.
Captain Cassian Andor from Star Wars Rogue One Star Wars Rogue Captain Star Wars, Star wars
Cassian Andor was a survivor, a spy, and a fighter. Willing to do whatever the Rebel Alliance needed, Cassian often made unthinkable decisions at a moment's notice. His sacrifice in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story made every subsequent victory of the Rebellion possible. But who was Cassian Andor before his path crossed with Jyn Erso? Portrayed by Diego Luna Character information Full name Cassian Jeron Andor Other names Captain Andor Clem Keef Girgo Willix Aach Diego Luna's Captain Cassian Andor, from the planet Fest, was a high-level Rebel Intelligence officer who served under Mon Mothma. He opposed the Empire long before he formally joined the. You can get a 7-day free trial here. "Andor" is a 12-episode prequel spinoff starring Diego Luna reprising his role as the ex-Imperial officer now turned rebel starship captain Cassian Andor seen.
Cassian Andor by Sticklove on DeviantArt
Cassian Andor's Backstory Before Rogue One: What We Already Know. Captain Cassian Jeron Andor was born on the planet Kenari in 26BBY, making him only 26 years old when he sacrificed his life on Scarif in Rogue One. Growing up in the middle of the Clone Wars, Cassian had his first taste of the fight when he was only six years old and lost both. Description. advertisement. Mr. Luna's character is seen standing near Mon Mothma while she is speaking to Jyn Esro. He is wearing a jacket with the insignia of Captain.
Captain Cassian Andor has taken a bit of a backseat during the the pre-Rogue One analysis of of Jyn Erso and Director Orson Krennic, but he is indeed a vital part of the new standalone Star Wars. Kassa (birth name) Cassian Jeron Andor (legal name) Alias (es) Clem Keef Girgo Willix Aach Joreth Sward Fulcrum Origin Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Occupation Confederacy of Independent Systems Member (formerly) Insurrectionist Cell Child Soldier (formerly) Rebel Alliance Captain, Spy and Intelligence Officer Member of Rogue One Powers / Skills
According to Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, written by Pablo Hidalgo, Captain Cassian Andor has worked for the Rebel Alliance using at least four different aliases. AThe author gave fans a glimpse at some of the other names that Cassian has worked under while out in the field. Cassian Andor is one of Star Wars ' most compelling antiheroes, with a complicated timeline threaded through the Empire's reign. Introduced in Rogue One as a diehard Rebel who would gladly give his life in service of the Empire's defeat, Cassian was fleshed out in his own series, Andor, and turned out to be much more complex than that.