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Star Wars Galaxy Map - Explore the Galaxy Far, Far Away The Galaxy Far, Far Away: Units are measured in parsecs. Each grid square is 1500 parsecs on a side. Star Wars is a trademark and copyright of Lucasfilm and Disney. Map created by Henry Bernberg in CARTO 11 Title s Series The Imperial Era 1 Title Series The Rebellion 3 Title s Series The First Order 3 Title s A map visualizer for the various character journeys in the Star Wars galaxy

Extremely Detailed Map of the Star Wars Galaxy MightyMega

Explore the worlds and systems of Star Wars, from the icy tundra of Hoth to the deserts of Tattooine, in this interactive experience built by nclud. Star Wars series; Shadows of Starlight; The High Republic (2023) The High Republic Adventures (2023) Mace Windu; Obi-Wan Kenobi; Future novels. The Living Force;. Images from the Star Wars Galaxy Map. Map: Map of the galaxy. Edit Edit source View history Talk (0) A map of the galaxy far, far away… Categories Categories: Interactive Maps. The Star Wars Galaxy Map Explained. The standard Star Wars galaxy map is divided into several sectors, sweeping out from the Galactic Core, which is the birthplace of galactic civilization. Most travel and trade takes place via specific hyperspace lanes - preprogrammed routes where there are no gravitic anomalies to drag a ship out of hyperspace. This article is about the galaxy . You may be looking for the magazine Star Wars Galaxy or other galaxies. view image The galaxy Astrographical information Total stars Over 400 billion (estimated) Total star systems 180 billion (3.2 billion habitable) Size Around 120,000 light-years Galactic arms Tingel Arm Dwarf satellite galaxies Rishi Maze

A Canon galaxy map I made, by taking the new "Map of the Stars" and lining it up over the Clone

Interactive map of the Star Wars galaxy. Ruta Comercial Rimma Vía Hydiana [Fuente] «He recorrido de un extremo al otro esta galaxia. He visto cosas extrañas […]» A Tour of the Star Wars Galaxy Harness the power of maps to tell stories that matter. ArcGIS StoryMaps has everything you need to create remarkable stories that give your maps meaning. El mapa más actualizado de Star Wars Preparado para ser lanzado el próximo 23 de junio del 2020, Star Wars Galaxy's Edge: Traveler's Guide to Batuu es un nuevo libro sobre la Guerra de las Galaxias escrito por Cole Horton y publicado por Becker&Mayer!

View Star Wars Galaxy Map High Res Background

Star Wars canon astrography Map of the Star Wars galaxy (Legends). The Star Wars galaxy contains several broad sub-regions. Their exact definitions fluctuated somewhat during the Legends continuity, but were later formally updated by the new canon continuity when Disney purchased Lucasfilm. The new canon map is broadly similar to the later versions of the Legends galactic map. For argument, there are two distinct phases for Star Wars lore. Let's call them "Before Cash-Out," or B.C., and "After Disney," or A.D. When George Lucas owned the property from roughly 1977-2012 B.C., the Expanded Universe was cobbled together using a galaxy immortalized in Episodes I-VI, the multi-media Shadows of the Empire event, the Ewok Adventures films, Droids and Ewoks cartoons, and. El mapa de la galaxia de Star Wars. Por @Alvy — 19 de Junio de 2007. En alta resolución, gran detalle y en lo que puede considerarse «versión oficial»: Mapa de la galaxia de Star Wars: Se publicó en el primer número de The Official Star Wars Fact File en 2002 y luego fue republicado en el Star Wars Insider. Toda la galaxia de Star Wars en un sólo mapa en 3D. La imagen de la semana

Mapa da galáxia de Star Wars Momentum Saga

180 Billones Tamaño 120.000 años luz Brazos galácticos Brazo Bakchou Brazo Ettarue Brazo Sur Brazo Tingel Cúmulos globulares 200 Galaxias enanas satélites Laberinto Rishi Compañera Besh Compañera Cresh Compañera Dorn Compañera Esk Compañera Forn Compañera Grek Información social Regiones Núcleo Profundo Mundos del Núcleo Colonias Borde Interior Te mostramos un recorrido por la Galaxia de Star Wars.Conoce de donde vienen: Han Solo, Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, entre muchos otros.Aquí les dejamos el m.