Ten Thousand Dragon + French database ID. 14,809 + French lore. Ni Invocable Normalement ni Posable Normalement. Uniquement Invocable Spécialement en Sacrifiant des monstres que vous contrôlez dont la somme des ATK/DEF est min. 10 000. Si elle est Invoquée de cette façon, l'ATK/DEF de cette carte deviennent 10 000. Language Name Card text; French: Dragon Dix-Mille: Ni Invocable Normalement ni Posable Normalement. Uniquement Invocable Spécialement en Sacrifiant des monstres que vous contrôlez dont la somme des ATK/DEF est min. 10 000.

Ten Thousand Dragon by BatMed on DeviantArt

TCG, Ten Thousand Dragon features an exclusive 10,000 Secret Rare foil treatment you won't find anywhere else. With a red foil-stamped name and a unique "10000" watermark on the text box, there's nothing else like it. Current Price Points Latest Sales Date Condition Qty Price 12/23/23 NM 1st Edition 1$850.00 11/24/23 NM 1st Edition 1$800.00 Ten Thousand Dragon Attribute DARK Level Level 10 ATK ? DEF ? Dragon / Effect Card Text Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned by Tributing monsters you control whose combined ATK & DEF is 10,000 or more. If Summoned this way, the ATK/DEF of this card becomes 10,000. Search For Decks Containing This Card Sets 2020-07-24 BLAR-EN10K Price for Ten Thousand Dragon from eBay and multiple card vendors. Ten Thousand Dragon is the 10,000th individually printed card in the game of Yu-Gi-Oh, and when it was released it came with its very own rarity, called "Ten Thousand Rare." Creating a new rarity for a massive milestone in the game's history is nothing to scoff at.

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"Primal Dragon, the Primordial" supports this card very well. Banishing a monster with 3000 or more ATK will give "Primal Dragon" 10,000 total ATK/DEF on its own, and Summoning this card by Tributing it will activate the other effect of "Primal Dragon" to allow this card to attack twice. Ten Thousand Dragon. Dragon effect monster. Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned by Tributing monsters you control whose combined ATK & DEF is 10,000 or more. If Summoned this way, the ATK/DEF of this card becomes 10,000. | Yu-Gi-Oh TCG YGO Ten Thousand Dragon Gallery Rulings Errata Tips Appearances Trivia Lores Artworks Names This card was released to commemorate the milestone of 10,000 cards in the OCG that was passed with the release of the set it was first printed in, Ignition Assault. A card backing appears in this card's artwork. The Passcode of this card is 00010000. This is the first password value to be a power of 10. This card's special set number for Battles of Legend: Armageddon is also BLAR-XX 10K. According to a V Jump article, this monster is based on " Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End ", while its armor is based on a pen motif. This card, " Armityle the Chaos Phantasm ", " Numeron Chaos.

Ten Thousand Dragon BLAREN10K 10000 Secret Rare

*Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. The majestic golden dragon and the cosmos surrounding it shown in the splendid and mysterious illustration of "Ten Thousand Dragon" actually bases its design on the "superstring theory", which posits that all of creation is actually made up of strings. The idea behind the illustration is that the dragon represents the string, while the. Resurgence of Sealed Product. Konami has recently started wooing the player base by offering sought-after rarities to the core sets and some side sets, causing an increase in the appeal of purchasing sealed product that contains either new rarities or old rarities that are making a comeback. Let us take a look at them. Ten Thousand Dragon is named as it is the 10,000 card created in the game, a great honor. Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set isn't how you want to lead off ever with a monster's effect. Gotta tribute monsters on the field that are yours until you hit 10,000 or more in combined ATK & DEF. If you decide to do that, you've got a 10,000/10,000.

Steam ten thousand dragon

Ten Thousand Dragon DARK 10 [ Dragon / Effect ] Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set.Must be Special Summoned by Tributing monsters you control whose combined ATK & DEF is 10,000 or more.If Summoned this way, the ATK/DEF of this card becomes 10,000. ATK/ 0 DEF/ 0 How to Obtain Master Pack Released on January 18th, 2022 Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. You can craft Ten Thousand Dragon using CP-URs. To do so, go to the Deck Builder screen, search for Ten Thousand Dragon, then click on Generate. How to Craft Cards. Included in the Master Pack. You can also get Ten Thousand Dragon from the Master Pack. However, we strongly advise against buying from the Master Pack as the odds of pulling Ten Thousand Dragon are low.