The abbey is open every day: MARCH : from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM APRIL TO JUNE : from 10:30 AM to 12:30 AM and from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM JULY TO SEPTEMBER : from 10:30 AM to 7:00 PM OCTOBER AND NOVEMBER : from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM FRENCH SCHOOL HOLIDAYS IN AUTUMN: from 10:30 AM to 12:30 AM and from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM L'abbaye est actuellement fermée. Réouverture du 26 décembre 2023 au 07 janvier 2024 à l'occasion de "Noël à Beauport". Fermée les 31 déc et 1 er janv. Le domaine est en accès libre et gratuit toute l'année. Horaires variables selon la période de l'année : Voir tous les horaires TARIFS TARIF PLEIN 6.50 €
Ruinas Abadía de Beauport Ruinas, Castillos, Francia
An exceptional site in Brittany Beauport, bearing witness to 600 years of religious history In the 13th century, Premonstratensians settled at Beauport at the request of Count Alain de Goëlo. The first canons came from Lucerne Abbey in Normandy. Beauport is the only Premonstratensian abbey in Brittany. Beauport Abbey is open every day from March 1 to November 11 and during the French Christmas holidays. March April May June July August September October November french christmas holidays visitor information An ideal space for families! Throughout the tour, seating invites you to take a break or contemplate a view. Thematic sheets help you discover the history, architecture and function of the different spaces of the abbey. Guided tours (in July and August only / tour in French) Abbaye de Beauport, 22500, Paimpol France. Reach out directly. Visit website Call Email. Full view. Best nearby. Restaurants. 67 within 3 miles. Crêperie de l'Abbaye - Beauport. 139. 0.1 mi $$ - $$$ • French • European • Vegetarian Friendly. Café de Beauport - L'herbe folle. 14. 74 ft $$ - $$$ • Cafe.
Catedrais Medievais A abadia de Beauport ruínas que evocam as Lamentações do profeta Jeremias
Abbaye de Beauport Kérity 22500 Paimpol How to get there 02 96 55 18 58 Send an email Its name, Beauport or Bellus Portus (Beautiful Port) expresses its exceptional coastal role as a place of pilgrimage and a maritime trading centre. This building is classé au titre des monuments historiques de la France. It is indexed in the base Mérimée, a database of architectural heritage maintained by the French Ministry of Culture , under the reference PA00089362 . Beauport Abbey was established in the 13th century and bears witness to 800 years of history. The well-preserved site is home to both conservation initiatives and cultural activities. Beauport can be enjoyed throughout the year, through visits, events, performances and shoreline and forest walks. The starting point at Beauport Abbey for Santiago de Compostela is one of 5 starting points in Brittany. The scallop shell that can be seen in the grounds opens the route taken each year by a few dozen pilgrims. Over 1550 miles (2500 km) lie before them for an extraordinary life experience. More information on the Way of Saint James in Brittany
Fotos La abadía de Beauport Guía turismo y vacaciones
Tourism, holidays & weekends guide in the Côtes-d'Armor. Built at the start of the 13th century, the coastal abbey of Beauport is located in the village of Kérity, in the municipality of Paimpol, Côtes-d'Armor. Facing the sea in an unspoilt natural environment, the monastery complex is a listed Historic Monument and its site is protected by. Abbaye de Beauport - l'Oeil de Paco A tour of Beauport Abbey Explore the interior to discover a 'green cloister' , a church open to the elements where hydrangeas and old roses flourish, admire the rooms with elegant ogive arches where swallows and bats live in perfect tranquility, pause for a moment at the refectory window to contemplate the stunning view of the sea and surrounding islands.
La abadía de Beauport es una abadía ubicada en la comuna francesa de Paimpol (en el lugar de Kérity) perteneciente al departamento de Côtes-d'Armor en la región de Bretaña . La abadía de Beauport es un placer para la vista y para la imaginación. La belleza de sus arcos, de sus columnas o de sus cúpulas es lujuriante. La mayoría de sus techos derruidos le dan un toque aún más romántico, ya que las habituales lluvias de la región han hecho crecer la vegetación en su interior. Beauport, romanticismo en estado puro
Abadía Marítima de Beauport Bretaña Francia
The abbey of Beauport is an abbey located in the French commune of Paimpol (in place of Kérity) belonging to the department of Côtes-d'Armor in the region of Brittany.. Historically, the Beauport Abbey was one of the departure points for Breton pilgrims who continued on the Camino de Santiago to the Galician city of Santiago de Compostela.. It is listed as a Grand site de France. La abadía de Beauport - Guía turismo y vacaciones Este conjunto monástico de estilo gótico se alza en medio de un marco natural magnífico - Edificada a principios del siglo XIII, la abadía marítima de… ¡Haga realidad sus vacaciones! Destino Indique sus preferencias Guía Prepare su estancia Su cuenta Español English Français Deutsch Italiano