Tomate "Yellow Submarine" ungewöhnlicher Wuchs Hortus Delirantium

With its bright yellow pear-shaped fruits, the tomato 'Yellow Submarine' is one of the more unusual and eye-catching tomato varieties. In this guide you will learn everything you need to know about this yellow cocktail tomato variety. 'Yellow Submarine' tomato: profile Origin and history Yellow pear shaped tomatoes weighing about ½oz/10-15g. Definite flavor and texture improvement over Yellow Pear. Was not dry and mealy like Yellow Pear tends to be. Good set. No noticeable cracking occurred. Some foliar disease noted by end of season (septoria and early blight). Source Bill Malin, New Mexico (NM MA W) Year: 2007

Cocktailtomate Yellow Submarine Cocktailtomaten Tomaten

Die Früchte ähneln in Größe und Aussehen der Tomatensorte 'Dattelwein' oder 'Yellow Pearshaped', schmecken fruchtig und noch milder und süßer mit einer kaum wahrnehmbaren Säure. Bei dieser Sorte handelt es sich um eine samenfeste Varietät, Sie können also Saatgut der 'Yellow Submarine' gewinnen und sie selbst vermehren. Yellow Submarine is pear-shaped tomato that has a beautiful, light yellow color and a classic tomato flavor. It is perfect to have in a beautiful bowl on the kitchen table and to pick from for breakfast, eat as a snack and of course, to put in salads. The fruits look like little Barbapapa and works as candy when you are craving something juicy. Tomato 'Yellow Submarine' €3.45 'Yellow Submarine' is a yellow cherry tomato variety that produces large quantities of small sweet pear-shaped fruit in long racemes. This is a potato leaf variety with an open growing habit. Each pack contains approximately 33 organic seeds. More details below. Qty Add to Cart Add to Wish List Add to Compare Much better flavor than Yellow Pear - sweeter at the end of the season. Healthy plant with moderate, continuous production. Slightly larger and blockier than Yellow Pear. Has a permanent place in my garden. On Mar 5, 2008, jenhillphoto from Danbury, CT (Zone 6a) wrote: Reported to be a tastier version of the yellow pear.

Yellow Submarine Saatgut TOMATEN Online Shop Kinara Gemüse mit Herz

Sowing depth: 0.5-1 cm Raise in seed bed: for greenhouse: from January till beginning of April for planting out from March till mid of May. for open ground: from March till beginning of April for planting out from beginning till end of May. Seed germination temperature: 18-22 °C Planting distance: greenhouse in double rows 75 x 40-60 cm. Tomato variety 'Yellow Submarine': history and origin. The 'Yellow Submarine' variety comes from the maintenance breeding of Reinsaat KG from Austria. The original origin of the variety is not known, but it received a variety approval for professional cultivation in 2012. Its name means "yellow submarine" in German and alludes to the oblong. Tomatovillian™. Join Date: Dec 2008. Location: Shelbyville, IN. Posts: 343. Yellow Submarine tomato. I grew one plant of Yellow Submarine this summer and found the tomato one of my new favorites! I grew it when told that Yellow Pear was bland in comparison. YS bursts with "refreshing" tomato flavor and just enough sweetness. If you think green tomatoes aren't delectable, well, don't be jaded.! Organic Jaded Cherry Tomato is the deliciously rich combination of several heirloom varieties crossed by our friend and mentor Phil Griffiths, fondly known as Griff. He loves to describe their flavor as 'complex, charismatic and captivating,' and we couldn't agree more. One of the most unusual characteristics of Jaded is.

"falsche" Tomaten an "richtiger" Pflanze (Yellow Submarine mit roten Früchten) Gartenforum ⇒

BIO - Tomate - Yellow Submarine Solanum lycopersicum Leckeres kleines U-Boot mit birnenförmigen Früchten. Tomaten trocknen und aufbewahren: Heizen Sie Ihren Backofen auf 75°Celsius vor. Tomaten waschen und längs halbieren. Einige Thymianzweige waschen, trocken tupfen und hacken. Tomaten auf dem Blech verteilen und mit Thymian bestreuen. Die wüchsige Stabtomate Yellow Submarine wird ihren Garten zum Leuchten bringen. Mit ihren zahlreichen birnenförmigen, gelben Früchtchen, mit einem besonders fruchtig- süßen Geschmack und wenig Säure, macht sich die Yellow Submarine besonders bei Kindern beliebt. Man nennt sie auch "DIE Kindertomate". Yellow Submarine - Kindernaschtomate, gelbes Birnchen mit köstlich saftig süßem Aroma, samenfest. Tomatensamen - Geschenkset; Tomaten anbauen;. OnlineShop Tomaten + Gemüse. Alle Tomaten (136) Balkontomaten (16) Cocktailtomaten (51) Fleischtomaten (40) Salattomaten (38) Wildtomaten (6) Tomatensamen - Geschenkset (6) Tomato - Yellow Submarine (Organic) £ 2.45. Yellow indeterminate cherry tomato that produces lots of small pear-shaped fruits in large trusses. The fresh, sweet taste with juicy pulp and low acidity levels make this a popular tomato variety that will always look good amongst other tomatoes. The plant is a potato leaf type with an open growth.

Tomate "Yellow Submarine" ungewöhnlicher Wuchs Hortus Delirantium

Produktnummer: SW10268 Beschreibung Bewertungen Produktinformationen "Tomatensaatgut Yellow Submarine" Kartoffelblättrige, wohlschmeckende Naschtomate. Die saftigste Versuchung seit es Tomaten gibt. Eine irische Sorte, die über Mexiko in die USA kam. Um vielleicht von den USA nach Mitteleuropa zu kommen :) Der Weg der Tomaten: Die Tomate Yellow Submarine ist eine Stabtomate mit offenem Wuchs und kartoffelblättrigen Pflanzen. Sie bildet gelbe, birnenförmige aromatisch-süße Früchte aus, die ein Gewicht von ca. 25 Gramm erreichen können. Die Früchte wachsen in langen Trauben und laden insbesondere Kinder zum Naschen ein! Inhalt: ca 25 Korn