Los geht's! Welche Codes kann ich eingeben? Codes zu folgenden PLAYWAY Materialien können hier eingegeben werden Der Code befindet sich im jeweiligen Material. Die digitale PLAYWAY-Welt bietet eine ganze Menge an Online-Ergänzungen zum Englischunterricht! Wash your face. Put on your (T-shirt). Have a glass of milk, Go to school.f9 Q A) Listen and write the numbers. D1 Put on your T-shirt. OC Get out of bed. i a Put your books in your schoolbag. 6 Match the sentences to the pictures. Have a glass of milk, It's picture one. Get out of bed. Get your (scissors).
Playway to English Playway to English, Level 3 (Paperback)
Test. Match. Created by. ceciame Teacher. Terms in this set (15) Ride a bike. Swim. Play football. Cook spaghetti. Skate. Ski. Play the saxophone. Play the guitar. Play the piano. Sail a boat. Playway to English 3, Unit 7 - Free Time. Flashcards. Learn. Test. Match. Ride a bike. Click the card to flip 👆. DVD lesson DVD lesson 1. Look and read. Tick the correct answer. A. This is a cat. B. This is a fox. Correct Answer A. This is a cat. Explanation The given answer is correct because the statement "This is a cat" accurately describes the image or text provided.
KATHY'S BIRTHDAY PARTY Worksheets, Some sentences, Birthday party
Test. Match. Created by. quizlette385392 Teacher. Terms in this set (26) szaxofonozik. play the saxophone. biciklizik. ride a bike. vitorlázik. go sailing. röplabdázik. play volleyball.. Playway 3 Unit 1 Back to school. 12 terms. Images. quizlette385392 Teacher. Playway 3 Unit 2 Our Pets. 12 terms. Images. quizlette385392 Teacher. Playway. Playway to English | Playway to English Second edition is a new version of the popular four-level course for teaching English to young children. | Gunter Gerngross, Herbert Puchta.. Australia/New Zealand
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