Baumschule Eggert - Blütensträucher, Baumschulen, Heckenpflanzen - Wollemie, Wollemia nobilis, in unserem Online-Shop günstig bestellen! Startseite » Nadelgehölze » deutsch - botanisch » W » Wollemia nobilis « Erster « zurück 12 Artikel in dieser Kategorie Wollemia nobilis - Wollemie Zum Vergrößern bitte Bild anklicken! Wollemie Wollemia nobilis, commonly called wollemi pine, is an evergreen, tree conifer in the Araucariaceae family. Notwithstanding its common name, it is not a pine nor is it a member of the pine family.
Wollemia nobilis Trees and Shrubs Online
Australian horticulturalists have propagated and disseminated this rare tree around the world. Today trees thrive in the best public and private gardens worldwide, an inspiring story of nature's resilience combined with the spirit of conservation. (Limited Availability) Wollemia nobilis Garden Size: 25'H x 12'W Growth Rate: 12″+per year The genus Wollemia contains just a single species, Wollemia nobilis, and is related to the Norfolk Island Pine (Araucariaceae). Until 1994, Wollemia was known only in the fossil record from 200 million years ago and scientists considered the plant to be extinct. Wollemia nobilis (Wollemi Pine) - A fast growing conifer that sprouts multiple trunks to 130 feet tall (in hhabitat) with bubbly brown bark and bearing new growth of flat sprays of oppositely ranked soft needles that are at first apple green but age to blue-green much like a coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) or Chinese plum yew (Cephalotaxus. £149.99 50% (2 Reviews) Garden Club Members Price: £134.99 JOIN TODAY One of the world's oldest and rarest trees Considered a "living fossil" Evergreen architectural tree Will withstand temperatures down to minus 10 Delivery Information View Product Description Out of Stock 1 x 3 Litre Potted Plant £149.99 Out of stock
Wollemia nobilis Wollemi Pine Copyright All Rights Res… Flickr
799,00 €* Preise inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten Nicht mehr verfügbar Zum Merkzettel hinzufügen Produktnummer: AN-10061 Beschreibung Bewertungen Produktinformationen "Seedeo® Wollemi Pine (Wollemia nobilis) Pflanze ca. 25 - hoch " Wollemi Pine (Wollemia nobilis) Große Auswahl neuer und gebrauchter Wollemia Nobilis online entdecken bei eBay. Family: Araucariaceae Other common names: Wollemie vznešená (Czech), wolemi. The extraordinary wollemi pine dates back to the time of the dinosaurs. This living fossil was thought to be extinct for two million years until a small population was discovered in the Blue Mountains of Australia in 1994. Unser Sortiment--> Wollemia Nobilis : Eine seltene Nadelpflanze die in Australien erst 1994 wiederentdeckt wurde. Die Wollemia wird auf ein Alter von ca. 200 Millionen Jahre geschätzt. Die Wollemia ist in Ihren Ansprüchen den Baumfarnen sehr ähnlich, kommen ja aus derselben Region Australiens, den Blue Mountains.
Wollemia nobilis Monaco Nature Encyclopedia
Wollemia nobilis is an evergreen tree reaching 25-40 m (82-131 ft) tall. The bark is very distinctive, dark brown, and knobbly, quoted as resembling the breakfast cereal Coco Pops. [8] Wollemie (Wollemia nobilis) Inhaltsverzeichnis Steckbrief Herkunft Alle Inhalte Steckbrief Wuchstyp Baum Wuchshöhe von 1000 cm bis 1200 cm Wuchseigenschaften schmal aufrecht locker mehrstämmig Blütenfarbe grün braun Mehr anzeigen Herkunft
Info Species nobilis (NO-bil-iss) Info Synonym Sun Exposure Full Sun Sun to Partial Shade Foliage Grown for foliage Evergreen Provides Winter Interest Height over 40 ft. (12 m) Spacing 12-15 ft. (3.6-4.7 m) Hardiness USDA Zone 9b: to -3.8 °C (25 °F) USDA Zone 10a: to -1.1 °C (30 °F) USDA Zone 10b: to 1.7 °C (35 °F) Tree to 40 m, trunk to 1.2 m dbh. Bark reddish brown, peeling in small, thin scales; in mature plants, bark deep, soft and spongy, with distinctive nodules to 1.5 cm long. Crown slender and columnar, but trees often branch from the base.
Wollemia nobilis Trees and Shrubs Online
Name: Wollemia nobilis. Common name: Wollemi pine. Description: Evergreen conifer in the family Araucariaceae. In the wild, mature trees are over 120 feet tall. The bark is deep brown and resembles chocolate. Hardiness: USDA Zones 8b to 9. Perhaps down to 11° F. In the landscape: Wollemi pines can be grown in containers in well-drained soil. Wollemi pine, (Wollemia nobilis), rare evergreen tree, a member of the conifer family Araucariaceae and the only member of its genus.Wollemi pine was found in 1994 growing in a remote canyon in Wollemi National Park, about 200 km (120 miles) northwest of Sydney.This remarkable tree escaped discovery by earlier botanists in part because the only canyon system in which trees grow is bounded by.