burgas de canedo

The Outariz and Burga de Canedo recreational thermal area is the largest one in the city, with multiple bathing spaces extending along the right bank of river Miño. Two sets of outdoor thermal pools are situated in a large landscaped recreational area. El espacio termal de uso lúdico de Outariz y Burga de Canedo es el más grande de la ciudad, con múltiples instalaciones para el baño que se extienden por el margen derecho del río Miño. Se trata de dos conjuntos de vasos termales al aire libre situados en una gran área recreativa ajardinada.

Vista de la Burga de Canedo y de la ribera del río Miño desde el puente. Rutas, Vistas, Termas

Termas Outariz y Burgas de Canedo El recinto de uso público y gratuito se encuentra en la orilla derecha del río Miño a las afueras de la ciudad. Una pasarela, que cruza el río comunica estas termas con la orilla izquierda donde existe un aparcamiento y una parada de autobús donde para la línea 5 (Ceboliño -Reza). Pozas de Outariz 1 de 5 As Burgas are the historic hot springs located in the heart of the monumental area, very close to the Main Square and the Alameda Gardens. They are one of the icons of the city and, without a doubt, one its the must-see visits to discover Ourense's heritage and historical past . To get to the thermal baths of Outariz and Burga de Canedo, line 5 (Reza-Cebollino) leaves you in the parking lot of Pozas de Maimón, and you just need to cross a pedestrian walkway. On the other hand, if you want to get to the nearest hot springs to the city, the line 26 (Chavasqueira-Residencia) leaves you at the beginning of the Route. It's a great way to get to the A Chavasqueira, O Muíño da Veiga, Outariz and Burga de Canedo baths. But if you'd prefer to stretch your legs, it takes about 40 minutes to walk the six kilometres from the Plaza Mayor to the last baths at Outariz and Burga de Canedo. Where to stay in Ourense

Outariz y Burga de Canedo Turismo de Ourense

We went to the free thermal springs of Orense "Burga de Canedo" with our three children aged between 6 and 8. We went there by car; the parking lot is on the opposite side of the river and you have to walk over a bridge to get to the thermal springs.. Suelen estás más llenas de gente a partir de las 19:00/20:00 y menos por las mañanas. There are two: the " Burga de Abaixo " (19th century) and the " Burga de Arriba " (17th century). Legend says that whoever touches the water will end up marrying in the city. On the central esplanade, there is also a free open air thermal swimming pool. Inspired by the Japanese Onsen springs, this attraction has 11 outdoor thermal baths and three indoor ones, complete with jacuzzis, jets, streams, cold water barrels, caves, saunas and massage rooms. An authentic outdoor spa at the foot of the River Miño which can be enjoyed at a very low price! Water along the route range from 41ºC to 72ºC, available in the riverside pools of Chavasqueira, Outariz,Burga de Canedo and Muiño da Veiga, often full of people long into the night, enjoying the relaxing waters and the cool, peaceful setting.

Termas de Outariz y Burga de Canedo Orense, Galicia

Just before the footbridge that crosses to the other shore you'll find the pools of Outariz and Burga de Canedo, the largest area of thermal activity in Ourense, which is also free. On the opposite shore, in Reza, the route continues along the Nymphs' Lane, where you will find the last stop, the source of Reza. Share Ourense Thermal Map Nearby is the largest thermal area of the city, the public area of Outariz and Burga de Canedo, where waters rise over 60 °C and are also recommended for treating locomotor or dermatological problems. The river walk ends at the other side of the Miño, where the route continues along the Ride of the Nymphs. I fell in love with Spain twenty years ago when I lived in Madrid. I rekindled that love after this fall with another adventure on the Camino de Santiago.After my second Camino Frances, I decided to treat myself to two days of R&R in a jewel of a town, Ourense, located on the Miño River in Galicia, which happens to be on another Camino, the Silver Way (Via de la Plata). Mostly you will meet an older local crowd and pilgrims on the way to Santiago de Compostela.The water temperature is 38 degrees and there's a small steam room.. en las termas de Outariz y Burga de Canedo, por ejemplo, hay un área recreativa con columpios perfecta para los peques. Recuerda que en los niños no se recomiendan baños.

Termas Outariz y Burgas de Canedo Ourense Turismo

Burga de Canedo, Ourense. Ofrecido por: Galicia tiene una enorme tradición termalista que se pierde más allá de los siglos, siendo especialmente destacada en rincones y ciudades como Ourense:. Burga de Abajo, es la más famosa de las fuentes termales. Construida en el siglo XIX siguiendo un estilo neoclásico, cuenta con una pila labrada en el centro y dos caños laterales. Caño de agua de la fuente de Las Burgas El agua brota de Las Burgas a una temperatura que ronda los 67ºC, con un caudal de 300 litros por minuto.