Alta Ruta de los Perdidos

Alta Ruta de los Perdidos Recorre dos grandes leyendas de piedra en el pirineo central, Monte perdido y Vignemale. Trekking entre los 9 refugios, DE LOS DOS PARQUES NACIONALES bastante exigente, de alta montaña, en el que se recomienda experiencia previa. The ALTA RUTA DE LOS PERDIDOS is a demanding high mountain trek; it is recommended to have prior experience in similar activities. It is the trekking of the Pyrenees par excellence. Change of landscapes in each stage, impressive mountains with stories of great mountaneers on both sides of the border, the southernmost glaciers in Europe that.


The Travesía de la Alta Ruta de los Perdidos is a multi-day loop route divided into 6 stages, which can be done at different paces and starting from different starting points. It joins in a single route two of the great massifs of the Pyrenees: Monte Perdido and Vignemale. Qué es la Alta Ruta de los Perdidos Se trata de una ruta de trekking circular alrededor de los macizos del Monte Perdido y el Vignemale, a través del Parque nacional de Ordesa y Monte Perdido, así como del francés Parque Nacional de los Pirineos, en la zona central pirenaica. The "Alta Ruta de los Perdidos" is a project that originates firstly to ancient herdsmen & in recent times to the ranger of the Bujaruelo mountain. It connects the livestock valley of Ara, uniting it with routes to two of the great massifs of the Pyrenees, Monte Perdido and Vignemale. The route is 100 km and has 7,000 meters of cumulative gain. En los Pirineos, una de las rutas más impresionantes que cabe realizar tiene nombre desde hace unos años: la Alta Ruta de los Perdidos, un viaje circular a caballo entre el norte y el sur de la.

Alta ruta de los Perdidos Cima Norte, Guía del Pirineo

The Travesía de la Alta Ruta de los Perdidos is a circular route of several days, which can be done at different paces and starting from different starting points. It unites in a single route two of the great massifs of the Pyrenees: Monte Perdido and Vignemale. This adventure takes you through spectacular mountains, glacial cirques and beautiful valleys. This list contains the 6 stages with. Perdidos Alta Ruta. It crosses two great legends of stone in the central Pyrenees, Monte Perdido and Vignemale.Trekking between the 9 refuges, OF THE TWO NATIONAL PARKS, quite demanding, high mountain, in which previous experience is recommended.Choose the route between the shelters that best suit your needs, and if you have questions a technician will contact you. Stage 1: Valle de Ara to Vignemale's north face From the Bujaruelo refuge cross the Romanic bridge over the river Ara and walk along the valley of the same name until the final cirque. At the cirque, which is the source of the river Ara, take the path which climbs up to the Collado de los Mulos. Alta Ruta en tu territorio Experience and Curriculum The person who is contracting this route is aware that it is a high mountain itinerary, and as such it has mountain passes that exceed 2500 metres, in which the use of technical material such as crampons and ice axes is often required.

Alta Ruta de los Perdidos

La Travesía de la Alta Ruta de los Perdidos es una travesía circular que recorre 6 refugios (3 en el Pirineo Aragonés y 3 en el Pirineo Francés). Es una ruta única que recorre 2 de los grandes macizos del Pirineo: El de Monte Perdido y el del Vignemale. Depart from Oulettes towards the Collado de los Mulos mountain pass. Descend from there following the red and white marks that correspond to the Haute Randonnée Pyrénéenne route. After a while, leave the marks behind to head towards the Valle del Ara on a trail that after a long and gradual descent, will lead you to Bujaruelo's Romanesque. L'Alta Ruta de los Perdidos est une boucle qui traverse les deux chaînes mythiques des Pyrénées que sont le massif du Mont-Perdu et le massif du Vignemale. L'itinéraire ne comporte aucune difficulté technique mais nécessite une bonne condition physique. La Alta Ruta de los Perdidos, es un travesía por etapas que transcurre entre el Parque Nacional de Ordesa y Monte Perdido (vertiente española) y el Parque Nacional de los Pirineos (vertiente francesa).

La Alta Ruta de los Perdidos Senderismo Trekking

Perdidos Alta Ruta. It crosses two great legends of stone in the central Pyrenees, Monte Perdido and Vignemale.Trekking between the 9 refuges, OF THE TWO NATIONAL PARKS quite demanding, high mountain, in which previous experience is recommended.Choose the route between the shelters that best suit your needs, and if you have questions a technician will contact you. La Alta Ruta de los Perdidos consta de 6 etapas. A lo largo de las cuales podremos recorrer impresionantes cascadas, glaciares supervivientes, ríos salvajes y macizos de en sueño. Además, y como guinda del pastel, atravesaremos la legendaria Brecha de Roldán, el imponente circo de Gavarnie y podremos contemplar macizos tan míticos como.