EvangelischTheologische Fakultät der Universität Bonn Religionspädagogischer Materialpool

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Uni Bonn myStipendium

Dem Kommunikationsserver von uni-bonn.de! Willkommen bei CommuniGate Pro. E-Mail-Adresse. Kennwort. Layout The CommuniGate Pro Server provides Web (HTTP/HTML) access to user accounts. The WebUser component works via the HTTP module and allows users to read and compose messages and to perform account and Mailbox management tasks using any Web browser. Even if you prefer a regular POP or IMAP mail client, the WebUser Interface can be used to access. Welcome to CommuniGate Pro, the Unified Internet Communication Server. Based on open standards, CommuniGate Pro provides an integrated platform for Store-and-Forward (E-mail, Calendaring) and Real-Time (VoIP, Video, Instant Messaging, White Boards) communications over IPv4 and IPv6 networks. CommuniGate Pro can be used via its built-in WebUser. create the dd-customer account (actual name is not relevant) in your CommuniGate Pro server Main Domain and assign some password to that account; add the following record to the CommuniGate Pro Router : domain.dom = dd-customer.local.

PromotionAktionen an der Uni Bonn ErstiTaschen

Web Client. Username: Password: Stay signed in. Version: Default Advanced (Ajax) Standard (HTML) Mobile. Note that your web browser or display does not fully support the Advanced version. We strongly recommend that you use the Standard client. Zimbra :: the leader in open source messaging and collaboration :: Blog - Wiki - Forums. Ehemalige Angehörige der Universität Bonn dürfen eine Uni Bonn-E-Mail-Adresse als Weiterleitung auf ihre private E-Mail-Adresse behalten. Sie haben damit allerdings aus rechtlichen Gründen keinen Zugriff auf den E-Mail-Service der Universität Bonn, sondern bekommen lediglich eingehende E-Mails weitergeleitet. E-Mail. All members of the University of Bonn receive an e-mail box with an e-mail address in the form [email protected]. In addition, you can create two alias names. Information relevant to studies and work will be delivered to this mailbox. First, make sure that the Time Zone ( +nnnn or -nnnn ) is the correct one. Then, check the displayed Server Time. If any of these parameters are incorrect, fix your Server OS settings. You may have to restart the OS and/or the CommuniGate Pro Server to active the new OS time settings. If the Server Time is specified correctly, select the Time.

Buch zum Jubiläum So wurde die Uni Bonn zu einem Mekka der Wissenschaften

University Communications organizes the central communication activities of the University of Bonn and is responsible for maintaining and developing its communication channels. We help to establish good, successful communications between members of the University, the media and the public, thereby assisting the University in fulfilling its. The University of Bonn, officially the Rhenish Friedrich Wilhelm University of Bonn (German: Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn), is a public research university located in Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.It was founded in its present form as the Rhein-Universität (English: Rhine University) on 18 October 1818 by Frederick William III, as the linear successor of the. Welcome to the University of Bonn. Since 2019, the University of Bonn is one of only 11 German Universities of Excellence and the only German university with six Clusters of Excellence. With a strong record of disciplinary excellence and a number of Transdisciplinary Research Areas, the University of Bonn supports the achievement of excellence. Jan 03, 2024. University of Bonn expresses sympathy to partner university in Prague. The Management of the University of Bonn has issued the following statement on the attack at Charles University in Prague, in which several people were killed and many injured on December 21: "We are shocked by the cruel attack on innocent people at our long.

Fachschaftsvertretung (FSV) Fachschaft VWL Universität Bonn

The University of Bonn itself produces video clips on various topics and communicates them multimedially on their own channel uni-bonn.tv. Klaus Herkenrath [email protected] +49 228 73-9464. Coordinator for uni-bonn.tv +49 228 73-9464. Communications Assistants What would we do without them?. Beschäftigte und Studierende der Universität Bonn können sich hier mit ihrer Uni-ID für die Nutzung der Campuslizenz der Universität Bonn registrieren. Doktorand*innen und Studentische Hilfskräfte nutzen bitte ihre Studierenden-Uni-ID, auch wenn Sie zusätzlich eine Mitarbeiter*innen-Uni-ID haben.