Columnar upright, Suckering. Potentially harmful. Harmful if eaten, skin irritant. Wear gloves and other protective equipment when handling. Genus. Robinia are vigorous suckering trees and shrubs, sometimes thorny, with pinnate leaves and racemes of pea-type flowers in early summer, sometimes followed by seed pods. Botanical Name: Robinia 'Casque Rouge'. Mature Height: 5-10m. Key Features: Stunning pink flowers; tactile soft foliage; late-blooming . This beautiful brightly coloured cultivar of the False Acacia is best seen during the summer period with its show stopping display of bright lilac-pink flowers appearing after the crab apple and cherry blossom.
Bestel Robinia margaretta 'Casque Rouge' voordelig bij Plantenweelde
Robinia x margaretta Casque Rouge : A broadleaf deciduous tree with green foliage and pink and purple flowers in spring and summer. Attractive to butterflies. To grow well, it prefers sun and regular water. Adaptable to various soil conditions. Grows best in well-drained soil. Plant type: tree Plant family: #Fabaceae Foliage: deciduous green Mature size: 10 FT - 20 FT - wide, 20 FT - 30 FT. This is a rounded, open deciduous shrub or small tree with spiny shoots. Grows to 30 feet tall and wide, new growth is pinkish-red. Dark green leaves are pinnate to 8 inches in length, with up to 19 ovate to oblong leaflets. The right time to plant Robinia ×margaretta CASQUE ROUGE ('Pink Cascade') is during the dormancy period. In Western Europe, Robinia ×margaretta CASQUE ROUGE ('Pink Cascade') with root balls can generally be planted from mid-November to late April, although this depends strongly on the climatic conditions and the species of tree. Description. Robinia x ambigua - Casque Rouge. HEIGHT: 8.0m WIDTH: 5.0m *height & width at maturity. FORM: Rounded to oval FOLIAGE: Dark green, bronze tipped foliage. FLOWERS and FRUIT: In Spring, beautiful perfumed racemes of lilac-pink (wisteria like) flowers. BARK: Black GROWTH RATE: Fast DESCRIPTION: A beautiful specimen tree with an open canopy.
Robinia pseudoacacia Casque Rouge Robinier faux acacia rosepourpré
Robinia 'Casque Rouge' WHZ. WHZ 6a . Shoots. Thorny, brown shoots. Habit. Large shrub or small tree with an asymmetrical, open crown which is broadly funnel-shaped when juvenile. Initially very fast growing. Size. 6 (10) m in height and 5 (8) m in spread. Bark. Robinia Casque Rouge. Common Name: Robinia - Dark Pink. Description: Strong growing, large leafed tree growing to 8m tall by 5m wide. Dark green bronze tipped foliage. Breathtakingly beautiful crimson/purple large scented flowers. Grows in a wide range of soils and will tolerate short periods of wet soil. A feed of potassium in early autumn. The Robina 'Casque Rouge' is a medium-sized tree. A strong growing and upright tree which is usually thornless. Leaves are bronze when young and then mature to mid-green. Flowers in long hanging racemes, deep pink-red, very fragrant. A very interesting and ornamental tree which we are growing at our nursery in increasing numbers. Its origin is untraceable, the first mention was found in 1934 when it was sold in the USA as robinia x ambigua Pink Cascade, only then it travelled to Europe to be marketed as Casque Rouge. Casque Rouge locust offers a stunning display of deep pink to fuchsia-purple flowers in mid spring. They are pea-like, formed in 15-20 cm long racemes.
Robinie 'Casque Rouge' Robinia margaretta 'Casque Rouge' Baumschule Horstmann
Robinia Casque Rouge or Robinia Pink Cascade - fulll standard shaped trees with bushy crown on a clear trunk, perfect for lining pathways or above fence screens This is an OVERSIZED item - to check delivery cost add it to basket and enter your postcode into our quick delivery price checker tool to obtain delivery cost. Le Robinier faux acacia Casque Rouge ® 'Flemor' est un hybride horticole obtenu par le croisement du Robinia pseudo-acacia, natif de l'Est des U.S.A et du R. hispida, originaire des sous-bois secs du Sud-Est des Etats-Unis. De la famille des fabacées, les robiniers assimilent l'azote atmosphérique au niveau de leurs racines, ce qui leur.
L'acacia CASQUE ROUGE est un bel arbre à cime arrondie et aérée. Facile à réussir, il pousse rapidement et sa santé est de fer. En mai-juin, il porte des grappes retombantes de fleurs rouge carmin rosé. Son feuillage léger, d'un vert assez foncé, vous offrira un ombrage très agréable, parfait près de votre terrasse ou sur une pelouse. Die Robinie 'Casque Rouge' zeigt sich in ihrer Gesamtheit anspruchslos. Allerdings bevorzugt sie einen lockeren Untergrund. Auf eine Bodenverdichtung reagiert sie empfindlich. Ansonsten stellt sie wenige Ansprüche an den Boden. Sie gehört zu einer anpassungsfähigen Art, toleriert salzhaltige Böden und ist sonnen- und wärmeliebend.
Robinia 'Casque Rouge' 8" Pot Hello Hello Plants & Garden Supplies
Title: Robinia ×margaretta CASQUE ROUGE ('Pink Cascade') Created Date: 1/3/2024 9:47:17 PM Robinia Casque Rouge is a spectacular robinia variety, featuring crimson to purple flowers. Thrives in any soil and tolerates urban pollution. Open every day 8am-5.30pm. Biggest range of plants in Victoria. 1477 Sydney Road, Campbellfield, 3061, Victoria, Australia (03) 9359 3331 Open: 8am - 5:30pm. Products search.