Franz Gertsch Malerei realer als die Wirklichkeit

Franz Gertsch (560 results) Recently Added Franz Gertsch is a contemporary Swiss artist known for his large-scale Hyperrealist portraits and landscapes. View Franz Gertsch's 560 artworks on artnet. Find an in-depth biography, exhibitions, original artworks for sale, the latest news, and sold auction prices. Obgleich er von Fotos bzw. von Diaprojektionen ausgeht, folgen die Bilder einer eigenen Logik, die auf absolute Stimmigkeit aller Elemente zielt. Einen besonderen Stellenwert im Werk von Franz Gertsch nehmen die Holzschnitte ein.

Maler Franz Gertsch feiert 90. Geburtstag Kultur Bote der Urschweiz

Franz Gertsch (* 8. März 1930 in Mörigen; † 21. Dezember 2022 [1] in Riggisberg) war ein Schweizer Maler und Grafiker. Internationale Bekanntheit erlangte er durch seine grossformatigen hyperrealistischen Portraits. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Werk 3 Auszeichnungen (Auswahl) 4 Ausstellungen (Auswahl) 5 Hauptwerke 6 Literatur 7 Zitate 8 Weblinks Franz Gertsch (8 March 1930 - 21 December 2022) was a Swiss painter and printmaker who was known for his large format photorealistic portraits and detailed studies of nature. Biography Gertsch was born 1930 in Mörigen, Switzerland. [1] Between 1947 and 1952 he studied with Max von Mühlenen and Hans Schwarzenbach in Bern. [1] 257 × 391 cm Privatsammlung / private collection courtesy Galerie Michael Haas, Berlin Franz Gertsch Franz Gertsch, born in 1930 in the Swiss town of Mörigen, is numbered among the most significant contemporary artists in Switzerland. Franz Gertsch, a Swiss artist acclaimed as one of the masters of hyper-realistic painting and whose work often evoked a flashbulb-like sharpness on subjects ranging from landscapes to punk.

Franz Gertsch Malerei realer als die Wirklichkeit

Franz Gertsch is numbered among the most significant contemporary artists in Switzerland. From the time of his international breakthrough in 1972 until the present day, he has created a wide range of paintings and graphic works, which attempt a very special approach to reality. Franz Gertsch (8 March 1930 - 21 December 2022) was a Swiss painter and printmaker who was known for his large format photorealistic portraits and detailed studies of nature. Wikidata Q116077 View or edit the full Wikipedia entry. Information from. GABRIEL BOUYS/AFP via Getty Images Franz Gertsch, the Swiss artist acclaimed for his huge hyperrealist paintings that captured the rapturous energy of '60's and '70's counterculture, died on. Franz Gertsch was born in 1930 in Mörigen, Bern, and lives and works in Rüschegg-Heubach, Switzerland. Gertsch has participated in several important international exhibitions over his career, perhaps most significantly in Documenta 5 (1972) in a section organized by Harald Szeemann, Jean-Christophe Ammann and others, that looked to artists.

Franz Gertsch Bilder sind meine Biografie Kultur Kunst SchleswigHolstein

Franz Gertsch-Bilder von 1980-1986, Museum moderner Kunst Vienna, Austria 1985 Miscellanea-Miscellanées, Kunstmuseum Bern, Switzerland 1982 Franz Gertsch and selected works by Friedel Dzubas, Herbert Ferber, Adolph Gottlieb, Nancy Graves.., Knoedler Zürich, Switzerland 1981-1982 Franz Gertsch-Major Works, Louis K. Meisel Gallery New York. Mirabaud Contemporary Art Collection of contemporary art The meticulous attention to detail, colour and material, and the sheer length of time that goes into executing a piece, sometimes working on an image for several months to a year, mean that Gertsch's art resembles the work of Renaissance painters. The Swiss Institute 's "Polyfocal Allover" centered on a series of acrylic paintings the artist (b. 1930) made in the 1970s that portray countercultural youths who belonged to a commune in Lucerne.. Bilder sind meine Biografie, Kunsthalle zu Kiel. 2014. Triptychon Guadeloupe, Museum Folkwang, Essen. 2013. Geheimnis Natur, Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden.. Franz Gertsch - Gemälde und Holzschnitte 1987 bis 1997, Museum Kurhaus Kleve. 1997. Landschaften und Porträts, Hamburger Bahnhof - Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin.

Werke von Franz Gertsch / Museum Franz Gertsch

Gertsch painting sells for CHF3.4 million Mar 10, 2017 Swiss artist Franz Gertsch's Luciano II painting has sold for CHF3.4 million ($3.4 million) in London - a record sum for the artist.. 1945. Franz Gertsch delves into books on Hodler by Charles Albert Loosli. The latter advises him to train as an artist and specialise in nude drawing. Gertsch, influenced by Ingres, makes his first nude drawings in Paolo's studio. 1946. Selbstbildnis (Self-portrait), pencil drawing. First linear woodcuts and linocuts.