Stop Posting Pictures of Your Cat. Start Posting Pictures of Your Getaway! Great Deals to Send Your Loved Ones Somewhere Nice and Close or Far. Your Choice. Son algunas de las palabras de nuestro vocabulario. La cultura del vino está fuertemente arraigada en nuestra tierra y gentes, por eso nos esforzamos diariamente, poniendo atención en los detalles, para conseguir vinos de la mas alta calidad.
Bodega San Cebrín
Our story begins in 1.998, year in which a group of wine-growers from San Asensio, Hormilleja and other neighbouring villages, decided to unite their knowledge and experience. From this union San Cebrin winery was born, a co-operative that believes in the complicity between its lands and its people. Rioja Alta is a privileged area for vine. Discover Bodega San Cebrin, a winery in Rioja, Spain and explore their most popular wines. Wines. Offers. Ship to United States State California Language English Wines. Offers. Pairings. Grapes. Regions. Winery Bodega San Cebrin. Rioja, Spain. Average Rating 3.6 (636 Ratings) Wines. 11. Contact Bodega San Cebrin Crtra. Circunvalación s/n Bodega San Cebrín surge en 1998 de la inquietud de un grupo de viticultores de San Asensio, Briones y Hormilleja. Dedicados durante generaciones al cuidado de las vides y elaboración artesana de vinos de gran calidad, deciden aunar esfuerzos y experiencia para adaptarse a la nuevas exigencias de comercialización, obteniendo su primer fruto con la cosecha de 1999. The SAN CEBRIN co-operative wine cellar sets up in 1998, as a result of a group of grape growers´disquiet all of them from two close villages called San Asensio and Hormilleja.
Bodega San Cebrín realiza una donación al Banco de Alimentos y a Cáritas para que todos
Bodegas San Cebrin is a co-operative in the heart of the Rioja Alta. Its 85 members have come together to employ the skills of the finest winemakers in the area CONTACTO Crtra. Circunvalación s/n 26340 San Asensio (La Rioja) Tel.: 941 457 640 - 672 708 808 Fax: 941 457 641
[email protected] Fermented. The alcoholic fermentation process is a natural procedure in which the grape's sugar transforms into alcohol, it needs a careful production control to obtain high quality wines . With this collection of young wines, from San Cebrín's cellars, we want to honor the popular culture, specifically those stories that have been transferred generation to generation, transmitting knowledge and experiences to the new generations. Ancient stories and legends that, throughout centuries, have been adapting and changing, giving place to multiple versions of the same.
Bodegas Cooperativa San Cebrín Ruta del Vino Rioja Alta
CLIMATOLOGY. San Asensio's climate is hot and temperate. It can rain all year round and the average annual temperature is 12.4 °C. We have rainfalls of 601 mm a year, all these factors allow an ideal climate for vine cultivation, creating optimal conditions to obtain the best quality grapes. Bodegas San Cebrin - Producer. Location: La Rioja, Spain.
A Red wine from Rioja, Spain. Made from Tempranillo, Mazuelo. See reviews and pricing for this wine. A Red wine from Rioja, Spain. Made from Tempranillo. See reviews and pricing for this wine.
Tinto De Boca en Boca 2021 Bodegas San Cebrín
Bodega San Cebrín, San Asensio. En esta tierra se halla el alma de San Cebrín que, a través del tiempo, ha forjado a personas que aman y cuidan su hogar. A White wine from Rioja, Spain. Made from Viura. See reviews and pricing for this wine.