The Côte de Vivero is a col with a length of 4.3 kilometer. This is a category 2 col. It is located in Galdakao, País Vasco, Spain. The average grade of this col is 7.3% with a maximum of 10.8%. The Côte de Vivero ascents from 48 meter at the start, to 360 meter at the top, with a total of 312 ascending meters. Profile Share / Embed Facts Ride Segment Galdakao, Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, Spain. Distance 4.15km. Elevation Gain 290m. Avg Grade 7.1%. Lowest Elev 61m. Highest Elev 355m. Elev Difference 294m. Climb Category 3. 57,170 Attempts By 1,686 People.
Viveros Grupo Garden
Côte de Vivero is a climb in the region Basque Country. It is 4.4km long and bridges 314 vertical meters with an average gradient of 7.2%, resulting in a difficulty score of 253. The top of the ascent is located at 365 meters above sea level. Climbfinder users shared 0 reviews/stories of this climb and uploaded 0 photos. Côte de Vivero Spain All the cycling data and info you'll need to climb Côte de Vivero 2.2 FIETS 2.7 mi DISTANCE 1,008 ft ELEVATION GAINED 7.1 % AVG. GRADIENT FULL CLIMB STATS PHOTOS & VIDEOS PJAMM TRIPS ROUTES IN AREA STRAVA MORE INTRO This 2.7 mile bike climb is located in País Vasco, Spain. Côte de Vivero est une montée située dans la région Pays basque. Cette montée est 4.4 kilomètres de long, pour un dénivelé positif de 314 mètres. Côte de Vivero a une pente moyenne de 7.2%. Avec cette raideur la montée comptabilise 253 points de difficulté. Le point le plus haut se trouve à 365 mètres d'altitude. La côte de Vivero est située en Espagne, dans le Pays Basque, près de Bilbao. Altitude de la côte : 361 m Accès au sommet de la côte : En venant de Larrabetzu, 4,2 km de montée à 7,3 % La côte de Vivero a été escaladée lors de la 1ère étape du Tour de France 202 3, Bilbao - Bilbao. © Courtesy Patricio Saldivia Saldivia Noack
Lo que se puede encontrar en un vivero
The Côte de Morga (3.8km at 4.8%), the Côte de Vivero (4.3km at 6.9%) and the Côte de Pike (2.2km at 9.9%), with 10 kilometres to go. The final kilometre was also uphill. Stage 1 profile 1.1K · 115 comments · 19K views Le Tour de France · 4d · Follow 5 points for Neilson Powless at the top of the Côte de Vivero. We have our first polka dot jersey of the #TDF2023! 5 points pour Neilson Powless au sommet de la Côte de Vivero. S'il termine dans les délais, nous avons notre premier maillot à pois du #TDF2023 ! See less Comments On a more positive note, Neilson Powless jumped away to lead over the category 2 Cote de Vivero climb and took the first king of the mountains jersey of the 2023 Tour. Cyclingnews saw how Carapaz. Côte de Vivero is een beklimming in de regio Baskenland. Hij is 4.4 kilometer lang en overbrugt 314 hoogtemeters met een gemiddeld stijgingspercentage van 7.2%. Daarmee scoort deze klim 253 klimpunten. De top van de beklimming ligt op 365 meter hoogte. Gebruikers van climbfinder deelden 0 ervaringen over deze beklimming en hebben 0 foto's geüpload.
Galería del Vivero Semillas y Plantones
Tour de France The Tour de France 2023 will hold its Grand Départ in the Basque Country, with a first stage in Bilbao on 1st July, and will finish in Paris on 23rd July, on completion of a 3,404-km route that will tackle the difficult slopes of the country's five mountain ranges. Just over 4km to go and they're climbing the summit of Cote de Vivero. Who will win the 1st Stage? Ychydig dros 4km i fynd. Mae nhw'n dechrau dringo.
Dailymotion. Côte de Vivero - Stage 1 - Tour de France 2023. The Tour de France 2023 will hold its Grand Départ in the Basque Country, with a first stage in Bilbao on 1st July, and will finish. Over 40km to go and they're climbing the summit of Cote de. Cymal 1 | Stage 1: Bilbao - Bilbao | Tour de France 2023 | S4C | Ychydig dros 40km i fynd. Mae nhw'n dechrau dringo copa Cote de Vivero.
Instalaciones del vivero con todo tipo de plantas y flores, tanto de interior como de
Côte de Vivero ist ein Anstieg in der Region Baskenland. Die Strecke ist 4.4 Kilometer lang und überbrückt 314 Höhenmeter mit einem durchschnittlichen Gefälle von 7.2%. Der Anstieg erzielt so 253 Bergpunkte. Der höchste Punkt liegt auf 365 Metern. Richard Carapaz was involved in a crash on the Côte de Vivero at the Tour de France today. He has gotten back on his bike to continue and will be examined by team medical staff after the stage. 2:56 PM · Jul 1, 2023