Fossar de la Pedrera Arquitectura Catalana .Cat

The Fossar de la Pedrera (lit. Cemetery of the Quarry) is located on Montjuïc hill in the Sants-Montjuïc district of Barcelona. Forming part of the Montjuïc Cemetery, it was used as a mass grave for 4,000 victims of Spain 's White Terror. [1] There is now a memorial on the site. [2] [3] El Fossar de la Pedrera (en español Fosal de la Cantera) se encuentra en la montaña de Montjuic, en el distrito de Sants-Montjuic de Barcelona. Forma parte del Cementerio de Montjuic, y fue utilizado como fosa común para 4 000 víctimas de la represión franquista .

Fossar de la Pedrera Arquitectura Catalana .Cat

A Mass Grave Difficult to get to and visited by very few Barcelona residents, let alone tourists, the Fossar de la Pedrera (the Mass Grave of the Quarry) is a peaceful and strangely beautiful place, concealed from the rest of Montjuïc and the cemetery by cliffs formed by quarrying. The Fossar de la Pedrera is full of untold stories. The woman with flowers turns out to be the granddaughter of Eudald Coma Gironella, a Republican justice of the peace from the small town of Sant. The Fossar de la Pedrera (the Quarry Graveyard), part of Barcelona's Montjuïc Cemetery, is the largest mass grave of victims of Francisco Franco's repression in Catalonia.Nobody knows how many bodies are buried here, which could be as much as 15 metres deep. It is said that the corpses of those executed under Spain's long 20th century dictatorship were deposited here using a kind of a chute. The Fossar de la Pedrera in Montjuïc Cemetery is a memorial space for people who were killed during the Spanish Civil War. This is a unique space that Cementiris de Barcelona wants to show to all the citizens by organizing free guided tours.

Fossar de la Pedrera Arquitectura Catalana .Cat

El Fossar de la Pedrera (the Grave of the Quarry) lies in a hidden corner of Montjuic cemetery. It was used as a common grave for 4,000 people executed by the Franco regime, particularly during the 1940s. Today, it is rather sad but moving space, concealed from the rest of Montjuic and the cemetery by cliffs formed by 19th century quarrying. The Fossar de la Pedrera is a strong depression of the Montjuïc Mountain that results from the exploitation of an old stone extraction. The depression was used as a mass grave, and the bodies of those who died in circumstances of imprisonment and persecution were buried there. It is, therefore,. Information. The mass grave of the Cemetery of Montjuïc, known as Fossar de la Pedrera, operated as such until 1979. Thanks to an initiative by l'Associació Pro-Memòria als Immolats per la Llibertat a Catalunya, the City Council of Barcelona and the Government of Catalonia dignified this space through a memorial project carried out by the architect Beth Galí, which was officially opened on. The Fossar de la Pedrera is located on Montjuïc hill in the Sants-Montjuïc district of Barcelona. Forming part of the Montjuïc Cemetery, it was used as a mass.

El Fossar de la Pedrera NacióDigital

La Pedrera 1.32 MILES In the top tier of Gaudí's achievements, this madcap Unesco-listed masterpiece, with 33 balconies, was built in 1905-10 as a combined apartment and office… Fossar de la Pedrera, al cementiri de Montjuïc. Carles Ribas Mar Padilla Nov 01, 2022 - 07:13 EDT Hi ha un fil invisible que dibuixa la història contemporània en el paisatge quotidià de. Fossar de la Pedrera Vista general del Fossar de la Pedrera © Generalitat de Catalunya / Dídac Ramírez Combalia Fossa comuna, i actualment monument commemoratiu, del cementiri de Montjuïc (Barcelona), on són enterrades unes 4.000 víctimes de la repressió franquista. El Fossar de la Pedrera es una fuerte depresión de la Montaña de Montjuïc consecuencia de la explotación de una antigua extracción de piedra. La depresión se utilizó como foso común y, por lo tanto, fueron enterrados los cuerpos de quienes murieron en circunstancias de encarcelamiento y.

El Fossar de la Pedrera

El Fossar de la Pedrera és una forta depressió de la Muntanya de Montjuïc conseqüència de l'explotació d'una antiga extracció de pedra. La depressió és va utilitzar com a fossar comú i, per tant hi foren enterrats els cossos dels que moriren en circumstancies d'empresonament i persecució. És,. El Fossar de la Pedrera és un indret del cementiri de Montjuïc que fou utilitzat de tomba comuna per a 4.000 víctimes de la repressió franquista .