Inari Sushi einfach selber machen Vegane Rezepte

Inari Sushi is a traditional sushi of vinegared rice tucked inside sweet and salty deep-fried tofu pockets. Known as Inarizushi in Japan, they are one of the easiest types of sushi to make at home and are beloved by children and adults alike.This vegetarian- and vegan-friendly sushi is perfect for a snack, a picnic lunch, or as part of your sushi dinner platter. Cut a square foil/paper, fold/cut the edges to make it a round shape with the diameter slightly smaller than the pot. Then poke the foil/paper with a knife or a chopstick to make holes in several places. 5. To prevent the rice from sticking to your hand, wipe your hand with a cooked inariage to wet it.

Inari Sushi gefüllte Tofutaschen Main Ingredients

Take an aburaage pouch and squeeze liquid out. If you are making inside out Inarizushi, turn the inside of the pouch out. Open the pouch and place a rice ball inside the pouch. Push the rice gently to both sides and fill the corners of the pouch with the rice. Ingredients for Inari Sushi. Sushi Rice: Short grain cooked Japanese rice mixed with rice vinegar, white wine vinegar, sugar, and salt.; Sesame Seeds: Added to the sushi rice to impart a little nuttiness.; Inarizushi no Moto (Deep Fried Tofu Pockets): Sushi rice is stuffed into these pockets so it's easy and mess-free to eat. Ingredient Variations. As I previously mentioned, you can add a. Add the spinach and cook until wilted. Set aside. Add the eggs and cook until scrambled. Set aside. Once the vinegared rice is at room temperature, add the mushrooms, spinach, eggs and furikake. Gently fold the mixture together until it is well combined. Stuff the inari age with the rice mixture, about ¼ to ⅓ cup of rice per pouch. Making the stuff inside of inari sushi. First, prepare vinegared rice. Melt the sushi vinegar, sugar, and salt well and mix it. Then, sprinkle it on freshly cooked rice, and mix it. After mixing the whole, spread the vinegared rice, cool it with an uchiwa, and mix the sesame seeds.

Inari Sushi Rezept

Instructions. Prep two cups of sushi rice. Take the aburaage pieces and cut them in half to make ten pockets. In a medium pan, boil four cups of water and then add the aburaage. Boil for about two minutes. Remove the aburaage pieces and allow them to cool in a strainer. Inarizushi, also known as inari sushi, is a dish made from pockets of aburaage (deep-fried tofu) that are filled with vinegared rice. They may be served plain or garnished with a variety of toppings. These snacks are simple to make, and can be eaten at any time of the day but are particularly good when served as finger foods at buffets, parties, and family get-togethers. Preparing Aburaage for Inari Sushi: We need to blanch the aburaage. To do this, carefully cut the aburaage in half- leaving one open end per piece. Bring 2 cups of water to a boil and boil each piece for about 1 minute (you can blanch more than one piece at a time). Now, we need season the aburaage. Add the dashi stock, sugar, soy sauce, mirin. Mix the crumbled seaweed into the seasoned rice. Wet your hands with rice vinegar or water so the rice doesn't stick. Divide the rice into 20 portions, either by weighing the total amount and neatly dividing, or using a 1/4 cup measuring cup. Form into egg-shaped balls. Press the rice firmly into the inari pockets.

Inari Sushi einfach selber machen Vegane Rezepte

Carefully open each Aburaage to make a pouch. Boil the prepared Aburaage in hot water for a minute and drain well. Place water, soy sauce, and sugar in a pot and boil. Add the Aburaage, cook for 10-15 minutes, and let cool for at least 3 hours (overnight in the fridge). Hydrate shiitake mushrooms in water for 30 minutes. Roll the tofu puffs with a rolling pin a couple of times to flatten them. Cut one side of each tofu and boil the tofu in some hot water for a minute to remove the excess oil. Drain well. In a pot, place the 1.5 cups water, 3 Tbsp Japanese soy sauce and 3 Tbsp sugar. Cook and prepare the sushi rice (my sushi rice uses 2 cups of uncooked rice and I used about 2/3 of the entire cooked rice) *1. Cut the aburaage pieces in half. Pour boiling hot water over the aburaage to remove the excess oil. Bring one cup of water in a saucepan to boil over high heat and add dashi powder. 3 gō of Japanese short-grain rice (that is about 2.7 cups of rice in Japan) Sushi vinegar (mix of 4 tbsp rice vinegar / 3 tbsp sugar / 0.5 tbsp salt) Method: 1. Cut the Aburaage in half (making 20 pcs). Then use a rolling pin to flatten them (this makes opening the pouches easier) before gently opening them.

Inari Sushi einfach selber machen Vegane Rezepte

Make sushi rice. Step 1. Heat up cooked white rice and let it cool. Then, add 1.5 tablespoons rice vinegar, ½ teaspoon sugar, ¼ teaspoon salt, and ½ teaspoon sesame oil (optional) to the cooked rice. Mix together and set aside. It is optional, but I like to sprinkle in some sesame seeds. Remove the pouches from the pot and allow to cool before stuffing. 8. Carefully open the pocket of the inarizushi bag. 8. Dip fingers in Inari seasoning juice (cooled and in your pot), tap them on a moist towel to remove the excess and pick up a small handful of sushi rice, about the size of a golf ball. 9.