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At its core, esoteric spirituality is a form of spirituality that is focused on the inner self and the exploration of the mysteries of life. It is a path that seeks to uncover the hidden truths that lie beneath the surface of our everyday experience. Esoteric spirituality draws on a wide range of sources, including art, philosophy, and religion. : requiring or exhibiting knowledge that is restricted to a small group esoteric terminology broadly : difficult to understand esoteric subjects 2 a : limited to a small circle engaging in esoteric pursuits b : private, confidential an esoteric purpose 3 : of special, rare, or unusual interest esoteric building materials esoterically Spirit of Esoterik. 5,046 likes · 624 talking about this. Glücklich zu sein ist schön. Glücklich zu machen ist noch schöner. Product Details: Size: Pendant size 3x2.6x0.9cm Materials: Obsidian Environmental standards: Free from lead, nickel and cadmium; Delivery costs / delivery time:

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Esoteric Nazism, also known as Esoteric Fascism or Esoteric Hitlerism, refers to a range of mystical interpretations and adaptations of Nazism. After the Second World War, esoteric interpretations of the Third Reich were adapted into new religious movements of white nationalism and neo-Nazism. Abstract This article examines the views of Gurdjieff's disciples P.D. Ouspensky and Maurice Nicoll on the esoteric nature of the Gospels. Utilising one of Wouter Hanegraaff's definitions of esotericism as religious activity concerned predominantly with salvific knowledge of the 'inner mysteries of religion' reserved for a selected elite, Ouspensky's and Nicoll's view of the. As seen in the ruins of many sacred sites around the world, esoteric knowledge was practiced and preserved by ancient civilizations in India, Persia, Asia, South America, Britain etc. some of which had their connections with the esoteric knowledge which came from pre-Egyptian civilizations. Messengers, Avatars, and Prophets given missions by. Instagram @spiritofesoterik Facebook Spirit of Esoterik Youtube Spirit of Esoterik - Hashtags #zitate #zitatdestages #zitat #zitateaufdeutsch #zitateundsprueche #zitateundsprüche.

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39,95€ 29,95€. 7 Chakra Orgonit Halskette für mehr Energie und Lebensfreude im Alltag. Echter Orgonit statt wirkungsloser Fälschung: Versand aus Deutschland. Schenkt dir mehr Energie und bringt dich in Einklang. Kann Blockaden lösen und den positiven Energiefluss in deinem Körper steigern. Ein Chakra ist ein Energiezentrum. Daher ist es die Schlussfolgerung, dass diese dein Befinden beeinflussen. Jeder Mensch hat 7 Hauptchakren. Sind die Chakren geöffnet und harmonisiert, so setzt du in deinem Körper eine außergewöhnliche Energie frei. Als ich das erste mal von Orgonit hörte, war ich sofort fasziniert!