Your Ideal Hotel! Search, Compare & Save with trivago™. As Simple As That. Schlaf gut. There are some versions of German for good night that don't include the word ' Nacht'. The first is ' Schlaf gut'. It means ' sleep well ', which is the same as ' sleep tight ' in English. You can use it informally with your friends and loved ones, but with strangers or people much senior to you, it would be best.
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You will also find combinations of both expressions mentioned above like "Gute Nacht und träum schön" (Good night and sweet dreams) or "Gute Nacht und schlaf gut" (Good night, sleep tight). If you want to express this wish formally to somebody you don't know, you have to use the formal you-form - "Sie" - in German. You can also combine different expressions and make short phrases such as "Gute Nacht, schlaf gut!" or "Ich wünsche dir eine gute Nacht, träum schön!". Choose one of the many expressions, change it up and wish your family a good night in German. Sarah was born and raised in Germany by a French mom and a Polish dad. Gute Nacht, ich liebe dich von ganzem Herzen. — Good night, I love you with all my heart. Träum von mir. — Dream of me. Du bist der Stern in meiner Nacht. — You are the star in my night. Es ist so schön, in deinen Armen einzuschlafen. — It's so nice falling asleep in your arms. Gute Nacht, meine Maus. — Good night, my dear. Translation: Good night. Gute Nacht. Let's start with the simplest expression. Gute Nacht translates as 'good night' in German and is used in the same way as the English phrase. You can really see how English is a Germanic language by how similar the English and German phrases are. The phrase gute Nacht is perfect for saying to anyone in.
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The most common way to bid someone goodnight in German is "Gute Nacht!". You can even shorten it to sound more like a native speaker and say, "Gut' Nacht!". A really informal way is to say, "Nacht!". However, anyone other than your close friends and family would find this word a bit rude. Besides Gute Nacht, what are other. 32 schöne Guten-Abend- and Gute-Nacht-Bilder zum Verschicken. Wenn sich der Tag dem Ende neigt, dann schickt man seinen Liebsten oder Followern gerne mal ein freundliches „Gute Nacht". Hier sind 32 tolle Bilder dafür. Abends noch mal einen kleinen Gruß in Form eines getaggten Social-Media-Posts oder Bildes per Whatsapp, Messenger, SMS. 55.670 schöne & lustige Gute Nacht Bilder. Finde hier schöne und lustige Gute Nacht Bilder, die du an deine Freunde verschicken kannst. Kostenlose Bilder. nacht gute nacht haus.. berg meer nacvchthimmel. sterne mond nachthimmel. straße alte stadt haus. halbmond mond ballon. erdbeere kuchen. in der nacht. stadt dorf nacht. nacht sterne mond. Ich wünsche dir eine gute Nacht. (I wish you a good night.) Bis morgen! Gute Nacht! (See you tomorrow! Good night!) Schlaf gut - [ʃlaf ɡuːt] - Sleep well. This is another popular German good night phrase. Typically, it is used in more informal conversations when you know your interlocutor well.
Pin von Ritva Roiha auf Gute Nacht Gute nacht, Nacht, Gute nacht grüße
gute Nacht-Lektüre: Last post 20 Nov 08, 21:59: Ich sehe schwarz für Ihre gute Nacht-Lektüre, denn Ihre Augen werden zufallen ehe Sie eine S… 3 Replies: Gute-Nacht-Wunsch: Last post 27 Apr 08, 18:37: Sie sprach so leise, dass John ihren Gute-Nacht-Wunsch fast nicht verstand. Ist good-night-… 2 Replies "Gute Nacht Geschichte" Last post 12. Depending on the gender you would say "Gute Nacht, meine Liebe" to a female or "Gute Nacht, mein Lieber" to a male person. Not gender specific and probably even nicer would be "Gute Nacht, mein Liebling" (good night my darling) or "Gute Nacht, mein Schatz" (good night my treasure). Both "Liebling" and " Schatz" are.
1. Gute Nacht! Let's start with the most obvious way to say good night in German: Gute Nacht! "Gute Nacht" is a literal translation of good night. It is by far the most common way to wish someone a good night in German. "Gute Nacht" is a formal way of saying good night, but its scope is by no means restricted to very formal settings. 348 Kostenlose Bilder zum Thema Gute+Nacht. Kostenlose Bilder. gute nacht vollmond. gute nacht kleinkind. nacht gute nacht haus. schlaf smiley müde. gute nacht mädchen. mondschein boot. dachfenster dachgeschoss. nacht himmel stadt. katze gemütlich. tanzpaar vollmond. reise architektur. mann ai. blau nachthimmel mond.
ᐅ Gute Nacht Bilder Gute Nacht GB Pics Good Night Wishes, Good Morning
If you say " guten Abend " (good evening), it's generally a greeting around that time and if you want to say goodbye and wish someone a good evening you'd actually say " Einen schönen Abend noch " (Have a nice rest of your evening). If you say " gute Nacht " (good night) in German, it's only if you're actually about to sleep. The direct translation is Gute Nacht. It's pronounced something like [goo-teh nakht] or [ˌɡuːtəˈnaxt] in the IPA transcription. Gut means "good.". The ending -e implies that it is an accusative with a feminine noun, (die) Nacht - "night.". Compare it with Guten Tag, which literally means "good day." (Der) Tag is masculine.