Flower Festival in Girona Temps de Flors, Spain. 2018 3333583 Stock Photo at Vecteezy

Temps de Flors (translated as Flower's Time) is a flower exhibition celebrated annually in Girona since 1954. During the nine days that the festival lasts, Girona is most colourful than ever! Throughout the city, and especially in the historic district, you can find monuments, streets, and courtyards decorated with superb floral arrangements. Spain. Girona is well-known as "The City of Festivals," but it is without a doubt the Temps de Flors (the Flower Festival) is the brightest of them all. What started as a small flower show and competition over 50 years ago is now one of the biggest and best festivals in Spain. Girona has made it modern, colorful, and creative.

Girona's Fantastic Flower Festival the Temps de Flors Adventures in CultureAdventures in Culture

Girona, Temps de Flors 2023 28/04/23 | From 13th to 21th of May. Girona receives spring with the Girona Flower Festival (Girona Temps de Flors) undoubtedly the most international city event, with embellishment and floral art installations in monuments, courtyards and gardens around the city. The Girona, temps de flors (flower season) show is held every year in Girona's Barri Vell neighbourhood, filling the city with plants and spectacular floral displays for a few days. This floral exhibition converts different monuments, courtyards and urban locations into unique ornamental gardens. Notícies S'obre la convocatòria per seleccionar els projectes de la 69a edició de Girona, Temps de Flors dijous 5 d'octubre de 2023 Lola Casademunt, Perfumeria Xaloc i Manicura 24 guanyen els primers premis del 19è Concurs d'Aparadorisme i Decoració Interior dimarts 23 de maig de 2023 Each spring, during the 2nd week of May, the streets of Girona fill with colour as the city hosts it's annual flower festival Girona Temps de Flors. The festival takes place in the historic city centre and medieval Jewish quarter El Call Jueu.

Girona Temps de Flors Flower Festival

Girona Temps de Flors happens every year in May, to celebrate Spring. The Festival has become so popular that it now lasts 9 days, including two weekends. In 2020, the beautiful Temps de Flors will take place from May 9th to May 17th. Mark the dates in your calendar, since this is one of the most spectacular Spring events in all of Spain. Temps de Flors will celebrate the 67th edition of the flower festival this 2022 and will leave behind the Covid-19 restrictions in place last year. In 2021, Girona celebrated the "Temps de Flors, a cel obert," as it all happened outdoors, and in 2020 the event was canceled because of the lockdown. At Girona's flower festival, instead of sitting on the street watching all of the floats go by, the city itself is the spectacle. Visitors walk around the narrow streets and alleys trying to find as many displays as possible. The arrangements in Girona are displays of creative scenes, from gnomes taking a selfie to jellyfish floating in the sea. La muestra Girona, temps de flors, que se celebra todos los años, tiene lugar en el Barri Vell de Girona, y hace que, durante unos días, la ciudad se llene de plantas y de espectaculares espacios florales. Esta exposición de flores convierte en singulares jardines ornamentales los distintos monumentos, patios y rincones urbanos.

Cataluña las 10 fiestas y festivales a los que no debes faltar

Inaugurada el domingo 13 de mayo, la fiesta « Girona, Temps de Flors 2023 » sorprende en cada edición decorando los rincones más emblemáticos de la ciudad. Con tres rutas principales propone un paseo histórico y cultural por sus calles, monumentos y rincones, cubiertos durante los días de la celebración por colores y aromas. La 68 edición de la fiesta Temps de Flors, una exhibición de flores y plantas en jardines, calles y monumentos, regresa en 2023, llenando Girona con su esencia de deleite primaveral y en contacto con la naturaleza. One of the biggest events in the city of Girona takes place during the 2nd week of May: the Girona flower festival "Girona, Temps de Flors".During these days of spring, some of the most iconic spots in the city are decorated with flowers, and the city looks even more beautiful! I invite you to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the 67th Temps de Flors (flower season) festival in Girona.Temps de Flors (or tiempo de flores in spani.

Festival De Flores En Girona, España Fotografía editorial Imagen de exterior, acontecimiento

Girona, Temps de Flors celebrará del 13 al 21 de mayo su 68ª edición con 126 proyectos florales repartidos en 106 espacios. Este 2023 la muestra llegará a trece barrios y se podrá visitar todos los días desde las 10.00h hasta las 22.00h, un horario que se alargará hasta las 12.00h los dos sábados y el miércoles 17 de mayo. Temps de Flors se celebrará entre el 11 y 19 de mayo de 2024. El Ayuntamiento de Girona se complace en anunciar la 69ª edición de "Temps de Flors". La Exposición de Flores, Patios y Jardines que iluminará la ciudad con la belleza efímera de la primavera.