Dr. Garnier Malet - author of the Doubling Theory of Space and Time The doubling theory provides an equation that allows us to express in rigorous terms the change of perception between two doubled observers existing in two different timescales. This equation is the very foundation of the Doubling Theory. By means of spatial and temporal changes in scale, it brings together the infinitely large universe of the.

" Avant, c'était infernal, invivable

Research Article | September 30 2010 The Doubling Theory: Dark Matter and Dark Energy Finally Explained, Speed of Light and Fine Structure Constant Calculated for the First Time Jean‐Pierre Garnier Malet Author & Article Information AIP Conf. Proc. 1281, 852-855 (2010) https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3498621 Share Tools Far away from cinema! So he declines all the propositions, but he starts his military service in the marines as "3rd class without any spe" in Hourtin, then in Paris. We are doubled in both time and space within the Doubling period. In order to assure our survival, time openings link us to the past as well as the future. To live well, it is necessary to be familiar with them in order to be able to make use of them. Linked to a solar cycle and an essential property of time, doubling makes us live in two. Pierre Garnier Malet Physicist, Author of the Doubling Theory of Space and Time La Teoría del Desdoblamiento del Espacio y del Tiempo Find it out in. www.garnier-malet.com I aim to educate people on a new conception of time, accesible a todos y aprobada científicamente. Jean-Pierre Garnier Malet La Teoría del Desdoblamiento del Espacio y Tiempo

2017.08.18 Décès de JeanPierre MALET Mémoire de Bouliste Saintais

In 1966 Jean-Pierre Garnier Malet, a young student of physics, surprised the scientific community with the publication of an article for the Paris Academy of Sciences. He made an astonishing discovery related to the properties of time in 1988. His theory about the doubling of time, published between 1998 and 2006, has provided many scientific. In 1966 Jean-Pierre Garnier Malet, a young student of physics, surprised the scientific community with the publication of an article for the Paris Academy of Sciences. He made an astonishing discovery related to the properties of time in 1988. His theory about the doubling of time, published between 1998 and 2006, has provided many scientific. In 1966 Jean-Pierre Garnier Malet, a young student of physics, surprised the scientific community with the publication of an article for the Paris Academy of Sciences. He made an astonishing discovery related to the properties of time in 1988. In 1966 Jean-Pierre Garnier Malet, a young student of physics, surprised the scientific community with the publication of an article for the Paris Academy of Sciences. He made an astonishing discovery related to the properties of time in 1988. His theory about the doubling of time, published between 1998 and 2006, has provided many scientific.

Uakix JeanPierre Garnier Malet, autor de la teoría del desdoblamiento del espacio y del tiempo

Jean‐Pierre Garnier Malet Abstract Developed in previous papers [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], the "doubling" (of space and time) theory uses finite horizons of several virtual space‐times which are. Jean-Pierre Garnier Malet's Doubling Theory has been published in four successive scientific articles under international scientific arbitration: J. P. Garnier-Malet (1998), Modelling and Computing of Anticipatory System: Application to the Solar System, International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems. Jean Pierre Garnier Malet, né en 1940 en France dans la Vienne. Physicien (Doctorat de mécanique des fluides), auteur de la théorie du dédoublement de l'espace et du temps (The Doubling Theory, 1988). Voir la biographie L'infiniment grand rejoint l'infiniment petit, tout devient compréhensible par :Le passé, le présent, le futur…Il était temps ! Jean Pierre Garnier Malet, né en 1940 en France, dans la Vienne. Physicien (Doctorat de mécanique des fluides) : auteur de la Théorie du Dédoublement de l'Espace et du Temps (The Doubling Theory, 1988). Une scolarité forcée… Très bon élève, il est admis à Centrale mais y renonce, voulant s'adonner à sa passion première : le cinéma.


This is the Doubling Theory stated by Jean Pierre Garnier Malet. This law claims that human beings live between real and quantum time. The latter with infinite and almost imperceptible potential states, transmit the best of oneself to real-time. This is basically what we see in the Netflix series Dark. La teoría del desdoblamiento del tiempo abordada en una profunda entrevista de Proyecto LibreMente por su creador, Jean Pierre Garnier Malet. Registrada en B.