Bisanzio Sant'Apollinare in Classe

The Basilica of Sant' Apollinare in Classe ("Saint Apollinaris in Classe") is a church in Classe, Ravenna, Italy, consecrated on 9 May 549 by the bishop Maximian and dedicated to Saint Apollinaris, the first bishop of Ravenna and Classe. The Basilica of Sant'Apollinare in Classe, a UNESCO heritage site since 1996, is an essential part of the Classe Archeological Park, along with the Ravenna Classis Museum and the Ancient Port of Classe. Useful information OPENING HOURS TICKET OFFICE FOR INFORMATION CONTACT MAP BUY TICKET

Bisanzio Sant'Apollinare in Classe

Sant'Apollinare in Classe, Ravenna, Italy, c. 533-49 (apse mosaic, 6th century, triumphal arch mosaics, likely c. 7th-12th centuries) Speakers: Dr. Beth Harris & Dr. Steven Zucker. Created by Beth Harris and Steven Zucker. Questions Tips & Thanks Want to join the conversation? Just on the border of the little town of Classe, 8 km south of Ravenna, one of the eight monuments composing the city's Unesco site stands out - it's the grandiose and solemn BASILICA OF SANT'APOLLINARE IN CLASSE with its characteristic cylindrical bell tower, UNESCO World Heritage Monument since 1996. Sant'Apollinare in Classe, Ravenna (Italy) by Dr. Steven Zucker and Dr. Beth Harris Sant'Apollinare in Classe, Ravenna (Italy), c. 533-49 (apse mosaic, 6th century, triumphal arch mosaics, likely c. 7th-12th centuries) Additional resources Smarthistory's free Guide to Byzantine Art e-book More Smarthistory images… The 6th-century basilica of Sant'Apollinare in Classe is located in Classe, which was the small harbor town of Ravenna in antiquity. It is located about 4 km south of the city center. Like most Ravenna churches, it is known for its exceptional Byzantine mosaics.

Basilica of Sant'Apollinare in Classe [ ravenna myRavenna] Architettura bizantina, Ravenna

La basilica di Sant'Apollinare in Classe è una basilica paleocristiana situata a Ravenna, nel 1960 elevata alla dignità di basilica minore da papa Giovanni XXIII. [1] La basilica è inserita, dal 1996, nella lista dei siti italiani patrimonio dell'umanità dall' UNESCO, all'interno del sito seriale "Monumenti paleocristiani di Ravenna". The Basilica of Sant'Apollinare in Classe, begun in 535 and consecrated in 549, has a distinctive round campanile (870-878) that is the earliest example in Italy of the decorative use of majolica. This church also has impressive capitals in its nave and a fine apse mosaic depicting the… Read More symbolism in mosaics Entrando all'interno della Basilica di Sant'Apollinare in Classe la prima cosa che colpisce è l'enorme spazio che caratterizza l'intero edificio. Una luce calda spinge il visitatore a procedere lungo la navata centrale verso l'abside come a seguire una sorta di un sentiero attraverso un bosco. Basilica di Sant'Apollinare in Classe. This signature early Christian basilica, lighter than Ravenna's other churches, is situated 5km southeast of town in the former Roman port of Classe. Its magnificent central apse mosaic, featuring Ravenna's patron Sant'Apollinare flanked by sheep and juxtaposed against a stunningly green landscape, is.

Basilica of Sant' Apollinare in Classe Photograph by Nigel FletcherJones Fine Art America

Sant'Apollinare in Classe From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository See also category: Sant'Apollinare in Classe (Ravenna). Contents 1 Exterior 2 Interior 3 Mosaici del catino absidale 4 Triumphal arch - Arc triomphal Exterior Basilica di Sant Apollinare in Classe Interior Interiors Interiors Interiors Ecclesius Severus Ursicinus Ursus La Basilica di Sant'Apollinare in Classe, patrimonio dell'Unesco dal 1996, è un elemento fondamentale del Parco Archeologico di Classe, unitamente al Museo Classis Ravenna e all'Antico Porto di Classe. Informazioni utili. ORARI DI APERTURA. Dal lunedì al sabato: 8.30-19.30 Sant'Apollinare in Classe mosaic. Apse 6th century, triumphal arch 7th -12th century. Photos by Steven Zucker. There is some iconography that can only be described as miraculous. Such is the sixth century apse mosaic at the basilica of Saint Apollinare in Classe, five miles from Ravenna, Italy. The Basilica of Sant'Apollinare in Classe was built there, near the old seashore, which has migrated more than five miles away in the last 1,500 years. The church is now considered the greatest.

Chiesa Sant Apollinare In Classe roaraiden

The Basilica di Sant'Apollinare in Classe is a magnificent early Christian church located in Classe, a suburb of Ravenna, Italy. It is one of the most important monuments of early Christian art and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The 6th-century basilica of Sant'Apollinare in Classe is located in Classe, the small harbor town of Ravenna located about 4 miles south of the city center. Like most Ravenna churches, it is known for its exceptional Byzantine mosaics. It also has elegant architecture and a fine collection of early Christian sarcophagi.