Practicar el speaking parte 2 de B2 First de Cambridge con imágenes

Download the pictures Pictures to describe Communication Food and drink Relations with other people Travel Education Feelings Obligation Natural world First (FCE) Speaking Part 2 Topics At B2 level you start to see a wider variety of speaking part 2 topics. COMPARAR imágenes en INGLÉS| SPEAKING B2-C1| CAMBRIDGE | | PART II - YouTube © 2023 Google LLC Cómo comparar / describir una imagen (how to compare a picture/photo) de b2/c1 de cambridge.

B2 First Speaking part 2 Aprende inglés gratis

Imágenes para practicar el speaking B2 First de Cambridge - parte 2 del examen. En este post voy a darte ejemplos de la parte 2 del Speaking del examen de B2 FIRST de Cambridge. Son descargables también. Después, te voy a contar algunos trucos importantes para aprobar el examen. Si no sigues mis consejos es muy probable que sacarás una. Speaking Speaking B2 First (FCE): Guía Completa con Ejemplos Luis @ KSE Academy julio 10, 2019 El Speaking B2 First es el examen de Speaking de nivel B2 de Cambridge Assessment English, y es una de las 5 partes que conforman el examen B2 First, anteriormente llamado First Certificate in English (FCE). Learn to COMPARE 2 pictures in English: Pass your B2 speaking test: FCE Speaking Part 2; Aptis Speaking Part 3 These videos could help you pass your exam:Des. Speaking B2 speaking B2 speaking Are you a learner at B2 English level (upper intermediate)? This section offers speaking practice to help you learn and practise useful phrases that will help you to speak English clearly and effectively.

Speaking B2 First (FCE) Guía Completa con Ejemplos KSE Academy

b, c. Transcript. Student In both photos, you can see a group of fans.In the first photo, the fans are waiting for the celebrities to arrive, whereas in the second photo, the celebrity must be there already. B2 speaking B2 speaking. Are you an upper intermediate (CEFR level B2) learner of English? Practise your speaking with these interactive videos. Choose a lesson. An interview. Jack's applying to university to train as a PE (physical education) teacher. How do you think the interview goes? In the rest of this lesson, you are going to develop your speaking skills for part of the B2 First for Schools Speaking test which involves a similar task with two pictures. Now you have tried a basic version of this task, think about the following questions: 1. Were you able to speak for one minute? Did you pause or repeat yourself? FCE (B2) PET (B1) KET (A2) Reading & Use of English (140) Writing (40) Listening (81) Speaking (60) Part 1 (20) Exercise 1. Exercise 2. Exercise 3. Exercise 4. Exercise 5. Exercise 6. Exercise 7. Exercise 8. Exercise 9. Exercise 10. Exercise 11. Exercise 12. Exercise 13. Exercise 14. Exercise 15.

Practicar el speaking parte 2 de B2 First de Cambridge con imágenes

Explicamos como hacer la segunda parte del B2 speaking test y como hablar de las fotos en 3 pasos faciles. Compra el curso entero aquÍ: B2 First Speaking Part 2 . Teacher's notes . Aims of the lesson . to give students an overview of Part 2 (the long turn) of the Speaking paper and to provide them with some controlled practice . Time needed . 40-60 minutes . Materials required . Student's worksheet . Speaking part 1 En el FCE Speaking part 1, tendrás que responder algunas preguntas sobre ti, incluyendo información sobre tus intereses, estudios, carrera, etc. Esta interacción durará 01 o 02 minutos. A continuación, te presentamos cuatro preguntas a manera de ejemplo: Do you like to cook? Why or why not? B2 First Speaking Part 1 . Teacher's notes . Aims of the lesson . to give students an overview of Part 1of the B2 First Speaking paper, the topic areas and types of questions they may be asked, as well as introducing some strategies they can use . Time needed . 40-60 minutes .

¿Cómo es el speaking del B2 del Cambridge English (FCE)? Recursos para aprender inglés Blog

One crucial aspect of the speaking paper that you can't afford to overlook is your long turn in the Speaking Part 2 of each of the above-mentioned Cambridge exams. In the B1 Preliminary, we start simple, describing one photograph. In the B2 First, things go slightly more difficult. You must compare two photographs and answer a printed question. 1. The chatterbox. Bring some pictures to class (or use any from your picture file, today's news, etc.) and get students in groups of 3 or 4. One person will be the chatterbox, speaking for 1 minute. The rest of the people in the group will have to agree on a question related to the picture that they want the first student to answer.