Jap.BlumenHartriegel Beni Fuji Cornus kousa Beni Fuji günstig kaufen

Cornus kousa 'Beni-fuji' kousa 'Beni-fuji' A small, spreading tree growing to about 4m in height. The dark green, oval leaves have red stems and midribs, and turn purple and red in autumn. Tight clusters of small, greenish flowers, are surrounded by pointed, deep pink bracts, and followed by edible, deep pink, strawberry-like fruit Cornus kousa 'Beni-fuji' Cornus kousa 'Beni-fuji' (Kousa 'Beni-fuji') Other names: Szechuan cherry 'Beni-fuji', Cornus kousa 'Beni Fuji', Szechuan strawberry 'Beni-fuji', Japanese dogwood 'Beni-fuji', Chinese dogwood 'Beni-fuji' ShootChecker™ STOP: Make sure you get the "Right Plant, Right Place."

Japanischer BlumenHartriegel 'Beni Fuji' Cornus kousa 'Beni Fuji' Baumschule Horstmann

($22.50 at nursery) 9 estimated available Size Quantity Add to Cart Click here for more info about our plant & pot sizes. More delicate and slow-growing than most Kousa cultivars, 'Beni Fuji' produces copious small, narrow, deep pink bracts in mid-spring. Those "flowers" are followed by green mace-shaped fruits that ripen to red round balls. Cultivar Bract color Foliage 'Beni Fuji' [15] The deepest red-pink bracts of any cultivar. The color may not be as strong in warm summer areas. 'Elizabeth Lustgarten' and 'Lustgarten Weeping' [15] Notable for weeping habit, grow to 15' with branches that arch downwards. The habit is rounded and gentle, a mature specimen is attractive. Product Description Delivery Mail Order Forms CONNOISSEUR'S SELECTION A striking variety of Cornus kousa with pink bracts in June against deep green foliage. Leaves turn to orange and red in autumn. Cornus kousa and its cultivars give a stunning display of flowers in late Spring often followed later by spectacular autumn foliage colour. Cornus kousa 'Beni Fuji' is a broadleaf deciduous tree with pink and green flowers in summer followed by red and pink fruit. It can grow 12 FT - 15 FT - wide, 15 FT - 20 FT - tall. It contributes glossy texture to the garden. Grows best in well-drained, rich, acidic and average soil. In need of something verticillium wilt resistant? This may be a good option.

Jap.BlumenHartriegel Beni Fuji Cornus kousa Beni Fuji günstig kaufen

Detailed Description Product Details Related products A medium sized to large shrub, Cornus kousa 'Beni-fuji' has masses of narrow, pointed pink flower bracts in early to mid summer. The leaves are dark green with handsome orange and red autumn tints before they fall in October. Description: Cornus kousa 'Beni Fuji' is an elegant, deciduous, large shrub or small tree with green, ribbed leaves, turning red and purple in autumn. Produces a profusion of light pink bracts which go a deeper pink as they age, followed by red fruits in autumn. Cornus Growing Tips: Thrives in fertile, humus-rich, neutral to acid soil. Arboretum Explorer Taxon Cornus kousa 'Beni Fuji' Common name: Beni Fuji kousa dogwood Family: Cornaceae (dogwood family) Distribution: Species native to e. Asia Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Life form: Deciduous tree Plant Patent Info.: PP8,676; 5 April, 1994 Comments: A spreading, deciduous shrubby flowering tree, 20' high with equal spread. Plant database entry for Japanese Dogwood (Cornus kousa subsp. kousa 'Beni Fuji') with 4 images and 19 data details.

Cornus kousa Benifuji Buy Pink Flowering Dogwood Trees & Shrubs

The Cornus kousa 'Beni Fuji' is a stunning variety of Kousa Dogwood. It features profuse dark red flowers that cover the tree in late spring and transition to pinkish-red fruit in the fall. The foliage is green, turning vibrant shades of red and purple in autumn. This Kousa Dogwood cultivar is renowned for its striking floral display and. Cornus kousa 'Beni fuji' is a beautiful Pink Flowering Chinese dogwood. A purchase of Cornus kousa 'Beni fuji' Pink Flowering Chinese Dogwood is a true investment in your yard! Cornus kousa 'Beni fuji' Pink Flowering Chinese Dogwood is the pink red flowering Chinese dogwood for you. Species: Cornus kousa (kore'nus koo'sah) Kousa Dogwood Cultivar Information This species has many cultivars and varieties. Far more resistant to anthracnose and powdery mildew. Beni Fuji 'Beni Fuji' - pink flowers Blue Shadow 'Blue Shadow' - blue-green foliage Big Apple 'Big Apple' - bears particularly large fruits Cornus kousa 'Beni-fuji' is a cultivar with small and pointy red bracts. It flowers abundantly and has a high flowering probability. The leaves are darkgreen and the underside of the main vains colors light orange. In Autumn, the leaves color red and orange. Cornus kousa 'Beni-fuji' grows in to a small and compact brush.

Cornus kousa Benifuji, Koreansk Blomsterkornell, 6080 C5

Cornus kousa 'Beni-fuji' is a pink/red flowering Dogwood tree with purple autumn colour. Buy from specialist nursery with 97% review score & nationwide delivery. Cornus kousa 'Beni-fuji' boasts glossy-green leaves, adding to its overall beauty. When young, it has an elegant vase-shaped structure, which becomes more rounded as it matures. During the spring, Cornus kousa 'Beni-fuji' produces deep-pink flowers, making for a lovely display. In the autumn, the leaves of Cornus kousa 'Beni-fuji' turn into.