The emotion code chart wbjoker

A feeling of being wrong, defective or disreputable. The painful feeling of having done or experienced something dishonorable, improper or foolish; disgrace; humiliation; a cause for regret. The lowest vibration of all the emotions. Leads to guilt, depression and even suicide. The Emotion Code Chart is designed to make it much easier for you to communicate with your subconscious mind in order to determine if an emotion is trapped, which emotion it is, and then release the identified emotion. Each stuck energy needs to be identified through the Emotion Code Chart and then released individually.

The emotion code chart wbjoker

Emotion Code Chart (PDF Template) Emotions are powerful forces that can impact our lives and impact the outcomes of our best efforts. Dr. Bradley Nelson developed a system for identifying trapped emotions so they can be dealt with and released. Title: 2021-Chart of EmotionsEN-EmotionCode-Light Author: Dr. Bradley Nelson Created Date: 2/10/2021 11:05:03 AM The Emotion Code Chart PDF categorizes over 400 detrimental trapped emotions like anger, apathy, betrayal, frustration, greed, hatred, jealousy, stress, and more. Each emotion is assigned to one of 60 columns corresponding to physical areas, relationships, thought patterns, or characteristics. The Emotion Code Is an Energy Balancing Modality that releases your trapped and toxic Emotions, and can replace them with abundant Health, Love and Happiness! Emotional Baggage Some people have more then others What are Emotions?

The 'Emotion Chart' My Therapist Gave Me That I Didn't Know I Needed Light On Anxiety

The Emotion Code ™ Definitions of Emotions Humiliation: A painful loss of pride, dignity or self-respect; to feel mortified; embarrassed. Indecisiveness: An inability to make a decision; wavering back and forth between one choice or another. Stems from distrust of the self or doubting the ability to make a good decision. "The healing journey with the Emotion Code changed my life and has changed the lives of so many others! It can change yours as well. The results by far outweigh the tiny effort you need to put in! It is absolutely worth it." —DR. SUSANNE HUFNAGEL, M.D. (Germany), certified Emotion Code and Body Code practitioner Emotion Code Chart GER.pages. Die Emotionscode-Tabelle. Die Emotionscode-Tabelle. Die Emotionscode-Tabelle. 2012 Wellness Unmasked Inc. Spalte A. Spalte B. Reihe 1. Herz / Dünndarm. The Emotion Code@ Chart ©2007-2016 well- ness Unmasked, Inc. Row 1 Heart or Small Intestine Row 2 Spleen or Stomach Row 3 Lung or Colon Row 4 Liver or Gall Bladder Row 5 Kidneys or Bladder Row 6 Glands & Sexual Organs Column A Abandonment Betrayal Forlorn Lost Love Unreceived Anxiety Despair Disgust Nervousness

Bradley Nelson emotion code Αναζήτηση Google (With images) Ρέικι, Ρεφλεξολογία, Συναισθήματα

Step 3: See if a Trapped Emotion Exists—190 Step 4: Determine Which Emotion It Is—192 Finding the Correct Emotion—196 Digging Deeper—199 Releasing an Emotion from Yourself—208 Releasing an Emotion from Another Person—209 Confirming the Release—210 Dealing With Specific Issues—211 Processing the Release —213 Entdecken Sie, wie Sie die Emotion Code® Tabelle verwenden können, um lösen die gefangenen Emotionen, die Sie von einem optimalen Wohlbefinden abhalten, zu finden und laden Sie hier unsere Tabelle zum Ausdrucken herunter. The Emotion Code Definitions of Emotions by Dr. Bradley Nelson The list of emotions that follows encompasses the range of human emotion. There are many more emotions in the dictionary besides the ones listed here, but we choose to use a simplified list to keep things easy and quick. Die Emotionscode-Tabelle - PDF Kostenfreier Download Die Emotionscode-Tabelle Reihe 1 Herz / Dünndarm Reihe 2 Magen / Milz Spalte A Einsamkeit / Verlassenheit Betrogen Aussichtslosigkeit Verlorenheit Nicht geliebt werden / nicht erwiderte Liebe Beunruhigung Anmelden Registrierung Suchen Die Emotionscode-Tabelle SHARE HTML DOWNLOAD Größe: px

What is the Emotion Code Chart?

Die Emotionscode-Tabelle ist das zentrale Werkzeug der Emotion Code (TM) Methode. Mit ihrer Hilfe wird nach der eingeschlossenen Emotion gefragt. Bisher gab es diese als PDF zum Selbstausdrucken offiziell nur auf Englisch. Darüber hinaus gibt es unzählige nicht autorisierte Dokumente im Internet. The Emotion Code® is used to discover and release possible underlying energetic causes. Using it could help ease physical discomforts, overcome emotional distress and negative thinking, conquer self-doubt, and more. 3 7 % r e d u c t i o n i n s y m p t o m s o f s e l f - r e p o r t e d