Perla Venata is a Brazilian quartzite in a soft ivory white, mottled with very fine sand-coloured veins. Its natural force is enhanced in this countertop that requires colour contrasts to fully show off its beauty: nothing like a dark grey, petroleum blue or intense chocolate-coloured floor to make its crystalline beauty shimmer. The soft ivory colour of this gleaming and luminous quartzite originating in Brazil is synonymous with unobtrusive, artless elegance that fits into today's domestic spaces in an astonishingly natural way. It was first known as an excellent application for bathroom and kitchen countertops.

Naturamia® Quartzite Perla Venata Critério Favorito

Colores Naturamia® Cuarcitas Perla Venata Sutileza, elegancia y luminosidad, la cuarcita Perla Venata resume la belleza simple y armoniosa de un material que engrandece los espacios. El brillo de espejo y la claridad que destila este modelo de gran limpieza estética dota de luz y delicadeza a cocinas y baños. Best Kitchen & Living Room Ideas You Can Use With Perla Venata Quartzite - YouTube This short video shows you fresh design ideas you can use with Perla Venata quartzite, a natural stone. Perla Venata is a Brazilian quartzite in a soft ivory white, mottled with very fine sand-coloured veins. Its natural force is enhanced in this countertop that requires colour contrasts to fully show off its beauty: nothing like a dark grey, petroleum blue or intense chocolate-coloured floor to make its crystalline beauty shimmer. Perla Venata is a Brazilian quartzite in a soft ivory white, mottled with very fine sand-coloured veins. Its natural force is enhanced in this countertop that requires colour contrasts to fully show off its beauty: nothing like a dark grey, petroleum blue or intense chocolate-coloured floor to make its crystalline beauty shimmer.

PERLA VENATA Natural stone panels from LEVANTINA Architonic

PERLA VENATA NATURAMIA® Collection FICHA TECNICA | TECHNICAL FILE LEVANTINA THE NATURAL STONE COMPANY Open the catalog to page 1 PERLA VENATA PERLA VENATA El suave blanco marfil con sus jaspeadas y finas vetas de color arena potencian su luminosidad, creando una estética limpia y transmitiendo sutileza en los espacios, llenándolos de armonía. The magnificent personality of NATURAMIA® quartzites and their unbeatable technical properties make them the most sought-after and coveted natural stones of the moment. The best option for countertops, tables, interior walls or sinks Description Perla Venata Quartzite A durable stone that provides both outstanding beauty and performance, Perla Venata Quartzite is the perfect alternative to marble and granite. Quarried in Brazil, Perla Venata Quartzite countertops provide a subtle, warm finish to any kitchen. Quartzite Cuarcita Contemporary spaces VERDE LARA NATURAMIA® AMARULA NATURAMIA® PERLA VENATA NATURAMIA® From soft white hues to bluish and aged BELVEDERE NATURAMIA® gold tones, its color range pays homage to nature. Espacios contemporáneos Desde suaves tonos blancos hasta tonalidades azuladas y oro viejo, su gama de colores rinde homenaje.

Encimera de compuesto de cuarzo NATURAMIA® PERLA VENATA Levantina para cocina / de baño

The pureness of Exclusive White Back Levantina Products Naturamia® Quartzites The magnificent personality of NATURAMIA® quartzites and their unbeatable technical properties make them the most sought-after and coveted natural stones of the moment. The best option for countertops, tables, interior walls or sinks. Perla Venata quartzite sums up the simple and harmonious beauty of a material that magnifies the space with subtlety, elegance and luminosity. Also known as Naica and Taj Mahal. Applications Material Quartzite. Sizes LOT #17256 - 130″ x 80″ x 2cm; LOT #17115 - 135″ x 77″ x 2cm; Finishes. 7. Instalación / Installation Una correcta instalación es vital para que el material mantenga su belleza y durabilidad con el paso del tiempo. Para ello, Levantina proporciona Protop, hidrofugante. List of the most-visited products by LEVANTINA. Results: 17. All products of collection NATURAMIA® by LEVANTINA with detailed informations, addresses of retailers, picture galleries and different contact tools.

Perla Venata & muebles de diseño Architonic

NATURAMIA® Collection. Las 6 maravillas de NATURAMIA® Collection Seis piezas de Piedra Natural procedentes de Brasil que marcan la diferencia por su belleza creando espacios exclusivos y originales. Descubre Lennon, Feratto, Cheyenne, Stromboli, Barocco y Lennon Gold. Tratamiento bacteriostático Tratamiento antimanchas Garantía sólo. Perla Venata Quartzite is a natural stone with elegant, creamy white hues and light-brown and golden veins. It has a warm, smooth appearance and a high degree of resistance, making it a popular choice for kitchen worktops and other applications in both residential and commercial properties.