Everything You Need To Know About The Loreal Dia Richesse Color Chart

DIA Richesse is a rich demi-permanent crème hair color formulated with advanced alkaline technology to create deep, rich tones and exceptional softness. Our beautiful portfolio offers over 70 professionally formulated shades to produce any desired result with a shiny, reflective finish. Download the Dia Richesse Color Chart 10 9.01/9NB Frœty Milkshake 7.01/7NB Natwal Cod glonde 6.01/6NB 4.01/4NB Iced Espr—so D BLUES & GREENS .10 2.10/2BBB —x RICHE SSE 75 SHADES

A Comprehensive Guide To Loreal Dia Richesse Shade Chart

DIA | 50 ml 61 Nuancen Erhalte eine Diagnose für das DIA RICHESSE von Deinem Friseur Dieses Produkt benötigt eine professionelle Haardiagnose. Intensivtönung Ausdrucksstarke Farben Ammoniakfrei Geruchlos DECKKRAFT Ideale Deckkraft für Haar mit bis zu 70% Weißhaaranteil HALTBARKEIT 6 Wochen AUFHELLUNG Bis zu 1,5 Tonhöhen. L'Oreal Professionnel - Dia Richesse 53 Nuancen Das perfekte Produkt für die erste Coloration. Dia Richesse lässt Naturhaar erstrahlen. Für reichhaltige, tiefe Reflexe und ein außergewöhnlich sanftes Gefühl. Meine Farbtonsuche 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Clear 0 ausgewählte Kriterien Sortieren nach Diarichesse .11 Milkshake Silver 50ml Die L'Oréal Dia Richesse Haarfarbe ist in über 60 Farbtönen erhältlich. Jetzt Ihre Dia Richesse Farbe anhand der Farbkarte auswählen & losfärben! Egal, ob Friseurbesuch oder DIY-Variante: Manchmal muss es eine Typveränderung sein. Denn frisch gefärbte Haare besitzen eine immense Leuchtkraft und Ausstrahlung und lassen dich beim Blick in. DIA Richesse has the ability to lighten up to 1.5 levels, cover up to 70% white hair & create rich, profound tones. AFTER COLOR ADVANCED ALKALINE TECHNOLOGY GENTLE ACID TECHNOLOGY • Demi-permanent crème • Rich tones, exceptional softness • Covers up to 70% grey • Lifts (up to 1.5 Levels with 15-vol), then deposits • Zero lift.

Everything You Need To Know About The Loreal Dia Richesse Color Chart

L'Oréal Professionnel Dia Richesse is a premium hair colour renowned for its rich and radiant results. This ammonia-free, semi-permanent hair colour is designed for professional use. The Dia Richesse colour offers an extensive palette of shades, allowing for versatile customisation. Its advanced formula not only provides vibrant colour but. DIA | 50 ml OVER 60 shades available 5.0 (4) Write a review Find a salon or Buy Online Tone-on-tone hair colour COVERING Improved white hair coverage up to 70% on base shades DURABILITY Up to 4 weeks LIGHTENING Up to 1.5 levels Tailored intensity DEVELOPMENT TIME L'Oreal Professionnel - Dia. 50ml. (95) To see prices, you must login or register. See all 59 shades. Quick selection. Place your order whenever it suits you with 24/7 online service on any device. $ {IF Product.shortDescription THEN Product.shortDescription ELSE Constant ('Shop our product ') AND Product.name. Rich color. Zero ammonia. Alkaline crème demi. N natural B blue.1 V violet.2 G gold. C copper.4 Rv red-violet.5 R red.6 Gr green.7 M mocha. tone 10 level pale blonde 9 very light blonde 8 light blonde 7 blonde 6 dark blonde 5 light brown 4 brown 3 dark brown 2 darkest brown 1 black 5GV 5.32 level of color primary tone of color secondary tone.

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Iceberg Grey 9.11/9BB. #P0742603. DIA Richesse. Sandy Beige 9.13/9BG. #P0743203. L'Oréal ProfessionnelDIA DIA Richesse Ammonia-Free Demi-Permanent Crème Haircolor 1.7 oz. | Shop Haircolor products online at SalonCentric professional salon beauty supply. It illuminates your hair and leaves it feeling soft to the touch. This demi-permanent hair colour lasts up to 6 weeks and provides up to 70% white hair coverage. It achieves up to 1.5 levels of lift when used with L'Oréal Diactivateur 4.5% Developer. Can also be used with Diactivateur Developer 1.8% or 2.7% for tailored intensity. DEVELOPMENT TIME. Up to 20 mins: Depending on the service provided by your professional hairdresser total service time may vary. A perfect hair dye for your first time. DIA Richesse illuminates natural hair colour through its ammonia free and tone-on-tone colouration process, for rich, deep reflects and exceptional soft feel. DESCRIPTION. L'Oréal Dia Richesse is L'Oréal's next generation semi-permanent hair colour. It's advanced alkaline technology offer rich, deep reflects and incredible softness, ideal for natural or colour-treated hair. The ammonia free tone-on-tone colour gives up to 70% white coverage, lightening up to 1.5 levels and darkening up to 4.

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Loreal Dia Richesse is a permanent hair color that uses an advanced technology to protect and color the hair fibers. The color is sealed in the hair using a patented formula and locks in the color for up to 8 weeks. The formula is designed to condition and nourish the hair while providing an even and vibrant color finish. L'OREAL Diarichesse 5.35 Gold Kastanie: 50ml DIA Richesse - ammoniak-freie Farbe mit Grauhaarabdeckung bis zu 70% - es sorgt für reiche, tiefe Reflektionen und - ammoniak-freie Farbe mit Grauhaarabdeckung bis zu 70%.. Loreal DIA Richesse nur mit Loreal Diactivateur 1,8%, 2,7% oder mit 4,5% anwenden. Lieferzeit: ca. 3-4 Tage. 3,27 EUR. 65,40.