Tomate 'Fuzzy Wuzzy' Tomate 'Fuzzy Wuzzy'

Germination tested after Hot Water Treatment for fungal and bacterial diseases. Approx. number of seeds per pack: 15+ "Fuzzy Wuzzy" was a bear. But in this case, he was a dwarf tomato variety. Unlike Fuzzy Wuzzy the bear who had no hair, and so wasn't very fuzzy, wuz he…this variety has soft, grayish-green velvety foliage. Common names Tomato Uploaded by pinkiris Plant database entry for Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum 'Fuzzy Wuzzy') with one image and 40 data details.

Fuzzy Wuzzy • Sortenbeschreibung • Tomatenjunkie

Dwarf Fuzzy Wuzzy Tomato is a determinate variety. This dwarf plant is fuzzy with regular leaf foliage. But please note the tomatoes are not fuzzy, only the plant is. These are an early season producing plant. It produces theses 1oz -2oz bicolored orange colored fruits with goldish /yellow stripes. Fuzzy Wuzzy Tomato 60 Days. Open Pollinated. This is a determinate, dwarf plant that is fuzzy with regular leafed foliage. 'Fuzzy Wuzzy' tomato was first offered in the Seed Savers 2006 Yearbook by Bryan Connolly and Diane Dorfer of Mansfield Center, Connecticut, USA, who received the seeds from David Cavagnaro, Decorah, Iowa, USA. Fuzzy Wuzzy Tomato Solanum lycopersicum Here is the Fuzzy Wuzzy Tomato, Solanum lycopersicum. This tomato originates from Decorah Iowa, USA and created and/or offered by David Cavagnaro which is a woolly piriform tomato. Here is the Fuzzy Wuzzy Tomato, Solanum lycopersicum. This tomato originates from Decorah Iowa, USA and created and/or offered by David Cavagnaro which is a woolly piriform tomato. The fruits are very strange shaped pointed tip tomato type getting to about 2 inches round with a striped orange skin with deep orange flesh inside. The strange thing about this variety is the woolly grey-blue.

Tomate Fuzzy Wuzzy

Here is the Fuzzy Wuzzy Tomato, Solanum lycopersicum. This tomato originates from Decorah Iowa, USA and created and/or offered by David Cavagnaro which is a. Fuzzy Wuzzy is a bush variety growing to about 40cm in height and around 40cm in width. Produces small to mid-sized tomatoes around 40-80grams each. Round to oval, red fruits with orange stripes. Sweet tomato flavor. Both the fruits and the plants are covered in fuzzy hair. No pruning is needed. 60D. 10seeds/pack fuzzy-peach-tomato Fuzzy Peach Solanum lycopersicum## HOW TO GROW TOMATO Start indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost, plant out 1-2 weeks after last frost. Requires bottom heat for good germination. Pot up to 3-4" pots when first true leaves develop, bury to first leaves. Gradually harden off in full sun 1-2 weeks before transplanting after last frost. Transplant out stocky 8 to 10. SKU: 4260522170179 Categories: Tomatoes, Determinate (bush) Tomatoes Description Attributes Further information Description The name's the game: Gray-green leaves covered in soft down, and pointy, crimson fruit with golden stripes characterize this showpiece variety.

Tomate 'Fuzzy Wuzzy' Tomate 'Fuzzy Wuzzy'

Start Dicing Explore 6,500+ Varieties Inside One of the World's Most Comprehensive Tomato Databases. Identify and discover specific tomatoes using our powerful search features and a wide range of taxonomic criteria. LEARN MORE Trending Tomatoes Nonna's Love LEARN MORE Dwarf Copia LEARN MORE Whetstone Wonders LEARN MORE Blue Jollies LEARN MORE Fuzzy Wuzzy Tomato. $4.00. Seeds of this unique variety were gifted to me some years back. I've never seen another tomato with such furry plants. Dense downy fuzz completely covers the leaves and stems. Bears small red and yellow striped fruit. The compact plants are suitable for containers. 'Fuzzy Wuzzy' ist eine sehr dekorative und robuste Sorte, die nur wenig Pflege braucht, und widerstandsfähig gegen Krankheiten ist. Sie ist bestens für Balkonkästen und Töpfe geeignet. Auch in einer Blumenspindel oder Ampel machen die Pflänzchen eine gute Figur. Buschtomaten wie 'Fuzzy Wuzzy' sind ideal für den Anbau von Tomaten auf dem Balkon oder der Terrasse auf kleinem Raum geeignet. Woher die 'Fuzzy Wuzzy'-Tomate stammt, welche Eigenschaften und Ansprüche sie hat und wann sie erntereif ist, erfahren Sie in unserem Sortenartikel. Inhalt Tomate 'Fuzzy Wuzzy' im Steckbrief

Tomate 'FUZZY WUZZY' 10 BioSamen

Fuzzy Wuzzy. Sortguide De sorter som jag bedömer som mest odlingsvärda är markerade i fetstil. Samtliga sorter är lite luriga att få tag på, så därför är inga markerade med tre stjärnor. Specific epithet means of classical Byzantium (Istanbul, Turkey). 'Fuzzy Wuzzy' is typically grown as a ground cover for its attractive, soft, fuzzy, silver-gray leaves. Leaves in rosettes form a dense foliage mat to 8" off the ground. Small lavender flowers appear in summer on flowering stems rising to 14-16" tall.