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C. Hagia Sophia, Turkey. Click to see the correct answer. 6. All Muslims with financial and physical ability are obliged to visit which holy city for the Haji at least once during their lifetime? A. Jerusalem. B. Mecca. C. Medina. Click to see the correct answer. 7. Teste dein Wissen in unseren Quiz. Finde heraus, wie viel du schon über die Religionen und das Internet weißt. Auxie begleitet dich durch die Fragen. Viel Spaß! Schwierigkeitsgrad.

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Quiz-Trainingslager. Frage: 1 / 10. Unbekannter Spieler 1.500. Einen Moment. Ihre Frage erscheint, sobald die Seite komplett geladen wurde. Religion. Welches Land hat den höchsten religionslosen Bevölkerungsanteil? Tschechien Japan Botswana Neuseeland Bitte warten, die Antwort wird überprüft. Nochmal zur Quiz-Auswahl. Extremely. Not at all. In some parts of the world, it's very popular. We don't really have one. The world is full of colorful and fascinating religions, some ancient, some modern. With just a few pieces of information, we believe we can guess which faith is in your heart, so take this quiz! Take this World Religions Quiz at Encyclopedia Britannica and test your knowledge of Buddhism, Judaism, and other religions that are followed around the world.. Home Games & Quizzes Philosophy & Religion Quizzes. Save your scores! Login before you play. Carol M. Highsmith's America/Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (LC-DIG-highsm-11700). About This Quiz. Religious beliefs are in no short supply on our globe. From atheism to Zoroastrianism, you're probably guaranteed to find your flavor of worship -- or lack thereof. Learn about some lesser known traditions, and test your knowledge of the big ones.

Religion Quizzes Education Trivia Games Big Daily Trivia

Take our quiz to find out which one of the religious typology groups is your best match and see how you compare with our nationally representative survey of more than 4,000 U.S. adults. You may find some of these questions are difficult to answer. For example, you may see yourself in more than one category or feel that none quite describes you. Religion. Religion is a broad term that encompasses various beliefs, practices, and rituals. It is often associated with the belief in a higher power or deity and includes concepts such as morality, spirituality, and faith. Different religions have different sets of rules and traditions, but at the core, they all aim to provide a sense of. Take this religion quiz on encyclopedia britannica to test your knowledge on traditions and religions around the world. Take this religion quiz on encyclopedia britannica to test your knowledge on traditions and religions around the world.. Answer: Jainism, a religion with many adherents in India, observes the principle of ahimsa, which. Knowledge of the Hebrew alphabet not required. Religion. 30s. Christmas Pick: Islam. Pick the correct letter in Christmas that completes the given word or phrase from the subcategory of 'Islam'. Religion. 30s. Split Decision: Greek Gods. We think you'll have this quiz finished in a split second.

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Religion Quiz 30 Fragen per Zufall zum Thema "Religion" - ohne Anmeldung online und kostenlos quizzen auf teste jetzt dein Wissen rund um die Quiz-Kategorie "Religion". sollte am Religion-Quiz teilnehmen. Es hilft andere Kulturen zu verstehen und auch einheimische Bräuche besser nachzuvollziehen. About This Quiz. From Judaism to Islam, Buddhism to Neo-Paganism, Christianity, Juche and everything in between, the religions of Planet Earth are as diverse as its people. Some faith systems have their roots thousands and thousands of years ago, whereas others are younger than electricity. Some are liberal, evolving and open to interpretation. Take a Random Religion Quiz. 7 Deadly Sins Quiz. A quiz for the devil in all of us. Majority Muslim Countries. Name the countries where at least 50% of residents are Islamic. Catholic Countries Quiz. Try to name the countries where the majority of people are Roman Catholics. Today's Top Quizzes in Religion. Browse Religion. hide this ad. Today's Top Quizzes in World Religions. Browse World Religions. Top Contributed Quizzes in Religion. 1 5 Answers To 1 Answer: Protestant Christianity 2 5 Answers to 1: New Testament 3 SAINTS 4.

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This is a detailed quiz about the Catholic Church and its history. 9. This quiz is part of a series looking at the books of the New Testament. Each of the gospels has its own distinctive flavour. Luke is written from the perspective of a non-Jew and portrays a Jesus whose love reaches out to everyone. Here's your chance to find out. Take our short, 15-question quiz, and see how you do in comparison with 10,971 randomly sampled adults who were asked these and other questions designed to measure the public's knowledge about a wide range of religious subjects. This study was conducted mostly among members of Pew Research Center's American.