Manuel Merillas y Sheila Avilés brillan en la OCC (UTMB) Corriendo Voy

Manu Merillas, corredor de montaña, que se lesiona en el Aquiles y harto de todo se va con su caravana a vivir a un pueblo semiabandonado, La Cueta, en León, a 1.460 metros de. Escuchar a Manuel Merillas durante cinco minutos y no querer irte al monte a vivir en una cabaña como un eremita es imposible. El leonés campeón del mundo de skyrunning en 2021 vive en La Cueta.

Azara García y Manu Merillas, una pareja de campeonato

Manuel Merillas: "correr en pareja es lo mejor para que ésta funcione". Marc Cornet. el 15 junio 2016 a las 9:47 am. Manuel Merillas y Azara García, que tienen previsto casarse en breve, se coronaron, tras vencer en el Maratón Alpino Madrileño, como campeones de España de Carreras de Montaña 2016 en categoría masculina y femenina. Manuel Merillas and Daniela Oemus claimed wins at the iconic Zegama-Aizkorri in the Basque Country of Spain.. Spaniard Merillas, who won last year's UTMB OCC, produced a late surge to snatch victory in the men's edition of the 42km ultra in the Aizkorri-Aratz Natural Park.. It was his first triumph at Zegama-Aizkorri, with his previous six attempts bringing two podiums and a further three. Manuel Merillas tras llegar a la meta y ganar la Zegama-Aizkorri. The Adventure Bakery. Y lo sostiene diciendo que no arriesga más de la cuenta en las bajadas, el fuerte de un atleta que sufre en. I am a mountain man who loves to run as fast as I can. The day I am not at peace, it will be because I am no longer myself." Manuel Merillas, the new SCARPA team athlete, talks about his passion for uncontaminated nature and his adrenaline for the most majestic peaks.

Manuel Merillas y Wilfrid Jumere los más rápidos hoy en la Travesía Andrés de Régil 2018

78K Followers, 928 Following, 982 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Manuel Merillas (@manuel_merillas) This 2021 Merillas has surpassed itself in several sections, within the mountain races. The most outstanding, without a doubt, that new U10h record in Travesera de Picos on the one hand. And the world gold in the skyrace mode so recent. Now therefore, turn for the more alpine version of Manuel Merillas in the Matterhorn. It passes in the lead after the first 2h0643s but apemas to 12s arrives Manuel Merillas. The next big climb will dictate judgment… After 2h45m of race, Manuel launches to climb with the canes and manages to pick up in the climb towards the Port de la Gelada to the Japanese. He goes with enormous force on the ramps towards the final stretch of. Manuel Merillas (Valseco, León, 32 years old) arrives in Canazei, in the heart of the Dolomites, after a 36-hour journey by van from León. With him goes Zar,

Manuel Merillas y Fran Piñera completan el Anillo de Picos de Europa invernal en 32h50

Entrevista con Manuel Merillas, favorito a llevarse el triunfo en Penyagolosa Trails 2022, en la modalidad de la Marato i Mitja, Campeonato de España Ultra. Manuel Merillas, crowned king of the mud . What an edition this Zegama has been! After an unusually hot, dry early May, it was the rain and cold that swept through on race day in the Spanish Basque country for the first race of the GTWS season. Gusts of wind hitting 50km/h and minus temperatures at the summit prompted the organisers. Manuel Merillas approached Mont Blanc from the Italian town of Courmayeur and followed the Via Ratti route to the summit. Philip Willan, Rome. Saturday August 14 2021, 12.01am, The Times. The ninth stage of the 2023 Skyrunner World Series delighted fans and spectators with an unpredictable and exciting race. Manuel Merillas of Spain and dark horse, Anastasia Rubtsova of Russia, claimed victories at the Matterhorn Ultraks « EXTREME ». The sun shone on the town of Zermatt this morning where athletes of over 30 nationalities toed.

Zaid Ait Malek y Manuel Merillas, unidos por la montaña

OCC - Men's results: Manuel Merillas (Spain) - 5:18:29. Antonio Martínez (Spain) - 5:21:01. Robbie Simpson (United Kingdom) - 5:24:00. According to Le Dauphine, the French runners signed a nice group shot at the foot of the podium with fourth place for Arnaud Bonin, followed by Paul Mathou (5th), Nicolas Martin (6th, winner of the first OCC in. A record that seemed unbeatable until Manuel Merillas, a Spanish athlete born in 1991 and a member of the SCARPA team, put it in his sights. Wearing the Golden Gate Kima RT, the shoes with the carbon fibre plate immersed in the sole and capable of saving 2% of the athletes' energy, he ran at breakneck speed between rocks and ropes at a monstrous average of 7'55" per kilometre, after having set.