DutZ THICK MUSTARD Deko Glas Topf Vase Grün Gelb Windlicht Groß Rund Sommer Deko

Each vase, bowl, pot, candle holder, candle glass, drinking glass or carafe is the result of dedicated craftsmanship of the glassmakers from our Eastern European factories.. At DutZ collection we find a high quality, handcrafted product where both the price-performance ratio and the quality are right. 100% craftsmanship - that suits us! We. GLASVASEN. Die DutZ Kollektion ist seit vielen Jahren für ihre handwerklich mundgeblasenen Glaswaren bekannt. Jede Glasvase aus der DutZ Kollektion wurde mit viel Liebe und Leidenschaft für das Glasbläserhandwerk von echten Kunsthandwerkern geschaffen. DutZ-Vasen sind Glasgefäße, die in einer großen Vielfalt an Farben hergestellt werden.

DutZ©Collection gelbe Vasen

Each vase, bowl, pot, candle holder, candle glass, drinking glass or carafe is the result of dedicated craftsmanship of the glassmakers from our Eastern European factories. Each item is mouth blown and hand-formed. What does DutZ mean ? DutZ is an abbreviation of durf uitgesproken te zijn, which can be translated as dare to be distinct. DutZ collection has been known for many years for its artisan mouthblown glassware. Every glass vase from the DutZ Collection has been created with a lot of love and passion for the glassblowing craft by true artisan craftsmen. DutZ vases are glass vessels that are made in a large variety of colours. This way you will always find what you're. dutz kennenlernen. Bei DutZ finden Sie eine große Leidenschaft für mundgeblasenem Glas. Jede Vase, Schale, Topf, Leuchter, Windlicht, Kerzenglas, Trinkglas oder Karaffe ist das Ergebnis der liebevollen Handwerkskunst der Glasmacher aus unseren osteuropäischen Glasfabriken. Jeder Artikel ist mundgeblasen und von Hand geformt. About DutZ. Mouth blown glass is our passion. Each vase, bowl, pot, candle holder, candle glass, drinking glass or carafe is the result of dedicated craftsmanship of the glassmakers from our Eastern European factories. Each item is mouth blown and hand-formed.

Dutz Vase CYLINDER 5, Mais Gelb, 32 cm hoch, 9 cm tief, Glas rund 8716805089004 eBay

Bei DutZ finden Sie eine große Leidenschaft für mundgeblasenem Glas. Jede Vase, Schale, Topf, Leuchter, Windlicht, Kerzenglas, Trinkglas oder Karaffe ist das Ergebnis der liebevollen Handwerkskunst der Glasmacher aus unseren osteuropäischen Glasfabriken. Jeder Artikel ist mundgeblasen und von Hand geformt. DutZ vases fit in every interior. The colour of this DutZ vase is clear. - Mouth blown. - Thick glass. - Blown in Europe. - Available in three sizes. DutZ vases are unique! Every glass jar is mouth blown by glassblowers from our European glass factories. Each product can therefore differ slightly in colour and shape from the images. Each vase, bowl, pot, candle holder, candle glass, drinking glass or carafe is the result of dedicated craftsmanship of the glassmakers from our Eastern European factories.. Feel free to browse through it and enjoy all the beautiful mouth-blown glassware from DutZ Collection. We realise that our collection can sometimes be overwhelming. Glass hurricane vases are also very beautiful during sultry summer evenings on your patio table. Enjoy long dinner sessions or soulful lounging evenings bathed in expressive light of a candle inside these glass lanterns vases; just beautiful! Glass hurricane vases come in all shapes and sizes. In our collection we feature a more classic design.

DutZ Vase ROBERT H37,5 Ø11cm / jade Garten von Ehren Qualität seit 1865 Garten von Ehren

The brand DutZ collection was founded in 2006. DutZ collection is owned by the company Nethroma. The launch of Nethroma took place in 1996 in IJsselmuiden, near Kampen. In fact, everything started after the fall of communism in Eastern Europe. Berno van Dooren and Bastiaan Kommers found a few glass factories during several trips to Romania. DutZ Collection, Kampen, Netherlands. 6,025 likes · 83 talking about this. Mouth blown glass is our passion. Each vase, bowl, pot, candle holder, candle glass. DutZ collection has many glass vases in the collection in different colours. This model is a real hit in the collection. These single flower DutZ vases fit in every interior. The colour of this DutZ vase is junglegreen. - Mouth blown - Thick glass - Blown in Europe - Available in one size DutZ vases are unique! Every glass jar is mouth blown by. DutZ Collection is an ever-changing range of handcrafted mouth blown glass vases, plant pots and glassware. Download our latest catalogue to be inspired by our range of vases, pots, bowls, cylinders, glasses and much more. DutZ [collection] UK is a Trade Only wholesale B2B company and unfortunately do not take private orders.

Vase Dutz LOUCK 1 navy DutZ Glas & Keramikwaren Deko & Zubehör Garten von Ehren

DutZ Vase RONDO S | Corn Yellow | H17 cm D 14 cm | mundgeblasenes Glas € 36,90 Weiterlesen; DutZ Vase RONDO S | creme | H17 cm D 14 cm | mundgeblasenes Glas € 36,90 In den Warenkorb; DutZ Vase RONDO S | flamingo | H17 cm D 14 cm | mundgeblasenes Glas € 36,90 In den Warenkorb; DutZ Vase RONDO S | rasberry | H17 cm D 14 cm | mundgeblasenes Glas Every vase and pot of the DutZ Collection is mouth blown with lots of love and sculpted by hand. Every small air bubble and every minuscule difference in dimensions gives your favourite DutZ vase its own distinct character. That's DutZ: Dare To Be Outspoken! SERENITY. view the serenity theme. Top.