Nightbrothers. Pure warriors. Mother has chosen well. ―Maul , was the during the last years of the , living on the [12] [12] Talzin gave birth to a son named [2] and at some point, she gave birth to two other sons, [13] [14] Brothers separated You have been well-trained, my young apprentice. ―Darth Sidious, to Darth Maul Darth Maul was a Force-sensitive male Dathomirian Zabrak Dark Lord of the Sith who lived during the waning years of the Galactic Republic and during the early years of the reign of the Empire. Originally a Dathomiri Nightbrother born on Dathomir and known only as Maul, the infant Maul was given by his Nightsister mother to the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, who trained him in the ways of the dark.
Dath Maul & his brother Savage Opress Star wars clone wars, Star wars, Star wars history
Darth Maul is a Zabrak from Dathomir who is abducted by Sidious as a child and trained in the ways of the dark side of the Force. He kills Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn during the Battle of Naboo before being bisected by Qui-Gon's apprentice, Obi-Wan. Dathomiri Geschlecht Männlich Hautfarbe Rot Augenfarbe Rot/Gelb Körpergröße 1,75 Meter 2,13 Meter (Nach der Rehabilitation) Körpermasse 81 Kilogramm Besondere Merkmale Tätowierungen am ganzen Körper Später Beine aus Droidenschrott Biografische Daten Geburtsdatum 54 VSY ( 19GrS) Heimat Iridonia (Geburt) 54 BBY, Dathomir Died 2 BBY, Tatooine Descriptive information Species Zabrak ( Dathomirian) Gender Male Pronouns Darth Maul | Maul A deadly, agile Sith Lord trained by the evil Darth Sidious, Darth Maul was a formidable warrior and scheming mastermind. He wielded an intimidating double-bladed lightsaber and fought with a menacing ferocity.
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This is similar to the conflict between Talzin, Dooku, and Sidious, but it's also similar to Maul's own relationship with Darth Sidious. Sidious trusted Maul to carry out important missions like capturing Queen Amidala. Sidious tempted Maul with the idea of revenge and fed his ego, saying "You have been well trained, my apprentice. The child who will eventually become Darth Maul is born on the planet Dathomir, a world controlled by a matriarchal order of dark side Force users known as the Nightsisters. Maul grows up in. Opress locates an animalistic Darth Maul attached to a robot spider body, roaming the wasteland in rabid isolation. This episode takes place 12 years after The Phantom Menace, coming very close to. The Wrath of Darth Maul is one of a series of YA novels recounting the history of various Star Wars icons. Fortunately, Lucasfilm has a strong track record when it comes to publishing YA books.
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Darth Maul, later known as just Maul, is a major antagonist in the Star Wars franchise. A Dathomirian Zabrak Nightbrother male from Dathomir, he was a Sith lord and the first apprentice of Darth Sidious prior to the Battle of Naboo and his abandonment by his former master. After being left for dead on Naboo, Maul later resurfaced during the Clone Wars and sought revenge against all who had. In the final days of the Clone Wars, Maul is ousted by Republic forces led by Ahsoka Tano and Captain Rex. Ahsoka and Maul duel briefly during the battle, before Maul escapes into exile once again. A new chapter in Darth Maul's history was added during 2020's seventh and final season of The Clone Wars. Set during the events of Revenge of the.
Darth Maul called his fighter the Nightbrother -- it was a Gauntlet starfighter in the Mandalorian tradition, but customized with a black and red color scheme and other modifications. Like other Gauntlets, it featured rotating wings, a large hull, and was armed with two forward laser cannons and a pair of rearward facing cannons. When it came time for Darth Maul to return to the big screen for Solo: A Star Wars Story 's shocking cameo, the character again became a synthesis of two performances, this time Ray Park and Sam.
Darth Maul has had one complicated timeline in the Star Wars universe. Following the Sith lord through The Phantom Menace, finding new life in Star Wars The Clone Wars, becoming a crime lord in Solo, and meeting his end in Star Wars Rebels, can be hard to follow. But don't worry, IGN is here to help. Maul's story started long before his first encounter with Jedi masters Obi Wan Kenobi and Qui. Darth Maul Was On Dathomir During Fallen Order. E.K. Johnston's Star Wars novel Crimson Climb confirms that Darth Maul had a base of operations on Dathomir during the events of Fallen Order. Crimson Climb, which hit shelves on October 10, 2023, tells the origin story of Qi'ra, a crime lord who debuted in the 2018 film Solo: A Star Wars Story.