23 chats qui ont un pelage vraiment unique et étonnant Beaux chats

Selkirk Rex - Rassekatze vom Züchter oder Katze aus dem Tierheim Bei der Selkirk Rex handelt es sich in vielerlei Hinsicht um eine außergewöhnliche Katzenrasse. Ihr gelocktes Fell ist eines ihrer Erkennungszeichen. Katzenliebhaber/innen, die Gefallen an dieser Rasse finden, können nach Züchtern Ausschau halten. Finde alles Wissenswerte über die Katzenrasse Selkirk Rex in der Rubrik Katzenrassen auf tierheim.de Herkunft Wesen Haltung Gesundheit und Pflege

Selkirk Rex Breed Info & Advice zooplus Magazine

Selkirk Rex Selkirk Rex View Adoptable Pets for This Breed The Selkirk Rex is the result of a dominant, spontaneous mutation that causes each hair (guard, down and awn) to have a gentle curl giving the coat a soft feel. The Selkirk Rex is a medium to large cat with heavy boning that gives the cat surprising weight and an impression of power. This is a group to showcase Selkirk Rex adults and occasionally other British Shorthair related breeds, who are in need of a home. This may be a rescue, an older cat or a retired breeder. Please let. Length: Up to 30 inches Coat Length: Short or long hair Coat Colors: Any genetically possible color or combination Coat Patterns: Tabby, shaded, tortoiseshell, chinchilla, smoke, calico, bicolor, tricolor, pointed, mink, sepia Eye Color: Any color Lifespan: Up to 15 years Hypoallergenic: No Origin: United States Selkirk Cat Characteristics All About The Selkirk Rex Guest Contributor · April 21, 2022 · Last updated: June 9, 2023 Cats have been our feline royal companions for as long as we can remember. Fiercely independent, soft, and fluffy, they capture our hearts-and steal a few socks- with their playful and affectionate banter.

Selkirk Rex Kedi Özellikleri ve Bakımı Zoo Blog

The Selkirk Rex is a mellow breed that resembles a soft, stuffed toy. The shorthair variety have a dense, plush, curly coat that resembles a teddy-bear; while the longhair variety has an even more tousled look that gives the appearance of a woolly sheep. The Selkirk Rex is an easy-going relaxed cat that resembles a soft, stuffed toy that you just want to pick up and hug. One of the rexed breeds, they have a tousled disarray to their dense coats that leads makes them look as though they are having a bad hair day! The Selkirk Rex is an easy-going relaxed cat that resembles a soft, stuffed toy that you just want to pick up and hug. The largest of the rex-coated (curly) breeds, Selkirk Rex have a tousled disarray to their dense coats that leads makes them to look as though they are having a bad hair day! Sometimes called the cat in sheep's clothing. (May 2023) The Selkirk Rex is distinct from all other Rex breeds. Unlike the Devon Rex and Cornish Rex, the hair is of normal length and not partly missing. There are longhair and shorthair varieties. [2] It differs from the LaPerm in that the Selkirk Rex coat is plusher and thicker.

Selkirk Rex Steckbrief Mein Haustier

The Selkirk Rex is a muscular, medium-sized cat that can weigh up to 16 pounds, but the females are smaller. This cat has a round head, adorable round eyes, and comes in a wide variety of colors. 7 min read A Selkirk Rex is a calm cat with a curly coat. Selkirk Rexes resemble stuffed animals and have also been called cats in sheep's clothing. They have a cuddly personality to go with. The cat was found in a shelter in Montana in 1987 and its curly fur is a naturally occurring genetic mutation. This curly haired cat was bred to a Persian to produce more curly-hair kittens and the breed's development began. The Selkirk Rex was recognized by the International Cat Association in 1994 the Cat Fanciers' Association in 2000. Overview Characteristics Origin United States Height 9"- 11" Adult weight 7-12 pounds Life Span 14-15 years Temperament Calm, affectionate, loyal, charming Other Names Poodle cat, The cat in sheep's clothing, Selkirk Group Large-sized long-haired Price $500- $800 Personality and Temperament

Selkirk Rex Cat Breed history and some interesting facts

These large, huggable kitties have round heads, big eyes, and a plush, curly coat that comes in a host of colors and patterns (even their whiskers are curled!). You can find long-haired and short-haired Selkirk rex cats, and both are equally treasured by cat fanciers. This cat breed is intelligent, loving, easygoing, and gets along well with. Height. 9-11 inches. Selkirk Rex Breed History. The Selkirk Rex is a new breed that developed naturally from a curly coated tortie and white housecat found in a shelter in Montana in 1987. That first cat, Miss Depesto of Noface, was given to breeder Jeri Newman who bred her to a black Persian. Three of the six kittens that were subsequently.