Todas las Monedas de 2 Euros Conmemorativas de Estonia Numismatica Visual

2 EURO LL Engraver: Luc Luycx Edge "O" and "EESTI" repeated alternately upright and inverted. Lettering: EESTI O EESTI O Translation: * Estonia * Estonia * Mint Mint of Finland (Suomen Rahapaja), Vantaa, Finland (1988-date) Comments The total mintage of 1,317,800 coins is symbolical for the Estonian population, one coin for every Estonian. See also ¿Qué valor tienen las monedas de 2 euro? El precio oscila entre los 1,68€ y 5,00€ dependiendo del estado de conservación. Te ofrecemos los todos los precios de esta moneda en la siguiente lista.

2 euros commémorative ESTONIE 2017 L'Estonie vers l'Indépendance

Close to the edge of the inner ring the country name 'EESTI' at the left, the year of issuance '2021' at the right and the text 'CANIS LUPUS' (the wolf in Latin) at the top are depicted. The coin's outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag. Script: Latin Lettering: CANIS LUPUS EESTI 2021 Designer: Maria Meos Reverse The two-euro coin issued by Eesti Pank to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Society of Estonian Literati Designer: Riho Luuse Mintage:. Designer: Daria Titova Mintage: 2 000 000 Date of issue: 29.11.2022. Estonian national bird, barn swallow ON SALE. Designer Kaupo Kangro Mintage 1 000 000 Date of issue: 12.05.2023. To commemorate that 100 years ago Estonia first became independent it was decided to issue this special 2 Euro coin. On the face of the coin is a branch with many leaves, this shows the bloom of Estonia after the bloody period. Within this branch are the words "Tartu Rahu" (Tartu Peace Treaty). At the bottom of the coin is the country name. EESTI 2021 FENNO-UGRIA Designers: Al Paldrok, Madis Põldsaar Reverse A geographical map of Western Europe spans the outer ring and inner core on the right side of the coin. The inscription 2 EURO is superimposed over the map of Europe, with the numeral "2" located in an open field representing the eastern Atlantic Ocean.

2 Euro Kursmünze Estland 2011 Münzhandel Ortner, 8,90

2 Euro 2nd map © gef Features Obverse A silhouette map of Estonia with the year above and the country name below and twelve five-pointed stars around the rim representing the European Union Script: Latin Lettering: 2011 EESTI Translation: 2011 Estonia Engraver: L. Lõhmus Reverse Ajavahemikul 2022-2024 lastakse seetõttu igal aastal käibele 2-eurone mälestusmünt, mille rahvuslikul küljel kujutatakse Prantsusmaa ja Pariisi kultuuripärandi kaudu olümpiamänge. Mündil on kujutatud Prantsusmaa ja tema numismaatika sümbolit geeniust heitmas vanamoelisel viisil ketast nagu antiikaja olümpiamängudel. 2 EURO LL Engraver: Luc Luycx Edge "O" and "EESTI" repeated alternately upright and inverted. Lettering: EESTI O EESTI O Translation: Estonia Estonia © Cyrillius Mint Kremnica, Slovakia (1328-date) Comments Date of issue: 29.05.2019 Kirjeldus: Eesti ja Nõukogude Liitu kuuluv Venemaa allkirjastasid lepingu 2. veebruaril 1920, millega määrati kindlaks Eesti idapiir ja lõppes iseseisvussõda. Mündil on kujutatud puud, mille okste varjus on sõnad „TARTU RAHU". Samuti on mündil riigi nimi „EESTI" ja käibelelaskmise kuupäev 2. veebruar 2020.

ESTONIA 2 Euro EESTI 2011 Vanda feu_244657 Euro coins

Catalogue of all 2 Euro Commemorative Estonia with pictures and value. All Estonia's rarest and most quoted Estonian commemorative 2 euro coins.. At the top is the inscription "EESTI" while at the bottom the dates "2002 - 2012". All around are other elements that reinforce this very concept. We have, for example, the ship. 2-eurosed mälestusmündid kehtivad seadusliku maksevahendina kogu euroalal. See tähendab, et neid võib kasutada ja tuleb vastu võtta nagu kõiki muid euromünte. Enamik münte on pühendatud ajaloolistele sündmustele või juhivad tähelepanu aktuaalsetele kultuurilise tähtsusega sündmustele. Näiteks esimese 2-eurose mälestusmündi. Worth - Estonia 2 euro 2020, 100th Anniversary - Treaty of Tartu in the coin catalog at - International Catalog of World Coins. 2 euros Estonia 2023 - Golondrina [Ficha Completa] - ColeMone ESTONIA 2023 La Golondrina Ahumada, Pájaro Nacional Moneda sin apadrinar: ¡Apadrínala aquí! Esta información es provisional y puede estar sujeta a cambios. KM# No asignado | Valor SC: No emitida País: Estonia | Año: 2023 Serie: Símbolos Nacionales de Estonia 2/??

Todas las Monedas de 2 Euros Conmemorativas de Estonia Numismatica Visual

2018. 500,000 pieces. -. View. 2 euros - Estonia's road to independence. The coin marka the 100 years of the events that preceded Estonia's independence. The design of the coin dedicated to the events that preceded the independence of Estonia and shows oak leaves, bare oak branches and the sinuous trunk of an oak. The Bank of Estonia (Eesti Pank) plans to put into circulation a €2 coin dedicated to Ukraine and freedom. It was designed by a young Ukrainian refugee studying at the Estonian Academy of Arts. The coin should be in circulation by the end of this year. The income from the sale of the €2 coins will be donated to the Ukrainian Central Bank.