Pin en Catalan Cava Sparkling wine by Smart Gourmet

Bodegas Trobat Cava Gran Amat Brut Nature Spain · Cava · Bodegas Trobat · Sparkling wine · Blend 3.3 212 ratings Add to Wishlist A Sparkling wine from Cava, Spain. Made from Macabeo, Xarel-lo, Parellada. See reviews and pricing for this wine. Bodegas Trobat Gran Amat Brut Nature Cava Catalonia, Spain Most Recent Global Avg Price (ex-tax) $ 5 / 750ml From July 2019 Sparkling - Fresh and Youthful 89 / 100 from 1 Critic Review Prices Profile Reviews Vintages Analytics Shop Location All countries Currency & Price USD (US Dollar) Inc. tax Ex. tax Offer type Retail Producer Auction By Request

CAVA BRUT NATURE GRAN AMAT 75 cl. caja 6 ud.

The Cava Gran Amat Brut Nature of Winery Bodegas Trobat is a sparkling wine from the region of Cava. This wine is a blend of 2 varietals which are the Parellada and the Xarello. Home; Wines by region. Wine-producing countries Argentina Australia Austria Canada Chile Czech Republic France Germany Italy New Zealand Portugal South Africa Spain. Showing 'Grand Amat Brut Nature Cava' search results. Find who stocks this wine, and at what price. Bodegas Trobat Cava Gran Amat Brut Nature España · Cava · Bodegas Trobat · Vino espumoso · Mezcla 3,3 216 valoraciones Añadir a la lista de deseos Un Vino espumoso de Cava, España. Hecho con Macabeo, Xarel-lo, Parellada. Ve las reseñas y los precios de este vino. Cava Brut Nature Cava 11,5 % 4-6 ºC Gran Amat Resultat d'un procés d'elaboració i acurat envelliment amb una criança de 12 mesos a les nostres caves seguint rigorosament el mètode tradicional. Macabeu, Xarel·lo i Parellada. Atractiu color groc llimona. Gustós, fresc i correcta acidesa. Ideal per a acompanyar tot tipus d'entrants, peix o carn.


Placa amb faldó i contorn, verd oliva. Faldó: text taronja, rivetat de negre. Centre: text, "2018" lila, rivetat de taronja, "ran - mat - brut nature", negre, lletres "G" i "A", taronja i petit text il·legible, sobre fons gris, degradat de clar a més fosc i dues franges verticals, negre. Cava Gran Amat; Cava Gran Amat. Caixa de 6 ampolles 9,63 € Unitat IVA incl. 57,79 € Caixa IVA incl. Afegir al carro. Resultat d'un procés d'elaboració i acurat envelliment amb una criança de 12 mesos a les nostres caves seguint rigorosament el mètode tradicional.. Gran Amat: Tipus: Cava Brut Nature: D.O. Cava: Varietat: Macabeu. Centre: text, "ran - mat i brut nature" de color negre, lletres "G i A" de color taronja, "2016" de color taronja rivetat de negre i petit text il·legible, sobre fons gris, degradat de clar a més fosc i dues franges verticals de color negre.. 2016 Gran Amat brut nature : Back: colorless - there is no color. Loading.. 2004. Gran Reserva minimum of 30 months aging on the lees, vintage dated, and available as Brut Nature, Extra Brut, or Brut only. (similar to Vintage Champagne!. Cava Paraje Calificado minimum of 36 months aging on the lees, vintage dated, and available as Brut Nature, Extra Brut, or Brut only. Additionally, wines must be estate bottled and from qualified single vineyards with vines older than 10 years.

Pin en Catalan Cava Sparkling wine by Smart Gourmet

Caja de 2 botellas Cava Celler Trobat Brut Nature Reserva. Caja de 2 botellas. 22,80 €. Unidad. IVA inc. 45,60 €. Caja. IVA inc. Caja de 1 Botella Cava Celler Trobat Gran Reserva Brut Nature, 1 Botella Cava Rosado. Bodegas Trobat 'Celler Trobat' Brut Nature Reserva Cava, Catalonia, Spain. Cava Blend. 229,835th in popularity $ 10 / 750ml. 89 / 100. Bodegas Trobat Gran Amat Brut Nature Cava, Catalonia, Spain. Cava Blend. 260,178th in popularity. N/A 89 / 100. Bodegas Trobat Roca Brava Negre, Catalonia, Spain. N/A . 303,343rd in popularity $ 4 Nom: Cava Gran Amat Brut Nature Tipus: Brut Nature Denominació d'Origen: Cava. Celler: Bodegas Trobat Raïm: Macabeu, Xarel · lo, Parellada Graduació: 14 º C Capacitat ampolla: 0,75 l Temperatura de servei: 6 º - 7 º C Maridatge: Ideal per prendre com aperitiu. També per prendre amb embotits, arrossos, fideus, carns blanques, postres de cremes suaus i fruites. It offers sparkling wines like Cava Gran Amat Brut Nature. The Bodegas Trobat is a of Spain estate located in Catalogne. It offers sparkling wines like Cava Gran Amat Brut Nature. Home; Wines by region. Wine-producing countries Argentina Australia Austria Canada Chile Czech Republic France Germany Italy New Zealand Portugal South Africa Spain.

CAVA BRUT NATURE GRAN AMAT 75 cl. caja 6 ud.

The Gran Amat Brut Nature was excellent and for only €4 per bottle we were blown away - don't know how they make a profit. Unfortunately no half bottles. They really like their cava cold - 4 to 6°. We then tried their flagship red, Noble Negre '11, a blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, Cabernet Franc and Garnatxa. It was full of. Find the best local price for Bodegas Trobat Gran Amat Brut Nature Cava, Catalonia, Spain. Find and shop from stores and merchants near you.