Product data overview Regel-air® PLUS window ventilation system. suitable for: all PVC windows in accordance with our → type list. width of 1 pair of window rebate vents (= 2 window vents): dimensions of overlap vents: 250 mm. 265 x 25 x 14 mm (w x d x h, outside dimension) air control window rebate vents FFL: air control overlap vents OV: Das Regel-air® Lüftungssystem PLUS ist eine Kombination aus den selbständig regelnden Fensterfalzlüftern FFL mit automatischer Volumenstrom-Begrenzung und einem manuell stufenlos regelbaren Überschlagslüfter ÜL zur Erhöhung des Luftvolumenstromes. Die Regel-air® Fensterfalzlüfter FFL verfügen als differenzdruckabhängig regelnde.
Air passage values Regelair® PLUS REGELair® POLSKA
The Regel-air@ PLUS ventilation system consists of self-regulating window rebate vents FFL with automatic flow volume restriction and the manual, continuously adjustable overlap vent OV. For moisture protection ventilation and support of advanced ventilation requirements. Das Lüftungssystem Regel-air® PLUS besteht aus selbstständig regelnden Fensterfalzlüftern FFL mit automatischer Volumenstrombegrenzung sowie einem manuell stufenlos regelbaren Überschlagslüfter ÜL zur Erhöhung des Luftvolumenstromes. Während die Fensterfalzlüfter FFL für den ständigen Mindestluftwechsel für den Feuchteschutz sorgen. Das Komfortlüftungssystem für mittlere Luftmengen besteht aus den Fensterfalzlüftern FFL und einem Überschlagslüfter ÜL. Während die FFL ständig und nutzerun. The Regel-air® PLUS ventilation system consists of independently reg-ulated FFL window rebate vents with automatic flow volume restric-tion as well as a manually adjustable overlap vent (OV) to increase the airflow volume. While FFL window rebate vents ensure constant minimum air ex-change for moisture protection, the OV can be manually opened on
Regelair Plus Montage YouTube
Das Lüftungssystem REGELair PLUS ist eine Kombination aus den selbstständig, auf Winddruck reagierenden Fensterfalzlüftern FFL und dem manuell zu bedienenden. The Regel-air® PLUS ventilation system is a combination of self-regulating window rebate vents FFL with automatic flow volume restriction as well as a manual, continuously adjustable overlap vent OV to increase the airflow volume. As differential pressure-dependent regulating external air apertures (EAA), the Regel-air® window rebate vents. Regel-air® PLUS installation video. The Regel-air® PLUS ventilation system is easy to install and does not change the appearance of the facade. By combining the Regel-air® FFL and the overlap vent OV, it is possible to regulate the ventilation in houses and apartments even when the window is closed. While the FFL constantly provide minimum. Unser Außendienstmitarbeiter Rainer Venhoven erklärt in diesem Video die Vorteile und Funktionsweise des Lüftungssystem Regel-air PLUS. Die Kombination aus d.
Drei Lüftungssysteme im Wirkungs und Kostenvergleich Regelair®
The Regel-air® FFLH window rebate vent is available for two different areas of application. The Regel-air® ventilation system FFLH type 24 is preferably intended for factory installation in new windows. The Regel-air® ventilation system FFLH type 14 is suitable for retrofitting in wood and wood aluminum windows that have already been installed. Last of all, KBE 70 CL also gives you the REGEL-air® PLUS. Here too, the name says it all: the PLUS is attached in addition and supplies that extra for the air passage values. The fan offers continuous manual volume flow regulation, safeguarding a precise and needs based supply of air to the rooms.
The Regel-air@ PLUS ventilation system is a combination of overlap vent OV and at least one pair of window rebate vents FFL. 1.) Special frame gasket Replace 150 mm of the vertical window frame overlap gasket on the left and right, each starting 100 mm above the lower corner, with the special frame gasket (SFG). If the window system is not The Regel-air® PLUS system is a combination of the window rebate vents FFL which react automatically to wind pressure and the continuously adjustable, manually operated overlap vents OV. It is important to save energy. Everyone agrees that it is necessary to save energy.
Lüftungssystem PLUS Falzlüfter & Überschlagslüfter Regelair®
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