Cathédrale SaintÉtienne et son Trésor Musées de Sens

Saint-Étienne Cathedral ( French: Cathédrale Saint-Charles-de-Borromé de Saint-Étienne) is a Roman Catholic church dedicated to Saint Charles Borromeo, in Saint-Étienne, Loire, France . It has been the cathedral of the Diocese of Saint-Étienne since its creation on 26 December 1970. The Basilica and Cathedral of Saint-Étienne in Paris, on the Île de la Cité, was an early Christian church that preceded Notre-Dame de Paris. It was built in the 4th or 5th century, directly in front of the location of the modern cathedral, and just 250 meters from the royal palace. It became one of the wealthiest and most prestigious.

Cathédrale SaintÉtienne

Saint-Étienne Cathedral ( French: Cathédrale Saint-Charles-de-Borromé de Saint-Étienne) is a Roman Catholic church dedicated to Saint Charles Borromeo, in Saint-Étienne, Loire, France. It has been the cathedral of the Diocese of Saint-Étienne since its creation on 26 December 1970. La basilique Saint-Étienne de Paris était la cathédrale de l' évêque suffragant de Paris, depuis le IVe ou VIe siècle jusqu'à sa destruction entre 1160 et 1163 et la construction de l'actuelle cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris. Consacrée à saint Étienne, elle se trouvait à l'emplacement du parvis et des premières travées de la cathédrale actuelle 1 . Coordinates: 49.12°N 6.1754°E Metz Cathedral, is the cathedral of the Catholic Diocese of Metz, [2] the seat of the bishops of Metz. [3] It is dedicated to Saint Stephen. The diocese dates back at least to the 4th century and the present cathedral building was begun in the early 14th century. Allou, A., Notice historique et descriptive sur la cathédrale de Meaux, Meaux, 1871 Desbordes, M., "La troisième champagne de fouilles sous le choeur de la cathédrale de Meaux," Bulletin monumental, vol. 127:1, 1969, pp 27-33 Deshoulières, F., La cathédrale de Meaux: Ouvrage illustré de 36 gravures et 2 plans, Paris, 1925

Visiter la Cathédrale SaintEtienne (Stephansdom) à Vienne billets, tarifs, horaires

The three sculpted portals on the west façade of the Cathédrale St. Etienne date from several phases in the construction of the church. The north portal, depicting the life and martyrdom of St. John the Baptist, dates from the phase of construction occurring around the fire of 1184.. Henriet, Jacques, "La cathédrale Saint-Etienne de Sens. Toulouse Cathedral ( French: Cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Toulouse) is a Roman Catholic church located in the city of Toulouse, France. The cathedral is a national monument, and is the seat of the Archbishop of Toulouse . It has been listed since 1862 as a monument historique by the French Ministry of Culture. [1] History The Romanesque cathedral On parle de miracle. Il accueille le siège de l'évêque et devient en quelque sorte la première cathédrale de Metz, à l'intérieur même de celle-ci. On peut supposer que le sanctuaire de Saint-Étienne était relativement récent lors du sac de Metz par Attila . Other articles where Saint-Étienne is discussed: Western architecture: Early Gothic: In a building such as Sens Cathedral (begun c. 1140), the arcade is given prominence, but in Noyon (begun c. 1150) and Laon cathedrals the four elements mentioned above are all used, with the result that the arcade is comparatively small. Subsequently, the arcade came back into prominence with Bourges…

cathédrale saint étienne Archives Voyages Cartes

Sens Cathedral ( French: Cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Sens) is a Catholic cathedral in Sens in Burgundy, eastern France. The cathedral, dedicated to Saint Stephen, is the seat of the Archbishop of Sens . The western frontispiece of Bourges is articulated by a program of five sculpted portals. These portals are dedicated, from north to south, as follows: the northernmost portal is dedicated to William, a local saint; the portal just north of center is dedicated to the Virgin; in central position is a Last Judgment scheme; south of center is a St. Stephen theme; and a final local saint, Ursinus. Il s'agit des vestiges d'une Tenture de l'histoire de Saint Etienne, patron de la cathédrale, commandée par le chapitre vers 1532-34 auprès du licier Jehan Péchaut, sur les cartons de Charles et Cômes Pinfault. Elle fut augmentée par une commande de Jean Daffis, prévôt du chapitre, et tissée entre 1608 et 1661 par Jean Dumazet. Vallery-Radot, J., "La cathédrale Saint-Etienne. Les principaux textes de l'histoire de la construction," Congrès archéologique , 116, 1958, Auxerre, 40-55 Albi, Cathédrale Sainte-Cécile

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Other articles where Cathedral of Saint-Étienne is discussed: Auxerre: Auxerre's most notable landmark, the cathedral of Saint-Étienne (13th-16th-century Gothic), has three sculptured doorways and a rose window on the west front. A massive tower rises in the northwest corner. The early Gothic choir and the apsidal chapel contain some of the best 13th-century stained glass in France. Saint-Etienne Cathedral is a testimony to an architectural evolution spanning five centuries, more precisely, from the 12th to the 17th century. The construction began in Romanesque style and continued through the Gothic and Baroque periods. Over the course of 700 years, its history has been marked by a series of extensions, renovations and.