Krka Nationalpark erkunden Wasserfälle, Eintritt, Karte & mehr Blog

Public Institute of Krka National Park Trg Ivana Pavla II. br. 5 22000 Šibenik, Croatia OIB: 67969498372 Terms and Conditions Wir haben dir in diesem Artikel unsere Tipps für einen Besuch der Krka Wasserfälle übersichtlich zusammengefasst: Hol dir alle Infos zum Eintritt, den Preisen, Öffnungszeiten und unserer Tagestour mit dem Auto (mit Karte), sodass du bestens vorbereitet bist für einen Ausflug zum Krka Nationalpark in Kroatien. Viel Spaß beim Nachreisen 🙂

Freier Eintritt in den Nationalpark Krka KroatienNachrichten

The Public Institute of Krka National Park can also, upon request from a group, reserve additional services: - Boat excursions, - Boat or van leasing (mini bus), - Guide services for a price of 80.00 €/602.76 kn for the first two hours, each additional hour 30.00 €/226.04 kn, Nacionalni park Krka - Croatia's stunning national park Reasons to visit Krka National Park in Croatia #1 Krka waterfalls. Krka has seven beautiful travertine waterfalls with a total drop in altitude of 242 meters. The most attractive is the massive Skradinski buk (Skradin waterfall), decorated with many travertine cascades, lakes, and islands. Park entrances. Krka National Park is open for visitors year round, and can be toured by water, by road or by foot on our many hiking trails, in compliance with the rules of conduct in the protected area. There are five entrances to the park: Lozovac, Skradin, Roški slap waterfall / Laškovica, Burnum/Puljane and Kistanje / Krka monastery. 04/12/2023 Crocheting a ribbon for the Green Lady, Croatia's Tree of the Year From 4 to 15 December 2023, every working day from 9 am to 1 pm, citizens will be able to join the Park staff at the branch office of Krka National Park in Skradin and lend a hand in making this special ribbon 29/11/2023

Nationalpark Krka Dinge, die du vor einem Besuch wissen solltest

Krka National Park (Croatian: Nacionalni park Krka) is one of the Croatian national parks, named after the river Krka (ancient Greek: Kyrikos) that it encloses.It is located along the middle-lower course of the Krka River in central Dalmatia, in Šibenik-Knin county, downstream Miljevci area, and just a few kilometers northeast of the city of Šibenik.. Located in central Dalmatia, near the historic city of Šibenik, Krka National Park ranks among the best national parks in Europe. The park was formed the protect the Krka River, and came into being in 1985. About 42 square miles in area, Krka National Park is home to several waterfalls and lakes, and splendid scenery. Europe. Extending along the 73km Krka River, Krka National Park runs from the Adriatic near Šibenik inland to the mountains of the Croatian interior. It's a magical place of waterfalls and gorges, with the river gushing through a karstic canyon 200m deep. Sights built by humans are also a major draw of the region, the area's remoteness. The National Park Krka is a wonderful sight during the whole year, so pretty much any time is the right time to pay a visit to this green paradise, it is a year-round destination. Shoulder season could be the best option to visit the park because it is not that busy like in the summer; during summer there are up to 10,000 visitors per day.

Krka Nationalpark erkunden Wasserfälle, Eintritt, Karte & mehr Blog

Price list. Entrance ticket prices for 2024. pdf | 52.50 KB. Price list of accommodation service at Hostel Titius and other services for 2023 (from 9 January to 31 December 2023) pdf | 52.50 KB. Price list of accommodation services at Hostel Titius for 2023 (from 1 to 8 January 2023) pdf | 52.50 KB. General terms of operation of Hostel Titius. Zwischen 1985 und 1997 wurde die Fläche des Nationalparks auf insgesamt 109 km² erweitert. Attraktion des Nationalparks sind die sieben Wasserfälle. Die größten und schönsten Wasserfälle sind der Skradinski buk und Roški slap. Entlang der Krka und der Seen findet man viele alte Festungsruinen, Mühlen und einige Klöster. Located in the Šibenik-Knin County in central Dalmatia, Krka National Park is one of eight national parks in Croatia. It is home to over 200 species of birds, a variety of fauna and flora, and the majestic waterfalls you often see in postcards. Krka National Park is a popular destination for hiking and nature walks, with several scenic trails. Besuchen Sie den Nationalpark Krka mit einer ganztägigen Eintrittskarte Planen Sie im Voraus und buchen Sie das Ticket am Tag Erkunden Sie die Wege, Wasserfälle, Seen, das Inselkloster und vieles mehr Ticket beinhaltet ausgewählte Bootsausflüge im Park (nur April bis Oktober) Im Leistungsumfang enthalten

Krka Nationalpark erkunden Wasserfälle, Eintritt, Karte & mehr Blog

Krka Kloster. Burnum Amphitheater. Oziđana Pećina Höhle. Krka Nationalpark Anfahrt. Krka Nationalpark Beste Reisezeit. Krka Nationalpark Öffnungszeiten und Tickets. Was du für einen Besuch mitnehmen solltest. Mehr Kroatien Artikel findest du hier. Der Krka Nationalpark gehört zu den absoluten Highlights in ganz Kroatien. Hier findest du die schönsten Wasserfälle im ganzen Land. Damit dein Besuch unvergesslich wird, solltest du diese Tipps beachten. In Kroatien gibt es insgesamt 5 Nationalparks. Zu den beliebtesten zählt zweifelsohne der Krka Nationalpark in Dalmatien.