Für Elise® Nostalgic double flower, globular, cupped, 8 cm in diameter, composed of 40 purple pink petals with a good scent. Healthy and re-flowering, it grows upright and bushy, reaching 70 cm in height and 40 cm in width. Glossy dark green leaves. New from Kordes Rosen for 2020 it is part of the Fantasia® collection. Exhibition name: Fur Elise Origin: Bred by Robert Neil Rippetoe (United States, 2006). Introduced in United States by Roses Unlimited in 2007 as 'Fur Elise'. Class: Shrub. Bloom: Pink blend. Light pink to deep pink blend blushing darker on petal margins. Strong, old rose fragrance. up to 16 petals. Average diameter 3".
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'Für Elise ®' rose Description My HMF: ☐ RATE THIS ROSE ADD TO FAVORITES LIST ADD TO WISH LIST ADD TO WATCH LIST ☐ MY JOURNAL Photo courtesy of RosTom Availability: Commercially available Synonyms: • KO 09/3029-02 • KORelifur • Marszalkowa Aleksandra Pilsudska ® Origin: Bred by W. Kordes & Sons (Germany, 2009). Für Elise Für Elise® Cluster roses , W. Kordes , 2020 KORelifur Medium-sized, old-fashioned and very double flowers with an intense purple colour and a good floral scent. The plant is very healthy and has a bushy upright growth. Reblooms between June and October. Colour: Purple Scent: Zeer geurend Repeat flowering : ( June - October ) Mit ‚Für Elise' bald darauf auch ihr Name - nach dem berühmten, einer noch heute unbekannten Empfängerin gewidmeten Klavierstück. Patin Elke Büdenbender taufte die Rose feierlich in einer der wenigen Zeremonien, die im ersten Corona-Sommer 2020 stattfinden konnten. Eigenschaften Bestell-Nr.: 4718-00 Wurzelnackte Rose Info Nachhaltigkeit For Elise ), is one of Ludwig van Beethoven 's most popular compositions. [1] [2] [3] It was not published during his lifetime, only being discovered (by Ludwig Nohl) 40 years after his death, and may be termed either a Bagatelle or an Albumblatt.
Für Elise ® kaufen Beetrose AGEL ROSEN
Für Elise features deep pink/magenta cupped blooms with frilled edges. This variety won many awards at the 2023 National Australia Rose Trial Gardens, including the Gold Medal, Australian Rose of the Year, Best Rose of the Trial and Best Floribunda of the Trial. Fragrance: Medium to Strong Height: 70cm x 40cm Category: Floribunda floribunda magenta Named in cooperation with the city of Bonn on occasion of the 'Beethoven Anniversary Year 2020'. Characteristics Order number 4718-00 Bare rooted rose Info Sustainability floribunda rose - Für Elise Bare-rooted rose, A-quality delivery time: from 01.01.2024 delivery period: January - March €14.95 From 5 Piece (s) per €13.43 (KORelifur) This Gold Medal Winning variety of intense dark pink magenta has beautifully cupped blooms of a nostalgic character. It has exceptional health and a delightful fragrance. These wonderful attributes led to it receiving numerous awards at the 2023 National Australian Rose Trial Garden Awards: Australian Rose of the Year 2023 Gold Medal Beethoven 's Bagatelle No. 25 in A minor is rarely referred to in such grandiose terms; instead, all who know and love it refer to it simply by its nickname, 'Für Elise' (German for 'for Elise'). But it's a nickname that, frankly, should never have existed. Beethoven did indeed include a dedication on the manuscript, but it was 'Für Therese'.
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Colour dunkel burgundviolett Flower gefüllte nostalgische Blüten Fragrance guter Duft Period Foliage gesundes Laub Growth aufrecht wachsend Breeder W. Kordes' Söhne, 2020 introduced Für Elise ist eine gesunde Beetrose mit nostalgisch gefüllten gut duftenden Blüten. Die Rose mit der aparten violetten Farbe wurde benannt in Kooperation mit der Stadt Bonn im Rahmen des Beethoven-Jahres 2020. Rosa 'Für Elise' ADR-Rose verfügt über gefiedertes, wechselständig angeordnetes Laub. Die Blätter sind eiförmig, vorn zugespitzt und besitzen einen gesägten Rand. Mit ihrem dunklen Grün unterstreichen sie die Blütenfarbe perfekt. Die Beetrose 'Für Elise' wächst aufrecht, buschig, niedrig und gut verzweigt.
Special version of Beethoven's "Für Elise". Exquisite rose photos are composed almost as a love story, with Für Elise as soundtrack. PIANO LESSONS ONLINE!. Für Elise, a rose that has garnered high accolades, stands out for its remarkable vitality and a fragrance that is as delightful as it is intoxicating. This exquisite variety presents deep pink to magenta blossoms, each one elegantly sculpted into a cupped shape with delicately frilled edges that suggest a classic, romantic flair.
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Classic Music 2.1M views Beethoven - Für EliseClick the 🔔bell to always be notified on new uploads!♫ Listen on Apple Music Classical: http://apple.co/Rousseau♫ MIDI: https://patreon. \'Für Elise ®\' rose photographs contributed by breeders, nurseries and website members. Roses, Clematis and Peonies and everything gardening related.. Rose photo courtesy of anonymous-382123. 04-2022 Belgium by wl. Uploaded 4 JUN 22. Rose photo courtesy of ElenaK. Uploaded 15 JUN 22.