Poecilia wingei Endler Guppy günstig online kaufen RENDOSHRIMP

Beobachte dein endler guppy Weibchen genau und passe die Pflege seinen Bedürfnissen an. 6.2 Häufige Gesundheitsprobleme und ihre Behandlung bei endler guppys. Endler Guppys leiden oft unter den gleichen Krankheiten wie andere Zierfischarten. Typisch sind Parasitenbefall, Bakterieninfektionen und Flossenfäule. Endler Guppy Care. This species is a gorgeous fish that is easy to care for, making them a popular fish for aquarists of all experience levels. Temperature. Endler Guppy fish prefer warmer waters. Temperatures from 72°F to 78°F are best. Water pH. The pH range in the tank should be between 6.7 and 8.5. Endler Guppy Size

Poecilia wingei Endler Guppy günstig online kaufen RENDOSHRIMP

Poecilia wingei is a very colorful guppy species, similar to the fancy guppy often found in pet shops. The species was first collected from Laguna de Patos in Venezuela by Franklyn F. Bond in 1937, and rediscovered by Dr. John Endler in 1975. The latter were the first examples of this fish to make it to the aquarium trade. Endler guppies prefer slow water flow, so a sponge filter is recommended. This will help remove any waste materials and maintain the water's quality. Additionally, you should perform regular water changes of 20-30% every week to help maintain water conditions. This will reduce the build-up of harmful substances and ensure a stable environment. Maintain a water temperature range of 72 - 82 °F (22 - 28 °C) in a tank containing this fish species. pH: Endlers are very hardy fish and can tolerate a wide range of water parameters. However, for optimal conditions, they will appreciate a neutral - slightly alkaline pH, value preferably between 7.0 - 8.0. Endler guppies can tolerate a pH ranging from 5.5 to 8, making them most hardy and suitable for most aquariums. As far as the temperature is concerned, they can survive in a wide range, which is absolutely dramatic. The minimum temperature at which the Endler livebearer has been kept is 18 degrees Celsius, and they can survive as much as 29.

Poecilia wingei Endler Guppy günstig online kaufen RENDOSHRIMP

Poecilia wingei gets its common name from Dr. John Endler, who rediscovered the species in Venezuela and introduced them into the pet trade. Males get up to 1 inch (2.5 cm) long, are slender in profile, and have all the vibrant colors and patterns. Females can reach 1.8 inches (4.5 cm), have a rounder abdomen, and are usually tannish-silver in. Follow these steps to breed Endler's Guppies: Step #1: Create a suitable breeding environment with a separate 10-gallon or larger breeding tank, a pH level of around 7.0 to 8.5, and a temperature of about 78°F (25°C). Include hiding spots like plants for the female fish and their fry. Endler Guppy Care Guide 7 mins read. Endler Guppy Care Guide. The Endler Guppy, also known as Poecilia Wingei, is a vivid-colored fish that comes from the Paria Peninsula in northern Venezuela. It is also known as Endler's Livebearer. There are many reasons you might want to keep these stunning little fish. Endler guppies are omnivorous and have a versatile diet. They enjoy a mix of high-quality commercial flakes, pellets, and occasional live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, or bloodworms: Compatibility: Endler guppies are generally peaceful and can coexist with other small, non-aggressive fish species. They thrive in community tanks.

Guppy im Portrait ZooRoyal Magazin

Poecilia wingei, commonly referred to as Endler's Guppy, is a small-sized fish that typically reaches about 1 inch (2.5 cm) in length. It's a freshwaterspecies that has a remarkable ability to stand out in an aquarium setting due to its size and specific features. Size: Males: Generally smaller, around 1 inch (2.5 cm). Wie der Gewöhnliche Guppy weist Endlers Guppy einen deutlichen Geschlechtsdimorphismus auf. Die Weibchen sind größer als männliche Guppys und erreichen eine Standardlänge von etwa 2 bis 2,9 cm. Sie sind schlicht gräulich-beige gefärbt und kräftig gebaut. Geschlechtsreife Weibchen weisen einen deutlich erkennbaren Trächtigkeitsfleck auf. Endler Guppy el tigre Weibchen - Poecilia wingei Die Weibchen der Endler Guppy el tigre, auch als Poecilia wingei bekannt, sind lebendgebärende Zahnk… 7. Santa Maria Endler. The Santa Maria Endler has been a popular breed since 2015 and is an attractive fish with a black and orange body. It is a cross between the Poecilia reticulata and P. Wingei with a robust shape. Santa Maria Endlers are peaceful and hardy fish with unique coloring.

Resultado de imagen de guppy Endler Guppy fish, Aquarium fish, Tropical fish tanks

Der Endler Guppy (Poecilia wingei) gehört zwar zu den kleinsten Angehörigen der Guppy-Familie, aber mit seiner Farbenpracht zieht er im Aquarium alle Blicke auf sich. Der anpassungsfähige und robuste Zierfisch ist darüber hinaus perfekt für Einsteiger in der Aquaristik geeignet.. Das Schuppenkleid der Endler Guppy Weibchen ist hingegen. Fact 1: The Origins of Endler Guppy Hybrids. Endlers ( Poecilia wingei) are small livebearers native to Venezuela's Cumana region, named after Dr. John Endler, john endler a Canadian biologist who studied their distinct color patterns. The Endler Guppy, also known as Endler's Livebearer, is closely related to Common Guppy (Poecilia.