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Dann müssen Sie sich zunächst registrieren. Wenn Sie bereits Zugangsdaten bekommen haben, gehen Sie bitte folgendermaßen vor: Öffnen Sie Ihren Internet Browser,. Nun haben Sie eine Verknüpfung zu CLICK & LEARN 360° online auf Ihrem Desktop erstellt und können hiermit schnell auf die Lernplattform zugreifen. Zum Video-Tutorial. Embark on a journey across ClickLearn Universe. Article by ClickLearnCSM. View all. Getting started with ClickLearn. Getting started with ClickLearn Training & Support ClickLearn Universe. ClickLearn Attain. ClickLearn Classic. Learning Analytics. Implementation & Project Management. Sign up on our academy website, ClickLearn Universe, and embark on guided ClickLearn missions that guide you through your trajectory of learning, deep dive into specific topics, learn the skills you need to become an expert in creating world-class documentation, and certify yourself along the way. Join here Morten's Corner ClickLearn automates the process of creating written instructions, presentations, videos, and a virtual assistant in 45 languages in a single e-learning portal.

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ClickLearn is a Digital Adoption Platform. It starts by capturing work processes in enterprise software. From the captured processes, the platform auto-produces learning content in 7 formats and 45 languages. A customizable eLearning portal saves the content. Finally, it helps keep content and documentation evergreen and up-to-date with the. ClickLearn automates the process of creating written instructions, presentations, videos, and a virtual assistant in 45 languages in a single e-learning portal. Go to universe Support Still didn't find what you were looking for? Please reach out to us. Go to contact page Looking for a login to a ClickLearn system? Here you can find all the logins for learning portals, community, partner portal and more. Download Classic Studio Do you wanna download the ClickLearn studio? In this page you can find guides and where to download ClickLearn Studio - both Classic and Attain.

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ClickLearn documentation. Here at ClickLearn, we know that our customers are keen to make our product and services as self-service as possible. We're still ready and waiting to support you as much as you need us too - but perhaps you can find what you need, when you need it in our online documentation? Please browse at your leisure! Click through your work processes to automatically capture and create your documentation and training material. It works cross-platform from Excel, ERPs, into web browsers - and beyond. What would take a typical training resource an entire day now only takes us two hours. This allows us to do more, while also creating better training.