Cattleya Trianae.Orquídea Colombiana. Guía de Cultivo 100 Práctico

Check Out Orchid Cattleya On eBay. Fill Your Cart With Color Today! Desde 1936, la Orquídea ( Cattleya trianae) es reconocida como la flor emblemática de Colombia. Su nombre es un homenaje al botánico Colombiano José Jerónimo Triana y es endémica del alto Magdalena. Entre las distintas especies del género Cattleya, siete son exclusivas de nuestro país, la trianae tiene la mayor diversidad de colores con.

Cattleya Trianae.Orquídea Colombiana. Guía de Cultivo 100 Práctico

La flor de mayo o lirio de mayo ( Cattleya trianae) pertenece a la familia de las orquídeas, es una planta epífita de hojas carnosas, originaria principalmente de Colombia, aunque su distribución llega hasta Ecuador. Ilustración Vista de la planta Flor nacional de Colombia The choice of Cattleya trianae was made for two main reasons: The lip is yellow, blue and red, in the same way as the Colombian flag. The species was named after the 19th century Colombian botanist José Jerónimo Triana. The species grows at 1500-2000 meters above sea level, in Cloud forests. It is an endangered species due to habitat. Colombian Cattleya orchids are among the most sought-after orchids in the world, prized for their large, showy flowers and rich, vibrant colors. Colombia is home to a wide variety of Cattleya orchids, and collectors and growers alike have been drawn to this region for many years. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at the 10 best. Cattleya, the "Queen of Orchids," is a popular variety for both novice and experienced growers. She has a lovely fragrance, expansive blooms, and striking colors. Fortunately for the beginner, Cattleya orchids are also forgiving plants to grow in the home.

Cattleya Flower Colombiana Meaning Orchid Flowers

Cattleya trianae is one such orchid that handles overwatering better than most other orchids. It is quite resistant to root rot. As a basic rule, water your orchid when the top half an inch of soil has dried. Allow the soil mix to dry 60 to 80 percent in between watering, but it should not be completely dry. The Cattleya trianae, also known as the 'Flor de Mayo' or 'Christmas Orchid,' was declared the national flower of Colombia in 1936. This honor was bestowed upon the flower not just for its beauty, but also for what it symbolizes. Cattleya trianae is named after the 19th-century Colombian botanist, Jerónimo Manuel González de la. Cattleya trianae (Lind. & Rchb. fil), also known as Flor de Mayo ('May flower') or 'Christmas orchid', is a plant of the family Orchidaceae. It grows as an epiphytic orchid, with succulent leaves, endemic to Colombia where it was nominated as the national flower in November 1936. That year, the National Academy of History of Argentina asked the Latin American countries to participate in an. Desde 1936, la Orquídea ( Cattleya trianae) es reconocida como la flor emblemática de Colombia. Su nombre es un homenaje al botánico Colombiano José Jerónimo Triana y es endémica del alto Magdalena. Entre las distintas especies del género Cattleya, siete son exclusivas de nuestro país, la trianae tiene la mayor diversidad de colores con.

Todo sobre la Cattleya la reina de las orquídeas

October 6, 2016. Colombia, National Flower, South America. Comments. The Cattleya Trianae orchid, also known the Orquídia Tricolor by Colombians, is a special kind of orchid, named after 19th-century Colombian botanist, Jerónimo Triana. It is the national flower of Colombia. Nombre científico: Orquídea Cattleya Trianae Nombre común: Flor de mayo, lirio de mayo, orquídea colombiana Origen: Colombia Tipo de orquídea: Epífita Floración: Invierno-primavera. Sus flores duran hasta 5 semanas Ubicación: Mucha luz, incluso sol directo, pero no el de medio día Riego: Por observación, cuando el sustrato está seco. The Cattleya orchid is an indigenous species of plant from Brazil. Horticulturist William Cattley is associated with this plant's name for accepting a shipment of this beautiful flower in London in a withering state and nursing it back to health. He further popularized the plant by having it catalogued and published in journals. Las Orquídeas colombianas son una de las floras más importantes para la nación, incluso una especie del género de las Cattleyas pertenece a uno de los símbolos nacionales de Colombia.

Cattleya Flower Colombia

The Cattleya trianae orchid is named after the celebrated Colombian naturalist José Jéronimo Triana (1828-1890). Triana explored large areas of Colombia, cataloging thousands of plant species in his lifetime and investigating what medical properties Colombian plants held, such as quinine, to treat malaria. La Cattleya trianae es una orquídea de hábito epífito (crece sobre los árboles sin alimentarse de éstos), la cual desde 1936, fue seleccionada por la Academia de Historia de Colombia, como el emblema floral del país; aunque no está oficialmente reconocida mediante un decreto o ley.